
Medieval Survival Game: Fall of Empires.

Crossovers include the following: Lord of the rings, Skyrim, Dragon age and a few more. My life so far has been an interesting one however from here on in it only gets better, I stand before the castle of Vetusa, a small City state hidden in the valleys of Medusa's Vengeance. What brought me and my 15,000 strong army to its gates? Well, they owe me 45,000 gold, Saving their princess from a Dragon, typical knight stuff. Well, there was one twist, the Dragon in this equation was my wife, Half-breed things, right? Anyway getting sidetracked, Welcome to the fall of Vertusa and the rise of the Ebony Dragon's Empire...

Arthur_Dumas · Video Games
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6 Chs

The courtyard

"Shield Wall, block them in, single killing thrusts, push through, the keep is near."

'The battle for the courtyard is more chaotic than the battle for the lower town, close-quarters fighting always is, factoring in the flaming debris from the magic is making this harder on the men, I need to change approach or we will fall. Wait what is that smell?'

For the briefest of seconds, the face of the commander distorts, being replaced by a scaley one, his eyes dart around, while his nose picks up the scent.

'Dog fur, on top of the inner wall, the rumours were true then, the royals had a hidden weapon.'

"Retreat, fall back to the town."

Some of the men turned to their commander, confused, they may not be winning the skirmish but they were not losing it either, they were getting bogged down sure but that is no reason for them to retreat right?

"I don't remember any of you taking my role from me? Retreat now, I will cover it for you all."

Suddenly it hit, the Commander had seen something that had alerted him, retreating in a shield wall, the men covered their retreat however to their surprise, the commander collapsed a part of the wall, separating them from him.

"You can come out of the shadows now, I know you are there Lupinotuum Pectinem."

The enemy soldiers froze in fear as a giant bipedal wolf leapt from the wall above them, snarling the wolf began to stalk the commander, keeping out of range of his sword, it spoke " I have not heard the term Lupinotuum Pectinem, in a long time, are you one of the final Dragon-Kin perhaps? That would explain your brief face mutation, hiding has become easier for your race then? Not that you ever fought fair, to begin with."

"Ah, sorry I heard that you go by loyal mutt nowadays, no longer proud beasts but the bootlickers of humanity. May I ask whether you are male or female, although guessing by the gash on your left leg, you are female."

"What gash do you---"

The wolf paused, looking down she noticed that she was bare, not wearing her armour, in a rush to defend the keep, she forgot to cover herself up. Normally this wouldn't be an issue as fur blocks the human line of sight however the Dragon Kin in front of her could see everything, staring at her as if she were a naked princess.

Before she could react, the commander rolled towards the enemy troops and with a few easy slashes, gutted them where they stood, 100 men, slain in a minute, quick and effortless. Seeing how much easier it was if he used his dragon strength, the commander paused and sighed, regretting the vow he took, not to use this strength against Humans, only those deemed as Heros were the exception. Breaking that vow had repercussions, he knew that he would face them sooner rather than later, after all, he could feel the lust begin to bubble under the surface, slowly consuming the rational parts of his mind.

'I need to end this quickly, whether the blood lust or carnal lust takes over is yet to be seen, if it is bloodlust then my troops are no longer safe, carnal lust and I may do something I live to regret.'

The commander began to remove his armour, not in a slow fashion, he began to rip the metal off, turning his arm into a half transformed version, the metal soon clanged to the floor, now naked, his skin turned a crimson red, as the elastic turned into scales, that quickly engulfed him. His blue eyes turned into a lifeless black colour, his face distorting into that closer to a dragon, long razor-like teeth accompanied him in his transformation.

The ground began to break under the strength of his transformation, walking towards the wolf he snarled" I now you are being kept here against your will and are being forced to fight me. I will make this quick, I need to end this quickly you see, places to be."

As the wolf went to speak, the Dragon-Kin vanished, panicking she leapt towards the ledge she had been hiding on however as she was near the ledge, a hand grabbed her ankle, throwing it into the bloodied floor below them. A large explosion of dust littered the courtyard, as the dust settled a giant crater appeared, with a Werewolf lying in the centre, mangled with broken bones clear to see.

Picking her up again the Dragon-Kin threw her into the wall, the wall shattered under the pressure of the blow, the Wolf's body landed in the rubble, barely breathing, the Dragon-Kin walked up to her limp body as he snarled" I do not have enough time to finish this fight, I could kill you here however I know you hand no choice in this, I can smell the tattoo of slavery on you. How did they get you? Sister? Mother? Brother? Mate? It matters not, I will free you from your slavery to the humans and May death set you free."

As he went to override the slavery, a voice appeared in his head "Make her yours, do it a Loyal Mutt will be useful to our cause."

'I do not need a Dog, I need more capable troops.'

"Is she not a diamond in the rough? Your raw strength is enough to have killed her instantly. I can feel you didn't pull any punches, your lust wouldn't let you. 2 times she survived throws that would have killed a normal wolf, both you and I know this, stop lying to yourself and us."

'You know nothing about what I need, you are an old spirit, a Dead God clinging to the one person who could bring you back to life, I suggest you go back to sleep.'

"I may be an old god but at least I'm not a Dragon scared to be what he is, the reincarnation of the Dragon God-King, Aldrucas"