
Chapter 15 Prison Escape

For James Ellison and Greta Simpson, the existence of the Terminator is a scary prospect. Watching the person with Liquid robot animals murder a kid is not something that they could stomach. Worse is watching the person change their face and body to become someone else.

Meanwhile after leaving the evidence to the FBI Agents, Leon starts his plan to free his mother. At this time the Terminators haven't made a direct move to chase his mother. With how good he removed any trace of John Connor's existence, even faked his death blaming it on a Foster parent with an abusive mentality. He even successfully changed Sarah Connor data, making it harder for a time traveling machine to find the real Sarah Connor.

Kate already tracked Sarah to a Female Prison, not far from Los Angeles.

At this moment Sarah Connor was contemplating many things. Finding out that there are people who support the rise of Skynet was quite shocking to her. Why they imprison her rather than kill her outright is questionable.

So many questions and so many things needed to be answered. What surprises her the most is that her son is no longer the silly kid who has a tendency to annoy her at times. HE has become a warrior. When they were attacked, his response is not the response of a kid, but a seasoned combatant.

At that moment her prison cell was opened.

"Well mother. Do I need to rescue you from jail every time?" said Leon as he walked in.

"John?" ask Sarah. What surprised her was two humanoid like robots standing behind her son.no

"Meet my creation, Mech-1 and Mech-2"

"You create a killer robot?" ask Sarah.

"Fight fire with fire. Fight terminator with another Terminator, at least until we find technology to augment humanity to be able to compete with machines and lock this Timeline from Skynet interference" said Leon nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" ask Sarah.

"Those so-called Resistance that helped us last time? They are reality jumpers. Likely being sent by some Random Omnipotent Entity to use our world as their testing ground, battlefield, or anything they are interested with" said Leon as he walks away from the cell. Forcing Sarah to follow him.

Sarah was startled with what Leon spoke about.

"Have you heard of Multiverse Theory?" ask Leon.

"I read it once in comics" said Sarah.

"In another reality, we are the comics, movies, novels or anything you can think of. Defeating Skynet with our current technology and resources without outside support is impossible. The stronger we fight, the stronger that damn faulty program send its Robots our way" said Leon with an angry look.

"You know something, don't you? Who are you?" ask Sarah as she stopped walking.

"Have you ever heard of Reincarnation mother? I am your son. I was just lucky to get my past life memories awakened" said Leon as he faced Sarah. .

Sarah then walks again. "So you are Reincarnated? Not some Terminator pretending to be my son?"

"Duh. It would take more talent for that machine to create an awesome kid like me" said Leon.

"So John. Why do you get me out now. Last time you left me in the Sanatorium for some time?" ask Sarah.

"You need medication and a reality check. Trying to blow up Cyberdyne without proper preparation? Beside I need a break from you doing stupid stunt. Guess what? Rebecca Lee and Roberta Cisneros do send their regards" said Leon.

"And I demand a name Change. John Connor? It's like asking Terminators to be sent to our doorstep every step of the way. I refuse!" said Leon.

"Because it's to give respect to your father trying to make sure you are born" said Sarah.

"Nope. If they named the future Resistance Leader as John Connor, I want to change it! I refuse to have the same name as another version of me that failed to stop Skynet from sending their robots to the past!".

"So what name do you choose?" ask Sarah interested.

"Leon Connor," Leon said.


"Because I think it's much cooler than being called John"

Sarah almost tripped hearing her son's reason. But then she laughed and messed up her son's hair.

"Hey!" complained Leon.

"Yeah. You really are my real son. Even if you say you are a reincarnated person!" Sarah finally relieved.

One thing he found interesting is that the Guards don't seem to see her at all. They walked like normal. Leon already sent his drones to hijack

When they almost reach the getaway car. Leon suddenly acts wary.

"Sorry kids. But I must kill you" said a voice suddenly from his back. Sarah was surprised and tried to shout, but Leon just smirked as a sudden shot was fired from afar and hit the man.

