
Meet my Sleep Demon

Jim wakes up in a world unfamiliar to him. He lost all his memories and the only person by his side is a demon. Togheter they try to get his memories back and him back to the world he came from. New chapters 3-4 times a week 9pm (GMT+2)

SeNovels · Fantasy
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The Different Worlds

The demon world

is only inhabited by Demons. Some dream beasts come and visit the planet pretty frequently. Humans cant enter the demon world but  Jim did. The demon world is pretty big because there are more demons than humans and the most demons live in the demon city. Its a peacefull world after the big war and there is no need for law enforcement. the whole world is ruled by the elders wich are 15 of the oldest and strongest demons to ever exist.

The Human world

The human world is the world of the humans there are no dreams or nightmares but there are many different animals and around 5 billion people, they are scattered all around the planet and some are even in space. After the last big war there is only one country and one language that is spoken. 

The dream world

The dream world is the world where the demons take the humans when they sleep.

If humans stay there to long they turn into Nightmares, Demons, "Them" or they die.

The demons look after the humas in the dream world.


If anyone dies in any of the worlds they die in all the other worlds aswell.

Humans normally cant enter the demon world.

Humans cant enter the dream world without the power of the demons and they also cant leave without it.

If a human dies in the dream world the demon who thransported them there gets signifficantly weaker.