
Reincarnation and the new life

After a few moments of darkness, the pain that Flint was waiting for did not appear and even the pain that he felt from his legs being blown up disappeared. In fact it felt like he had just woken up from a bad dream. He opened his eyes and what he saw was an unknown ceiling.

"What the hell happened, how did I appear here and where exactly am I?"

Flint tried to get up from the bed, but his body felt heavy as if he was under some kind of pressure. He turned on his side and tried to stand up again, with the help of his hands. And yet again he fell back on the bed, he was too weak to even push himself up.

"Flint, you're awake! Finally, I was so worried!"

A woman jumped towards him, taking him into her arms. Her face was white as chalk and eyes were red from all the crying. You could see worry written all over her, not just the face even her body was shivering like crazy.

When Flint saw her, he felt a splitting headache as if being hammered nonstop by a jackhammer. Unknown memories started appearing in his mind, knowledge that he didn't have before seemingly flowed into his head. From those memories, he knew that woman was his mother, not the one of his past self but of the current.

"Don't worry mother, I am fine." Said Flint, while hugging his mother back.

Suddenly the door flew open, a man rushed into the room. He seemed tired, eyes bloodshot he also seemed worried. The man had pointy ears, amber eyes and all green hair, though a few gray hairs could also be seen like a black sheep in a herd of all white ones, you could also tell that they were new as the placement was irregular. That was Flint's father and elf.

Yes, Flint was part of a family made up of a male elf and a human female.

After seeing both of his parents in that state, Flint slowly remembered what happened to his current self. Both of his parents were in some sense scientists, his father was a well known mage and his mother was an engineer within the best team in the military. Even he himself was someone who knew a thing or two about both. And the reason for him being in bed right now, is connected to it. Apparently he had tried to experiment on combining technology with magic, by powering a motorbike that he had built with his mother, using magic. As he did it without supervision, while trying to start it something had gone wrong and the motorbike blew up, though he came out of it pretty easily as the precaution he set up set off on time.

"You dumb son of mine, this is already your third try at this... All of them ended badly, but this time you actually blew up a motorbike that ran on a small reactor. What the hell were you thinking!? If the safety field you set up didn't set off on time, you possibly would have lost both of your arms!!!" Father yelled at Flint. "You're only ten years old and already doing these crazy experiments of yours!"

"Dear, calm down. You'll get more gray hair, although it looks nice on you, do you really want that? In any case, I think Flint has learned his lesson this time... But this time, it really was a close call." Said Flint's mother.

"But Mary..." complained Flint's father.

"No butts Jack, the doctor said that Flint has to lay in bed for a week to recover. You know Flint can't sit in one place, so this should be more of a punishment for him than a break." Said Mary, while looking at Flint's father. "As for you, young man. You heard me, you'll have to lay in bed for a week and after that. No more EXPERIMENTS, until you get into the academy next year. There you can experiment all you want, under the watchful eye of your teachers."

"I understand..." Answered Flint, while looking down.

Suddenly, Mary clapped her hands.

"Okay, now then. Lets go, he needs to rest."

As soon as Mary said that, she took Jack by the hand and brought her husband out of the room. The door closed after them. After the both of them were far enough from the room, Jack started speaking again.

"Really, he's a smart kid and yet he is so rushed when learning and trying something new and unknown to him. Really, they always say that people become dumb when obsessed with something. Who do you think he took after?"

"Didn't he take after you? You're the same when it comes to anything concerning magic."

"Ha ha, I could say the same about you. When it comes to new technology, you even forget about your daily food intake."

"I guess, we are a dumb family then. Ha ha ha."

Both of them laughed at their own nature.

While that talk was happening... In Flint's room. He was looking at his own hands and going through his memories both old and new.

"Really... I read documents of people having unknown memories suddenly popping into their heads. But this is too much isn't it? Not only did my memories appear in this body, but even my temper and character changed to the past self, as if I was reincarnated or some shit like that."

Flint ruffled his hair, feeling lost.

"Ah to the devil with it. What has happened, happened. Lets deal with it with an open mind, but still what was I trying to do by combining science and magic. Spirits usually don't even get close to any technology or even appear the cities for that matter, so you shouldn't be able to control magic without spirits..."

Then he looked at the ceiling again and smiled.

"Well, getting a new lease on life is fine by me. In the past life, I was used and thrown out. But in this one... I have a family, which is well off. New paths are open to me at every corner, I shall squeeze out everything out of it then and will do everything to never get used by others, never again."

After saying that, Flint closed his eyes feeling tired. And started slowly falling asleep.

"But still... Trying to combine science and magic eh, a new path that no one has ever taken before. That should be fun." Finally Flint fell fast asleep after muttering his thoughts.

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