
Memoirs of the First Lady

[I, Lu Jingxing, will only protect Shen Qing in this life] Lu Jingxing is the ambitious young commander of the Jiangcheng Military District, wielding great power and influence. With his brutal methods, he has risen through the ranks quickly and earned a fearsome reputation. Shen Qing is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng City. As a renowned corporate strategist, she has turned around countless failing companies with her brilliant plans. The two people, who had nothing in common, accidentally ended up having a romantic affair on the balcony overnight. She said angrily: "You are a rapist. I am going to sue you and make you sit in jail." He lightly lit the ashes of his cigarette and said mockingly: "Do you know which way the police station door opens?" On the second day, the city was in a storm. The crown prince of country M and a certain girl had a romantic night on the balcony. On the third day, he appeared in front of her, took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the marriage report, and from then on, everyone respectfully called her Mrs. Lu. [No matter how much I, Lu Jingxing, seek in my life, I will only seek one Shen Qing]

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129 Chs

Chapter 23 Returning

When Shen Nanfeng was ordered to pick them up today, he was thinking that Shen Qing would be furious about this incident. But what shocked him was that Shen Qing went upstairs with a gloomy face, and Lu Jingxing followed. When they came down again, they came holding hands as if they were in harmony. , Shen Qing's face was expressionless and showed no emotion, but Lu Jingxing was indeed like a spring breeze.

He felt a crisis, thinking that Shen Qing would hate this marriage.

Shen Qing really hated this marriage. What he underestimated was Lu Jingxing's methods.

Lu Jingxing was good at using various methods. He knew that Shen Qing had a strong temperament, so he used tactful and roundabout methods to calm her anger towards him. He bowed his head before anything happened and did not confront her head-on.

When they arrived at Shen's house, Shen Linfeng and Tang Wanhou were at the door. When they saw her getting out of the car, they quickly stepped over and held her fair hand, "Your father has been waiting early in the morning."

"It's because we were late." Before Shen Qing could respond, Lu Jingxing calmly freed her hand from Tang Wan's hands, then led her into the house and followed Shen Fenglin. Tang Wan and Shen Fenglin were there. In front, Shen Qing and Lu Jingxing were in the middle, and Shen Nanfeng and Xu Han who were carrying gifts were behind. Shen Nanfeng, who was closely behind, clearly saw Shen Qing take his hand out of his palm, and then rub it on his clothes as if nothing had happened. , seeing this, his frown instantly relaxed, he was very happy, why? Just because Shen Qing and Lu Jingxing were not good, he could be good. At Shen family gatherings, Shen Qing never liked to talk. Shen Fenglin, the head of the Shen family, paid special attention to the family atmosphere and stipulated that everyone should be present at the family banquet every Friday. After she repeatedly violated Shen Fenglin's wishes, she was given a warning and was replaced by the housekeeper every Friday. Qin Yong waited for her to get off work on time, so Zhang Yi often confronted him.

Today's family dinner was mostly filled with Lu Jingxing and Shen Fenglin talking rhetorically. She just stood there with a blank expression and didn't say much until Tang Wan asked softly, "How is life after marriage?"

Hearing this, her lowered eyes were raised like a lazy cat, and she looked at Tang Wan with a faint sneer, "As you think."

Those four short words pushed her into the position of a vicious stepmother. Tang Wan thought that with Lu Jingxing here today, she would be more temperamental, but in fact she was overthinking.

Lu Jingxing's presence or absence had no impact on her at all. When the three men who were originally talking heard her cold tone, they all stopped talking and looked at her. Unexpectedly, she ignored her and just got up and went to the room on the second floor.

Lu Jingxing has already figured out the family atmosphere of the Shen family, but at this moment, what he has to do is not to indulge Shen Qing, but to stand neutral. After all, the Shen family is still useful to him.

"Shen Qing has been in a bad mood recently, so don't take it to heart." Lu Jingxing's words were full of respect. Shen Qing did not regard Tang Wan as his elder, but he did.

