
Melting the cold female duke

Synopsis Akira Arcana reincarnated on a body of a child. She grew up as a fine soldier. When she was guarding the bolder, she accidentally killed an elder witch, who cursed her not to feel and give love to others. One night, when she was under the influenced of an alcohol, she barged inside a commoner’s house. Dandelion, a handsome and reserved man happens to own that house. That night, Akira him harassed him merciless and left him alone in the morning. After 5 years, they met, but the girl didn’t remember him, but he won’t forget that night. But he mistakenly falls for her. Will he be able to capture the woman’s heart, despite she can’t feel love or express it? Will they be able to break the curse? ..... “We..ll?” she was amused seeing a handsome man trembling while holding a knife. The drunk person pounce on him like a predator. He tried to hit her but to no veil she easily caught his hand and grip it hard. Hard enough for him to drop the knife. Hmm….. Suddenly the woman kissed him, .... “So, who am I, who are you?” Inquires the girl, who was staring at the man with eyes need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that Lily feels inside. As she mistakenly misunderstood the words of her nemeses that she was his wife. A beautiful mistake that leads to love.

Aconite0 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Melting The Cold Female Duke

Chapter 21

At exactly 5 am in the morning, my personal maid Primrose, woke me up.

"Good morning Akira," My personal maid greeted me cheerfully and pulled the curtains to the side, in order for the sun to greet me openly.

"What the…" I shielded my eyes with my hands from the sunlight.

"Akira, you should get ready. Lexus and your personal knights are waiting at the training ground." she informed me.

Yesterday, Lexus and I had a long chat. I wonder if that man woke up by now and my personal knight?

I squint my eyes and rub my face. After adjusting to the light, I glance around the room, only to spot my personal maid walking towards my closet.

I got up successfully after 5 minutes. My hair was a bird's nest and my clothes are good as a crumbled paper.

When Primrose witnessed the state I'm in, she immediately bombarded me with her lectures.

"Oh, gosh! I need to tidy you up." –She is loud as a trumpet-

"Your clothes is a mess, your hair is about to fly from your head!" Primrose told me exaggeratedly while inspecting my lingerie and hair.

She dragged me to the bathroom, undressed me and placed me inside the bathtub filled with cold water and lavender petals.

I am used being served by her, so I am not ashamed, even a little bit. My body is not that bad, so why would I feel insecure about my figure?

I had a medium sized breast, a full round butt, slim hands and legs. My stomach is flat, therefore I had a classic S figure that every woman would dream of having.

-Urgh, so cold, hmm...today is…- I thought, while curling myself inside the tub.

That's right, today, is the day I will leave the Arcana estate. The estate, I inherited from that nice old Rue.

-I hope the servants here, would be still as loyal as before-

Before, parting with Lexus, I had brief conversation with my most trusted servants. Including my butler, the one who called the rest of servants that mostly served the late landlord.

The headmaid, my personal maid, the leader of my personal knights, the two assassin gardeners, the librarian, the chief, the estates personal doctor and the tower magician, and of course, Lexus, was also called to attend meeting I conducted.

I told them that I would be staying in the kingdom's border for 5 years, and instructed them to inform me about everything that will be occurring inside or outside the estate, within that 5 consecutive years.

They vow to do what I order them and after that they left like a shadows.

-Hayst…I can't take a nice relaxing bath once I'm staying in the border-

-The water is so cold, where's that freaking maid?-

Speaking of the devil, a black haired girl with hazy blue eyes, came in holding a towel.

"Give me the towel." I reach out my hand to receive it, but she turns a blind eye to my order.

This girl, when we are alone, she is so stubborn. But if there are many people, she disguises herself as a lamb and a loyal dog.

However, that is why I can't get angry at her. She amuses me in every way she do, whether be it intelligently or foolishly.

"No, I need to wash your hair first, so stay still and let me do the work." She place the towel on the small table and approach me.

As soon as she is near me, she gently grabs my hair and washes it thoroughly.

I was about to say something to her when she said that it's all done. She then gave me the towel at last.

Now that I finished cleaning myself, I want to wear a comfortable outfit, however, I'm sucks at matching clothes, but luckily, I have a maid for that exhausting job.

It was like the time had stopped ticking, I'm always at loss when Primrose dress me up. It happens so fast that I can only ask, "Is it really done?"

I don't apply makeup, except for special occasion or if I have to meet someone with higher authority than me, then the rest, the heck I don't give a damn.

Primrose braids my hair and coil it around my crown. I like this hairstyle, it is simple and comfortable. I argue with my personal maid many times about my bangs, in the end I give up. She let my bangs cover my forehead, giving me an innocent vibe.

Primrose quickly picked a mirror and showed me my appearance. "Urrg…Is this me?" I point my reflection.

"Yes! I think I'm in love, you're an angel." She squeezed my cheeks. –Seriously? An angel, heck how did I became an angel?-

I slap her hands, and glare. "Get your hands off me."