"Fuck!" said the man as he was thrown quite a distance, his body got hit by what seems to be a giant steel bolt. He quickly tries to escape as a series of robots suddenly show up and start shooting at him.

"You think I can't smell a wet dog?" said Leon. Kate and Tsunade are already watching the perimeter. It is one thing if the Traveler is just a newbie. But if it was an expert, their order is to kill.

The robot made by Leon suddenly changes its target to a beast that jumps at Leon.

Meanwhile in the Prison, a woman guard watches the empty cell. She quickly walked outside the Prison as if she knew something.

While Leon evades the beast attack, the beast is shot and when he watches the liquid metal signs on the beast body. He cursed. Worse as he watched a female prison guard suddenly show up and change to be a man.

"Fuck. Kate, Tsuna, change of plan. Retreat!" order Leon. His robot quickly grabs Sarah and he throws a specially made Flashbang and EMP Grenade at the Animal Terminators.

Quickly Leons disappear from the site of the battle, while the one who attacks him first is already running away.

Meanwhile far away from the location.

"We have a complication. John Connor is not a simpleton. He brings back up and has combat robots at his disposal!" said a man who watched the battle from far away.

"Damn! Retreat for the moment. It seems we need to revise how to make contact with John Connor" a woman's voice was heard from the communication device. Suddenly the man jumps away from his position, in his last position a shadowy tentacles almost pierce him.

"The other team found me. I would retreat for the moment" said the man.

"Roger, be safe!" he replied to the woman on the other side of the communicator.

A tall man with antiquated guns now standing where he was.

"Never thought we would compete against you in this mission, Lin Jiu the Crow '' said the man.

"Gunther Kriegg, The Magic Gunslinger of the Abyss" said the other man as he transformed from a crow.

"Well, let's play then" he then shouted as he threw magic knives at the gunslinger.


After the T-1000 attack, Leon tries to think how to get away from the Terminator attack. Then he realized the Terminator relies on sensors, like any machine, so if he overloads the sensors he could run away from them. For T-800 types who rely on exoskeleton frames and have inbuilt sensors, it would be impossible to use EMP, Flashbang to disable them for a moment. But for T-1000 type, an EMP would readily remove their cohesion for a moment. Flashbang he throws is to keep away someone who is likely watching the battle.

"Another one came huh" said Leon.

"What do you mean?" ask Sarah.

"The first attackers are likely not from our world" .

"They are what we could call a Transported, people who are sent to another realm by an Omnipotent being that could travel the multiverse. These people are usually attached with some system, and they go to another reality for some mission of the whim of the System owner. The mission could fall from benign, saving that world, or outright world destroying purpose"

"How do you know about this?" ask Sarah.

"Well in my past life I was reading many stories, and these kind of stories are the latest trends of many writers in my time," said Leon as he winced.

"So in another world, you are a dork," said Kate.

"Hahahaha, remind me that you do marry the dork!" said Leon as he snort.

"So what's the story with you guys?"

"Well, a year ago we were sent to another reality by some ROB"

"What ROB?"

"Random Omnipotent Being, Space Bat, a Q from Star Trek, Ascended, God? I rather called them ROB, " said Leon.

"And we lived there for 10 years, before we were sent back here with Tsunade in tow. The great thing is we learned a lot of things over there, the bad things? They reset our body to be kids again. By the way, we also married there" continued Kate.

"YOU ARE MARRIED?!!!!" shout Sarah.

"Mom, I lived for 10 years over there. I am practically an adult with an adult mentality, just being forced back to a kid body at this moment" said Leon. Sarah just perplexed, but she cooled down again.

"Oh by the way, he married me and Tsunade," said Kate continuing to fuel the fire.

"YOU MARRY TWO GIRLS?!!" shout Sarah once again.

Leon's face goes deadpanned to Kate who shows a mischievous face.

"My father would kill me!!!" sob Sarah.

"Eh, I thought you were an atheist?" ask Leon.

"Your grandfather is a devout christian" Sarah quipped back.

"Ouch!" he said. But keep his eyes on the road.

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