
Me, U and your Brother

doremon_58689 · Fantasy
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chapter 2

The man says to Nick, then today I am letting you go, but next time I will not let you go, saying this, he takes his men and leaves from there.

After they leaves, Nick asks Michel "are you okay? , Are u not hurt anywhere. And how did you get into the hands of those peope

Michel tells to Nick

After listening to everything, Nick says, I promise that I myself will come to drop you off at your country.

As promised, Nick brings Michelle back to her country safely. She tells Nick after Michelle reaches the country.

Thank you very much for helping me. But now I must go.

Nick says to her then" ok then take care of yourself. I will definitely come to meet you again

After that Nick gets busy with business.

three months later....

comes to nick mitchell's country

When Nick's men track down Michelle, they learn that Michelle has a younger brother.

The next day, when Michelle and her younger brother Bron come out of the house, they see Nick and his bodyguard standing in front of them.

Michelle looks at him and says what are you doing here?

Bron asks Michelle, "sister , do you know him?

That's when Nick tells Bronn, "Yeah, she knows me. I'm your sister's best friend."

Come on, I will give you a lift.

Michelle says "No there is no need for it.

Nick says to mishel "what are you talking about like this. You both are my own."

Bron says, "Come on, sister, your friend is asking so many times, so let's go with him."

They both then get into his car with Nick.

Nick's attention turns to Bran's neck. He says to Bronn "What's that red mark on your neck, did you get something?"

Braun says "No it's nothing.

Then they reach Bron's school. Bron say them goodbye and goes to school.

After he leaves, Nick ask Michel.

how are you now

You have lost weight.

From the first time we met.

Can you tell me if something happened?

Michelle says "Nothing happened, stay away from me and my brother. And stop the car here, I have to get down here."

Nick says "But your college hasn't come yet!

Michelle says "I will leave from here by bus don't come again in front of me" and gets down from the car.

When Michelle comes home from work at 10 p.m. So she sees that Nick is also sitting in the house with her brother.

She says to him what are you doing? I told you to stay away from us.

Nick says

"Hey hey don't be angry,

I just came to bring food,

Bron asked me to come in,

then I came to know that you do part time job after university

So I thought that I will wait for you,

you will be happy seeing me here,

but what is this,

on the contrary, you got angry.

Braun says, "Sister, I invited Nick inside. Why are you getting so angry. Nick is so nice."

Michelle tells Nick, "Get out of here after dinner.

Nick says, "Yes, you are asking me to go alone so late in the night. If anything happens to me,

Michel":- What will happen to you. Rather worry that you do not do anything to anyone.

Nick":- You have considered me as a case person.

I am very polite.I haven't killed even a single mosquito till date.

And this is an unknown country where. I am alone

Michel":- You are not alone, you have your bodyguard with you, aren't you

Nick ":- I sent them all to eat but they haven't come yet. Where will I go if I go

poor i am . Michel, don't you feel a little pity on me?

Michelle" :- Just stop this drama, I am letting you stay at our house only for tonight. Tomorrow morning leave from here. Okay.

Nick":- Yes, okay. Come on, then tell me where is your room?

Michelle :- What??

Nick :- Hey, where is my room, come on tell me. i'm tired i want to sleep now

Michel":- And what if you don't want to eat?

Nick ":- Oh yes, that too is food, isn't it. See, it is your fault. Because of you, I forgot about eating food.

If I don't eat food today, then you eat my share too.

Michelle":- Don't talk nonsense. Shut your mouth and eat.

Nick":- Well what do you like to eat. And your favorite colour.

What type of guy do you like, do you have any requirement as to how he should be?

Michelle":- Whatever it is, just don't be like you. Understand.

Nick":- I felt bad!

After eating food everyone goes to sleep.

When Nick does not sleep till midnight, he comes out of his room and watches.

So there Michelle fell asleep while studying.

Nick smiles and lifts Michelle to sleep in her room

The next morning when Michele wakes up, she finds that she is sleeping in her room. As soon as she comes out of her room, there is a letter on the table.

to be continued.....