
Meet me by the sea shore

Alec and Sofie are childhood best friends who would do anything for one another. But what happens when one of them catches feelings? Will it be a new beginning for their friendship or an end to their beautiful bond? The question remaines unanswered as Sofie has to move away for college. After 2 years, Alec comes after her determined to find out the answer. A heart throbbing romance between two childhood friends begin.

Izumiyo · Teen
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13 Chs

Challenging obsession


  I stand there dazed for a second as Sof

kissed me goodbye. Its a routine thing now, I should be used to it. But nothing prepares you to act normal after your crush kisses you and calls you love. I shake it off since I have class too. My first class is gym. I'm stoked because I get to play basketball, my second most favourite thing in this world. As I

head over to class, the teacher was already making students do warmups. This is the annoying part about gym. We have to waste time doing warmups instead of getting right into the good part. Is it essential so that we don't end up tearing

our ligaments? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not. After a long minute of stretching the teacher finally let us do whatever we want. Half the people bunked class and a quarter went to make out in a corner. I didn't do either. Instead I got right in my zone. The basketball court. Me and my best lads got into

form. We had an inter school match coming up. We started practicing and right as I was about to dunk, a hand stopped the ball. I cursed out in my head when I saw who it was. Northel was one of the many people in my class who had a big fat crush on Sofie. Except, his wasn't a normal crush. It was obsessive and delusional. He, for some reason thinks he has a chance with Sof, but I'm the one standing in between them. "What do you want now North?" I grumble. "Oh you

know what I want. For you to not come in between me and Sofie." "For the thousandth time now, I'm not standing between you and her, there is no you and her to begin with." I said as a matter of fact. Sof had already rejected his ass 3 times now. He just doesn't know when to give up. "Yeah cause you're always around her." I clench my jaw as I try not to bust open his. "Look Northel. I don't know what the actual hell is so hard to understand about her not liking you. We've had this conversation over and over again. I'm not in between you. You're simply not important to her." Northel looks like he's about to burst out of anger. "How about instead of running that petty mouth of yours, you run on that field. Me and you, one on one, right now." I groan annoyed at whatever the hell is happening right now. I could be practicing like a normal person, but no. This 5'4 mother twister had to come and interrupt me. "Fine. But if you lose you leave me alone." The rule was simple. The first one to score a basket wins. I took the lead by grabbing the ball and dribbling it towards

the ring. North followed right after and snatched the ball from me. He headed towards my side of the court but I tackled him before he could reach. We went back and forth until the ball was in my hands again. I hate to admit it but he's not half bad at playing basketball. Maybe I'll spare him a spot on the

team. I sprint towards the ring and jump to make the shot. I dunk the ball in and THUMP. This 5'4 midget decides to crash into me. Now I'm lying down on the ground with blurry vision.