
Chapter Eighteen: Go With Me

I was frozen on the spot. I couldn't move, only stared at him as he stared at me.

The corner of his lips slowly curved upward into a smirk as he towered above me.

I squirmed "Prince Gaustin, could you please move so I can get out?" I asked gently and he chuckled "Now why would I do that? You lying so brazenly on my bed only indicates one thing; you want me to have you" he stated and I blinked.

"What? N-no!" I stuttered as I tried defending myself and he raised his brow "Oh! You don't think I'm good enough to have you?"

I blinked again as my heart race increased "Uhh.. that-thats not what I mean- I-"

I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth!

He bent lower as his force on my body increased. I wanted to protest but then, I felt a sharp pain in my back and I winced.

He stopped, then as if something bit him, jumped away from me.

He turned his back to me "Find Madam Anis, let her help you with the dressing. Then come back here, do not waste time" he instructed and went to his window.

I stood up immediately, my face flushed and ran out of the room. I was flustered.

Later, I went back to his room after Madam Anis had redressed my wound and applied medicine to it. It was almost gone, I just needed to be careful when working.

I knocked at his door and entered after hearing his voice. He was still standing by the window, staring outside and he didn't seem to notice my presence.

After a long time, he sighed and without turning his face, asked

"Darla, do you know the story of the great Salvius?".

I nodded my head, then gave a gentle "yes" when I realised he wouldn't be able to see me nod. He sighed again

"Salvius was a great man, none could compare to him. He was feared, revered and loved by the people. His fame rang throughout the seven seas and all the lands. But the gods and goddesses were scared; scared that he would soon overpower them by winning the hearts of the people and driving the people away from them. So they came together, and they laid a curse on him; every full moon, he'd transform into something unimaginable. A monster! A beast!. He became a nightmare, a living horror. The people were driven away by him, they began to fear him and very soon, he was ostracised from the world. And just when he had given up hope, he found love in the eyes of a certain woman. He thought finally, he could stay in peace. But the gods were not satisfied! They took his only source of peace and comfort without mercy! And they caused him to sleep for a thousand years. Before he went to sleep, he wailed with a loud voice and cried, that he would come back to the earth, and he would take his revenge on his tormentors, and wipe them off the face of the earth, one by one!"

He turned to me and I could see the murderous look in his eyes.

He slowly advanced to me and held my chin "It might be a story Darla, but there is more that lies beneath than what you see" he said.

I opened my mouth, and then closed it. I didn't know what to say. In his presence I felt so helpless and vulnerable.

He gazed into my eyes for a moment and left. I shuddered when I felt his hands leave my face, he was dangerous and yet so enticing at the same time.

He entered his bed and covered the quilt "I need quiet" he said and closed his eyes.

I didn't say anything but drew in a deep breath and quietly left the room, closing the door behind me...

The next few days were tolerable as I didn't do any heavy duty work and Prince Gaustin surprisingly behaved himself.

I just followed him round the kingdom anytime he was taking his late afternoon walks.

The only problems I had were Yeena and Princess Amelie.

She was the one that ordered my punishment the other time and she was beyond mad when she learnt that Prince Gaustin had saved me.

Since that day, she always tried to find ways to fault me, framing me for incidents at times, but prince Gaustin was always there to thwart her plans.

I was grateful to him for that.

But I was also worried.

In this big kingdom, I felt all alone. I missed Dorothy and our little chitchats. Here, I couldn't talk to anybody for fear of revealing my real identity. I kept to myself and only followed prince Gaustin.

For a while, I began wondering if this was why he saved me.

To just escort him on afternoon walks and fan him when his room gets a little heated?

I knew there was something more, but I just couldn't place my finger on it.

This was my daily routine, until one day, I heard from the other maids that one of the princess's friends, Princess Jaquelin would be visiting her today. I didn't care because it didn't concern me so I paid no further attention.

But what I didn't know was that the princess had already invited prince Gaustin to the garden for tea.

I stood timidly at the side as the girls chatted amongst themselves, but prince Gaustin never made a comment. He just sat there, staring at an empty space until his sister, princess Candol called his attention and he whipped his head to their side

"Brother, I asked if you noticed that princess Jaquelin is looking much more radiant than ever?" She repeated the question with a smile as her friend blushed.

It was really obvious she had a crush on prince Gaustin.

The prince merely nodded his head and gave a short "yes". I don't know why, but I boiled when I heard that

. Couldn't he see that she was trying to get his attention?!

Princess Jaquelin gave a short chuckle "The prince is too kind to notice me in this way, accept my gratitude" she gave a humble bow and prince Gaustin hummed.

I pouted my lips but quickly composed myself.

Who in Bowena's name did she think she was?!

"If the prince won't mind, can I use the opportunity to invite you to a ball being held at my kingdom in the next two nights? I sincerely hope the prince will attend" she asked again and I snorted inwardly.

There was no way the aloof prince who loved to stay in his room and read books would agree to that.

At least, that was what I thought until I heard

"I'll be there".

I widened my eyes in shock.

He actually agreed!

Suddenly, he stood up, excused himself, and left. I followed behind him swiftly, not saying a word until we reached his room. He pulled off his robe as it was almost nightfall and turned to me

"Tell me Darla, do you think I should go to that wretched ball?"

The question caught me off guard and it took me a while to answer "The prince is free to do whatever he pleases" I said, as I bowed my head and he smirked

"Would you go with me?" He asked again and I whipped my head up "W-what?" I asked, not sure my ears were working perfectly and he smiled and asked again

"Would you go with me?"...