
Mecha: Defeat The T-Rex Robot From The Start

In the age of deep space warfare, every teenager was required to learn about mecha at the academy. When Qin Yue was transmigrated to this world, he realized he was taking the academy entrance exam. He looked around and noticed that the other examinees were piloting high-quality mecha while he only had a training model. It was then, he awoke the unique system. [Ding! You have obtained the Master-level Tai Chi.] What happened afterward shook the whole hall. “He actually evaded 32 cannon attacks with that training mecha?” “How can a training mecha bring a 10,000-ton mecha down?“ “Why do I feel like I’m hitting a cushion when I hit him?” Even the academy had never expected the exam they had set up would be easily cleared by a training mecha. As everyone stared in awe at Qin Yue, he smirked and said, “This is the true strength of the old martial arts!”

Northern Lake · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Encountering Interstellar Pirates for the First Time!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Those five mecha all differed in color and appearance, each with its own unique characteristics.

The only similarity on the bodies of those five mechas was a skull emblem.

The skull had mechanical gear patterns around it, there were a few drops of blood tears that hung from hollow eye sockets.

When the five of them saw the skull symbol on these five mecha, their pupils suddenly constricted.

It was well known that any mecha that bore that symbol was an interstellar pirate!

As for the spaceship that was about to crash, there were no obvious symbols on it, so it was very difficult to tell where it came from.

"Interstellar pirates! This is Mukda Federation territory, why would they appear here!"

Ling Ru looked at the five pirate mecha. She had just barely recovered from a huge battle, and her mental state immediately tensed up in preparation for another.

Qin Yue thought to himself, 'Interstellar pirates usually skulked in the dark. Why did they appear so openly this time?'

He piloted Sky Hunter to the front of the formation and drew the Scarlet Pike as he asked the rest, "How are your mental states? Can you all still fight?"

Ling Ru heard him and nodded lightly then replied, "Mm, there shouldn't be any problems." 

"Brother Qin Yue, none of us have any problems. It's just that, in the battle with the Three-headed Sandworm just now, you used up the most Mental Strength, and even helped us block a lot of attacks..."

Up to that point, Qin Yue naturally understood what Li Yanyan had left unsaid.

Although he was not in his peak condition, he was the one who had adapted the best among the five of them.

In the battle with the Three-headed Sandworm, he had blocked a lot of attacks and suffered some damage as well but all of those were within the limits of what he could bear.

Moreover, after the battle ended, he had also obtained precious material from a high-level Alien Beast. No matter how one looked at it, it was worth it.

"Don't worry. I'm just relieved all of you still have the strength to fight."

At that time, the rapidly falling spaceship had slammed into the ground.

The huge impact instantly set off a hurricane that swept up the sand and spread dust in every direction.

Fortunately, the spaceship did not explode, it only crumpled.

At the same time...

After the spaceship landed and did not explode, the five mechas behind them seemed to have slowed their pursuit.

They shifted their gaze and looked at where Qin Yue and the others were first.

"Hey, Shikov, look ahead of us. I found something interesting."

The man gave a sinister laugh and looked excitedly at where Qin Yue and the others were.

That man was the leader of the five people. His name was Yuri.

As soon as Yuri pointed out Qin Yue's location, the other four people instantly understood what he meant.

In the next second, the five mechas changed directions and charged towards where Qin Yue was.

Qin Yue also did not expect that these interstellar pirates would just attack them immediately.

He then realized that with interstellar pirates, unexplainable behavior was to be expected.

"Qin Yue, what should we do?"

"The other party is rushing us, do we fight or retreat?" asked Ling Ru as her brow furrowed with anticipation.

After all, it was their first time fighting interstellar pirates.

Before this, they had only heard of the pirates from lectures and read about their unethical behavior as they raced across the galaxy plundering their victims.

"We can't retreat even if we wanted to! Form a triangular formation, let's fight them off!"

"Mm, we'll listen to you," the few of them replied in unison.

After giving the order, the squad's morale instantly soared. Qin Yue activated his mecha with his Mental Strength and led Ling Ru and the other three to form a formation to meet them.

After a few breaths, the two teams reached each other.

The one Qin Yue fought was none other than the leader of the five intergalactic pirates, Yuri.

Qin Yue was the vanguard of the triangular formation. He held his pike up and immediately used the Tai Chi Unpredictable Spearpoint technique, pointing it toward his opponent.

In the next second, the five of them exchanged blows.

Mechanical groans and the sound of weapons being swung rapidly could be heard throughout the fight.

Qin Yue's squad and the interstellar pirates seemed to be evenly matched then the first skirmish between the two sides stopped abruptly.

"How are you guys? Are you hurt?" Qin Yue looked at the rest and asked with concern.

They had just fought a huge battle with a Three-headed Sandworm, and they had not been able to catch their breath for long before they ran into interstellar pirates.

In a day, they had fought several pitched battles in a row. The members of the team simply could not handle such strain on their minds.

Qin Yue roughly understood the strength of the other party while they fought.

The one that fought him should be the leader of those interstellar pirates. He was clearly the strongest among them.

The most important thing was that the mecha piloted by the intergalactic pirates were on a completely different level from the mecha piloted by them.

Out of the opponent's five mecha, four of them were Guardian class, and the last one was a Military class mecha!

They were all a level higher than the mecha piloted by his squad!

In such a fight, the difference between Qin Yue's group and the intergalactic pirates was not in their techniques, but in their raw strength.

"Brother Qin Yue, we're fine..."

"Brother Qin, we're fine too. We can still hold on."

Qin Yue knew that they had already felt the difference in strength between them and that group of interstellar pirates when he heard the hesitance in their replies.

It was a sudden encounter. Even if they had immediately retreated when they first discovered the pirates, they would probably still end up caught by that group of interstellar pirates.

On the other side…

"Hehe, Captain Yuri, they're pretty very weak!"

"Just now, we only exchanged a few moves, and we were already able to beat a few of them back."

The four interstellar pirates were overconfident. They did not put Qin Yue and the others in the same league as them at all.

"The other four are indeed very weak, but the mecha that was holding the red pike just now was no weaker than you guys.

"However, if they were to face me, they would only end up being torn to pieces."

The other four interstellar pirates could not help but be stunned when they heard Yuri talk about Qin Yue's strength, but then they burst into laughter.

This was because they knew Yuri's strength and were very confident in him.

"Alright, let's toy with them for a while and get rid of them. Let's get down to business!"

Under Yuri's orders, the five of them launched another attack.

Just like that, Qin Yue's team had another fight in their hands.

It had officially begun!