
32. The Cat's Out of the Bag


The sun peeked through the curtains, waking me harshly from my slumber. As I opened my eyes, a mixture of excitement and nervousness filled my heart.

Today I decided to make my relationship with Alex public at the office. If Carolina or Beatrice said anything to others, there would already be a new rumor waiting for me.

I sighed and sluggishly made my way to the kitchen, where Gemma had already prepared breakfast for us. "Buongiorno, Lucy!" Gemma greeted me with a broad smile. "Nervous about today?"

I sighed and nodded. "A little. I hope everything goes well."

Gemma chuckled and gave me a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry. Everything will be just fine. Now, let's focus on getting these little rascals fed and ready for the day!"

As we sat around the table, Vicky and Jay joined us with their unruly bed hair and contagious energy.

Vicky plopped down beside Gemma, his eyes wide with anticipation. "Mamma!Alex is still coming to pick us up, right?''