


My grip on the handle tightened as Elvira's face inched towards Alex. They are standing a few steps away from the sofa. I could partially see Alex's face as his back faced the entrance and Elvira was too engrossed in Alex to notice me. My heart sank and a wave of pain washed over me. I could literally feel the ache in my heart.

It was almost similar to the feeling I get whenever I think about Alex. The only difference is, that was full of love and this feels like heartbreak.

Love? Did I just say that? My timing truly sucks.

Before Elvira could place her lips against his, Alex slapped her hands off him. I flinched involuntarily like it was my hands that he slapped.

Okay, ouch, that must have hurt.

''Don't you ever touch me again'' The coldness in his voice sent shivers down my spine.

Elvira hissed and looked at him in disbelief. ''Do you even know what you are saying? How could you reject me? Am I not to your liking?''