She was stunned for a while, and then nodded slowly, a little unbelievable. After all, this man was too good. From the time he came in until now, he spoke and behaved well. Even when he was sitting together and talking, he had a natural aura. momentum. Although he is only in his twenties, his style is better than that of Shen Fenglin, a man in his forties. He is worthy of being the crown prince of the capital. He has the style of a great man and the aura of a person in power.

If time passes, I'm afraid it will be even worse.

Shen Qing had a bad attitude towards her and even sneered at her, but he cleverly resolved it with just one sentence.

When she came down again, Shen Qing looked as calm as ever, looking at a room full of people chatting happily. She felt somewhat like an outsider. Lu Jingxing watched her coming down from the stairs from a distance, stood up gracefully, stretched out his hand to greet her. .

Although Shen Qing did not reach out to meet him, he sat beside him. Seeing this, Shen Nanfeng frowned again.

When the second daughter, Shen Su, came back from school, she started chattering non-stop. She called her brother-in-law very affectionately. Although Lu Jingxing had a plain face, he agreed to every word she said, which seemed to be polite.

"My classmates all say that Qinyuan is the top residence in Jiangcheng, is that true? Brother-in-law," she said with excitement in her eyes. The classmates have been discussing the symbol of Qinyuan in Jiangcheng. In this place where every inch of land is precious, If you can build a garden villa, you don't need to think about it to know that most people can't live in it. That place is not something only those with money can live in, but Shen Qing lived in it.

"Comfort is the most important thing," Lu Jingxing said softly.

"Wow, I'm so envious. Isn't it beautiful inside?" she exclaimed.

"Wait for your sister to take you shopping later when she is not busy," Lu Jingxing replied lightly. To his elders, he was humble and respectful, but to his peers, he was polite and distant, especially women.

With one word, Shen's chattering stopped. Shen Qing was amused. Are you playing with Lu Jingxing? A bit tender.

When Shen Su heard this, he felt embarrassed and obediently stopped talking.

Regarding Qinyuan, Shen Nanfeng, who has witnessed its luxury and majesty, marveled at its unique design and spectacular furnishings. The Chinese-style garden and the towering trees snake from the gate to the main house. After arriving at the main house, the sides are trimmed. The neat garden is pleasing to the eye, and the Chinese-style decoration in the main house is full of grandeur and solemnity. Various flower decorations can soften the rigidity of the Chinese-style decoration and make it look soft.

The key is that the flowers placed in that house are all Shen Qing's favorites.

At the dinner table, Shen Fenglin asked about Shen Qing's recent work situation, and she responded lightly, "It's okay." "When you get married, you have to put your family first," he seemed to be warning her like any other father.

Hearing this, Shen Qing's eyes clearly flashed with coldness.

When you get married, should you put your family first? Why do you ask me for something you can't even do?

"If you have any problems at work, just tell me. If you don't have enough free time in Shengshi, you can come back," Shen Fenglin extended an olive branch to his daughter. There is no need for tit-for-tat at work between father and daughter.

Tang Wan paused for a moment, and the hand holding the chopsticks slowly tightened, and then she heard Shen Qing say, "Whose seat will you take when you come back? Yours? Or Shen Nanfeng's? Or Tang Chao's?"

There was disdain in her words, a slight sneer.

Tang Wan's brother is in the Shen Group, and her son is also in the Shen Group. If she returns to the Shen Group, whose seat will she sit in?

"It is better for children to follow their own wishes when it comes to work. Only when they like things can they be motivated," Tang Wanqing's bright voice sounded. Shen Qing looked at Shen Fenglin and raised the corners of his lips slightly, showing disdain.

Don't make yourself unhappy when Lu Jingxing is here. She will not be discouraged just because Lu Jingxing is here. Most people don't want her to go to the Shen family, just because her existence is a threat to some people, and they wish to stay as far away as possible.

Shen Fenglin only has two children, one is herself and the other is Shen Gu. From now on, his family property will be either hers or Shen Gu's. If she moves into the Shen family now, some people may not be calm. Tang Wan raised his eyes, met Shen Qing's appraising eyes, and then smiled.