
Meadow Moon The charmed Ones.

Three young women find out on their 18 birthday. That they are adopted. They are triplets. Their mother had to put them up for adoption because of a special gift that was given to them when she was pregnant with them Their power only work when to together. What is this power? Can they learn to use it. They go through a series of trials learning how to live with each other. They even meet a young werewolf princess Sue Ann whos pack was cursed. They remain in wolf form all month and only turn human every full moon. Can the sisters help her? They have to find away to reverse the cursed.

Christina_Felan · Fantasy
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11 Chs


The girls had problems with living together for the first couple of months. Emily was messy and never picked up after herself. She had Gabe and his sibling over often without even asking. Aria was always complaining and Aria was always angry about how messy the house was and yelling at the other two to get jobs and help with the bills.

Learning their new powers was not going very well either. Aria learns she could control water and had flooded the kitchen several times. She also learned she could read thoughts and was constantly invading Emily and Daisy's thoughts. Daisy learned she could control people's emotions make time freeze and control fire. She even burned down the backyard once. Emily learned she was able to speak to animals and levitate things at will.

They had been helping Sue Ann and Adam but could not agree on the right step to take to help them. Cindy heard of all her daughter's problems through Daisy who had chosen to forgive her mother. She decided it was time to step in and help her daughters learn to get along.

Cindy set up a lunch with the girls. When they all show up. She brought a set of rules. These are just an example but I believe the rules may help you live together more peacefully. The rule I have made are simple

1 everyone picks up after themselves.

2. No guests over unless you get every one approval.

3. No practice powers anywhere in the house except for one room you choose to have as a practice room"

Aria laughed " I like those rules. We should give them a try. Emily and daisy both agreed this would be the new house rules. They also decided since Gabe and his siblings were always there anyways they should move. Gabe's sister Emile was very useful around the house. She was 14 and loved being around everyone. She is full of energy. His baby brother who five was a bit of a handful but everyone loved him. They enjoyed doing things with him.