After giving my threats and warnings to the girl, I went down and eat my breakfast peacefully. Afterward, I and my personal maid headed to the training ground where those maggots were waiting for me patiently.

Minutes later, we finally arrived to our destination. There I saw several black cloak knights with lotus insignia on their hoods they almost looked like assassins, and also the dazzling handsome man that I have been drooling yesterday.

-Uh, I hate it, I'm prone to good looks, tss…- I hate to admit it, but that troublesome prince was right.

They notice my presence and greeted me. The Erebour shadow knights formed a V line starting from the higher rank to lower. They kneel as they gave their greetings together.

While the knights kneel, the dazzling man didn't and he just ignore me.

-His in the mood, but I'm not.-

I turn around, and moves my feet. The gate was not so far away from where we are right now, so I just travel by foot along with the snobbish man.

The knights though are nowhere to be found, but there are just behind me concealing their whole presence. They are invisible, and even Lexus can't distinguish where they are, only I can, because they are already marked by me.

Far away, a carriage with lotus insignia waiting near the gate's entrance can be seen.

As we got nearer, one of the knights guarding the entrance moves toward us.

Before giving a word, he kneel and greeted me. The knight used a different language when he greeted me.

"Fye, flapus kimno, duke Alyssum." [Good morning or I greet you, Duke Alyssum]

My personal knight knew how to speak, write and comprehend the language this knight has spoken fluently.

The knights are intelligent, but they had no elemental magic, only brute force. And I plan it to be like that.

One needs so that he/she can pass being a knight here at my estate are;

1. They should be unable to wield magic

2. Should be fearless and won't hesitate to kill

3. Loyal and intelligent

Male or female, all are welcome as long as they had this quality. Of course, they have to pass my test, whether be it physically or mentally.

You might be surprise, if you are told that all the servants here knew how to kill and deceive someone openly.

But I don't get it, by now they should have grown accustom in serving me. I hate it, when they would just tremble like chicks before me.

I glance down to the man kneeling, he was wearing a silver armor and a helmet. The lotus symbol was nowhere to be found, but I knew it was just hidden in plain sight.

All the servants have been tattooed with that flower on their left arms, testifying that they are my people.

The people living outside my estate had tattoos on their left wrist, every newborn should be marked, that way I can protect them from outsiders, but those people was accustomed to their life here, so it is very unlikely that they will go outside my border.

"Speak." I uttered annoyed.

"Non tukik poblema te ge asnakay, duke" [there's a little problem about your ride, duke]


"What is it?" I scan the carriage up and down, searching where is it.

"Se utaw mebe te sida, na mati se bata din kaya..." Reason the man to me but I cut it off.

-His son died?- "Lexus," I called the snobbish man and turned my head to where he is.

"Yes, master." He replied indifferently, bowing down.

-What's his problem? Tss, nevermind.-

"You'll stay here until I come back." I said while gesturing one of my personal knight to come out.

Swiss… He appeared.

"Fix it,"

Swiss… He disappeared.

"Master, what do you mean?" Lexus asked. I only gave him a fleeting look and didn't answer his question.

He must have comprehend what the message is as his face was as white as snow.

"But…" he tried to reason but I cut him off. "You'll stay here, and that's it!"

After that, I gesture one my invisible personal knights to start moving their feet.

As I walk closer and closer to my ride, Lexus' reasoning keeps on lining after another. After, minutes of walking and listening to the snobbish man's talking, I finally just an inch away from the carriage.

"Master…" I reach the carriage knob, and…


The man keeps on annoying me, so I slams the carriage door to his face.

It seems I got to soft these days, what on earth happened? I'm not like this.

Whenever someone makes a small mistake, I will immediately punish that person for being so incompetent. But I noticed that my patience was improving these last days.

I glance on the ring adoring my fourth finger. It is true that this ring absorbs mana, but only light energy can give me a stable mindset. The rest of the energy being sucked were just there to give me strength and to control my prowess.


-Drive the carriage.- I use telepathy to inform one of my personal knights.

~Eshela Barrium sona~ I chant a well-known spell, one that could protect the user from hearing things that they don't like. But this one is different, it was just merely installed inside the carriage. As you can guess, I don't have elemental power.

I feel something was covering the carriage, a sound proof barrier being activated. This spell was made by my personal magician that resides at the tallest tower of the Arcana estate.

The barrier, drags my mind to the servants serving me. Sure, the mansion would be in turmoil after I leave.

But, I should not worry too much about it.

The servants will inform the mansion's issues to me while I stay on the border, plus my butler Michaelmas was there organizing things.

If something awful would happen, then I will just come back to the estate to sort things up.

My line of thought is interrupted by the carriage movements. I still had a long way to go, in order to reach the kingdom's border to the north side of the Queran's empire, I have to cross cities, towns and villages for 10 days.

(Hi guys! Hope you like this chapter. If you caught some misspelled words, grammar errors, something that confused you, etc. Feel free to comment below. Have fun reading. Wink.)

3477 words

07/13/2022 2:00 pm

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