
Me, U and your Brother

doremon_58689 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3

written in that letter

"I've got some important work so I have to go but I promise I'll be back soon take care of you and Bron and yes it's okay to miss me a little less."

Your dear Nick...

Michel reads that letter and thinks what madness.

2 weeks later when Nick comes to Michelle's house.  So he sees that there is a lock.

He calls Michelle.

" Hello Michael

Michelle:- Hello who? (Michel's voice is like crying)

Nick :- What happened to your voice, where are you, why is your house locked now?  Today is Sunday, both of you will have a holiday, will you not?

Michelle: (crying) bron is in the hospital. 

Nick: Bron?  What happened to Bron?  You wait there, I will come there now.  In which hospital are you?

Nick reaches the hospital.  And goes to Michelle and asks her what happened.

As soon as Michelle sees Nick, she hugs him and starts crying loudly.

Nick says patting her. 

Yes, it's okay, you stop crying,

I have come here, I will fix everything here.

you tell me what happened  How in Brawn Hospital

Michelle says

I don't know what happened. 

He said that today he will go to his friend's house to study

, so I also did not say anything.

But later when i opened the door to go to the market, he was lying outside the door covered in blood

and he was also unconscious.

He never tells me anything. 

Whenever I ask him,

he tells me that everything

is fine but something is not right.

Do you remember that red mark on his neck, when I asked him, he said that his friends and he were having fun.

Nick tells Michelle "Don't you worry. You just relax and I'll take care of the rest."

how is his condition now

Michelle says that his  hand is fractured and he has 6 stitches on his head.

(Michelle starts crying after saying this)

Nick hugs her and says "Hey, nothing will happen to Bron and I will not let anything happen to him and you too. You sit down, I will come after seeing Braun."

Nick visits Bron's doctor and asks him how long it will take for Braun to regain consciousness.

His doctor says that he will regain consciousness only tomorrow and leaves from there.

Both Nick and Michel stay with Bron for the night

Michel falls asleep but Nick remains awake.

Bron's backpack is kept there.

Suddenly there is a sound from him that the message is coming.

When Nick gets up and takes out his mobile from his backpack,

messages are coming from an unknown number.

It is written in those messages.

"Are you  alive, haven't you died?

Should I send the money for the hospital bill?

Nick smiles reading the message and tells his bodyguard to "Find out who this number belongs to? And also find out what's going on at Bron's school."

Bron regains consciousness the next day, but even then he does not say anything to anyone.

After getting discharge from the hospital, they comes home.

But Bron's hand is still in plaster.

At night

After eating dinner they are ready to sleep. 

Then when Bron gets a call,

he goes to his room and talks.

And then comes back and tells Michelle that I will go to school from tomorrow.

Michelle says" have you gone mad have you seen your condition now. No you will not go

Nick says if he has to go then let him go, tomorrow I will go to drop him at school.

The next morning, Bronn gets ready to go to school.  and leaves in his car with Nick.

In the car,

Nick asks him,

"What happened, you had gone to study at your friend's house,

then who put you in this condition?"

Bron says "I fell and hit a rock

Nick":- Yes, then name of that stone must be Shenai.

Bron":- How do you know his name?

Nick":- What did you think, I will only take care of your sister, are you also like my younger brother, I know everything. Don't worry. I'll handle

Bron: No Nick, those people are very dangerous.  shenai's father is a mafia

Nick :- Let's see then  today who'll wins.

They reached to  school .  nick goes to school with brawn

Bron tells him "Why are you coming with me?

Nick tells him "You take me to the principal's office

Bron:- But why are your bodyguards following us?

Nick :- Leave it, you will look cool  in front of the school. Show off man

They both reach the principal's office.

Seeing Nick the principal says hey who are you and how did you come to my office then he looks at Bron.  and tells him


Who is this and what has he come to do?

Nick :- Hey principal sit down I am friend of Bron my name is Nick Arora

Hearing the  name principal  starts thinking and then speaks with surprise.  That famous business man Nick Arora

Nick :- Now how can I praise myself.  By the way, I came here to meet someone, what is his name? Yes shenai

Principal :- But what happened

Nick:- Hey you call him

it's in the middle of us bussiness and tell his parent to come. okay


                                          to be continued...