
Meet me by the sea shore

Alec and Sofie are childhood best friends who would do anything for one another. But what happens when one of them catches feelings? Will it be a new beginning for their friendship or an end to their beautiful bond? The question remaines unanswered as Sofie has to move away for college. After 2 years, Alec comes after her determined to find out the answer. A heart throbbing romance between two childhood friends begin.

Izumiyo · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



  I leisurely came down as usual just to piss Alec off in the

morning. Unfortunately, I had to let him drive this time. We got to school 5

minutes before the bell rang. When it did, we headed for class. My first period

was Geography. Didn't hate it, didn't love it either, kind of just had to deal

with it. "Alright class, I have a few announcements to make." The teacher said,

 grabbing everyone's attention. "This is

the final year of High-school for you guys, meaning it's time for you to start

thinking about college. Obviously, college isn't mandatory. But as students of

one of the best schools in Florida, we positively believe you're more than

capable to attend some of the best colleges in our state. At the same time, I'm

proud to announce that they believe the same." Everyone gave the teacher a

confused look. "Top 10 colleges all over the state are offering full

scholarships to our best 20 students." Everyone gasped and mumbled among

themselves. "Although I don't remember all 20 names, I certainly do remember

our number 1, Sofie Waves." I was surprised because the test results weren't

out yet. I knew I would do good but I didn't expect to come first as I was

bunking Biology like a delinquent. Everyone clapped and cheered me on. Serena

pushed me from behind and I finally stood up, noticing my surroundings. "Congratulations

Sofie. I know you've been trying to get into St. Liam University. They're also

part of the program, meaning you got it in." The teacher congratulated me. Holy

shit. I just got into my dream college. I sat down trying to process what

happened, when the teacher spoke again. "Another exciting news, prom is next

week. Go all out on those promposals." He flashed us a smile and the class went

crazy. Everyone loved prom. It brought a "love is in the air" vibe to the whole

school. Normally teachers don't allow grand promposals, but our ones loved

them. Talk about amazing teachers. "Okay calm down now class, open page 34."

The teacher turned to the board and continued his lesson. "Well Ms Popular, who

are you going to prom with this year?" Rien asked from behind. "Eh, I don't

know. Whoever has the best promposal I guess." I said half joking and half

serious. As a thriving single, I had no idea who to go to prom with. Besides,

that wasn't even my biggest concern at the moment. I had to think about

breaking the news of college to my family and Alec. "Of course." Rien rolled

her eyes. "Excuse me ladies, pay attention please." The teacher rebuked. We

both sat straight and focused on class. After attending classes till lunch I

somehow felt more exhausted than usual. Maybe because we had gym. We decided to

stay at school for lunch today instead of going out. Partly because I'm tired

and mostly because Carrie and the girls wanted to see who'll ask who out today.

"3 o clock, Marine coming in with a rose." Carrie said looking around like a

pirate. "Carrie sit down." Serenity tried pulling her down but her efforts were

in vain. "Approaching, approaching, target coming in close, eh?" Marine stood

in front of Carrie and held the rose out. He spoke after taking a deep breath.

"Carrie, will you go to prom with me?" Carrie stood there dumbstruck while we

all yelled and cheered. "SAY YES DUMBASS." Clarity shouted in Carrie's ear. Carrie

still didn't move, making Marine gloom. "Oh, so that's a no." Marine said

sadly. "YES." Carrie suddenly yelled out. "Yes, I would love to." Marine's face

lit up and he gave Carrie a quick hug. "Okay, word then." Marine said with a

blush. "Word." Carrie smiled back at him. "Well, what do we have here?" Alec

asked as he came to our table. "Carrie just got asked out to prom." Serena

nudged Carrie. "Oop, that's news." Alec said. "Al, I need to talk to you." I urged.

"I do too, 4 pm, in the school yard. See ya Poptart." On that note, Alec left

without even hearing me out. Guess I'll just have to tell him later.