
Me My System

Immortal Mad Dog had ravaged many worlds and universe even with his blessing had cursed him to unable to get stronger from his level except by honing his techniques to their peaks. The Mad Dog finally stayed quiet for some years until the visit Join the third life of man who had finally chosen to re-live his third life without regret

BoredDao · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Calm Tyrant

Vain had once again finished faster than Sain which urged Sain to hasten his eating pace by gulping the remaining meal on his plate in an instant. This very act led Sain to be chocked by his own food and had to gulp the whole glass of the magical spring water in one go.

Sain glared at Vain across of him signalling that it was all his younger twin brother's fault. Vain while slowly sipping his own magical spring water sip by sip answered the provocation of his older twin brother as he played with the water in his glass, "You chocked yourself on your own, it had nothing to do with me."

"You are the one. . . "

"You could just stop me from taking the meat or you could also snatch back your portion from me, couldn't you?"

"I.. I. *sigh* You are right. You win."

"It is just a fact stated by your wise brother, nothing else. Could it be your so called vivid dream of a world was so kind that anything you wished would be presented right to you and none will do immoral thing like in this world of ours?"

Being cut in and countered to the corner, Sain could only accept his utter defeat in silent. Vain's last part of statement made him to start recalling the vivid dream he just got but, right before he was able to start even a word of the topic , Sain was once again interrupted by Vain.

"We don't have time for your storytelling, you better stand up. We are finding our parents before the ceremony."

Vain stood up after putting down the glass with only a quarter of the magical water spring left within it as he said that and Sain followed suit. The dining set then vanished into the black ring on his right index finger. Not long after, the Private Room also faded along with the shine of the jewel on top of the bracelet on Vain's right wrist.

Sain looked at the rings and bracelets on Vain with a hint of envy before turning his sight back to their owner. Vain noticed his twin's envy and ignored it as he walked toward the main hall of their school to look for their parents.


Inside the school main hall,

sea of people amounting to thousands could be seen seated waiting for the ceremony to start. The twins already joined their parents who came with their paternal grandmother and their cute youngest sister, Viena Welts. Viena was sitting on her own seat until the twins came and took her exclusive seat over Vain.

The oldest of them, the grandmother, initiated the conversation by saying, "Sain, Vain, you two have to show them your magical talents like Vien. She is still in twenty and she has already entered the second cycle as a magic swordman nonetheless, not to mention she has already reached level 69. Soon, she will be level 70 and will be able to promote to an A-rank magic user. She has brought our Welts Family great honor unlike your other siblings. Two went missing by leaving secretly while the other one stuck at level 40 for a year already not to mention it is still the first cycle and she is only a healing element not a healing+ element!."

The parents could only stayed silent while their children being belittled, the father, Anon Welts, had been holding his wife, Maria Welts, with an apologetic face begging to his wife to give his mother a face as their elder.

Maria gritted her teeth as this old lady of an in law of hers had been mentioning this very topic for 4 years now. Every chance there was that this old lady got to mention her eldest granddaughter from her eldest son who made her proud the most and the same granddaughter's siblings, one older from her by a year while the other two was younger by a year and 2 years who didn't show better talent than her or even made her, the grandmother, thought as if they were a disgrace to her and her beloved granddaughter.

She had never missed those chances to mention this particular topic again and again every time except the content got an update each time but would still be dissing Raven Welts as the oldest son of the couple as well as her own oldest grandson of her own oldest son who didn't awaken any of the 5 basic elements thus made her felt ashamed as the old lady like most of people had been believing that not awakening any element was equal to being talentless, a trash. After the dazzling results of their eldest sister, Rain Welts who had awaken all five elements and Lisa Welts who had awaken the natural element, healing, innately were but overshadowed by the bright talent of their eldest sister not to mention their growths had been somehow way too slow especially compared to their other cousins, not to mention their very own eldest sister by blood who they had once admired.

The third son and fourth daughter' growths were somehow lacking even compared to the average growth of the masses as if something had held their growths back from flourishing. Unfortunately for them, their younger siblings were somehow unaffected as if they two were the only ones cursed. The growths of these younger siblings of theirs before the ceremony and the getting better financial of their family after the fourth daughter's ceremony made the two unfortunate teenagers to feel both happy and sad at the same time.

It was all started to get better after the day Raven was dissed, the starting day the twins who had been having the same almost undistinguishable appearance suddenly became easily distinguishable as the sixth son, the younger twin, Vain Welts, had been starting to refuse many orders and requests of his parents as if he had entered his rebellious phase earlier as the boy had yet to even enter the middle school by that time. The boy had even been punished and by his own accord, he left home for a year without breaking the perfect attendance at school. No one had known what happened to that young boy in that one year. Nothing was known except the young boy was still healthy and still came to his classes of the school during that one year. That one year had sliced the hearts of the two parents, making the both of them to start thinking of what had they done wrong for this to happen.

In that one year, except the two parents who were grieving from the unexpected act of their nine years old boy and the eldest who was showing his unbroken will and perseverance by kept on honing his combat techniques every hour he was awake every day while stopping only to eat with his family, to clean up his body before the family dinner and sleeping. The other four children at home could only work harder to not disappoint their parents again after seeing their fallen from grace but still admirable eldest brother.

The nine years old boy was never home as he was gone after his duties at school, until that faithful day which raised the second daughter and sent the eldest son to his oblivion. The day the old lady started to become even more annoying than she was oblivious of many things she was unaware of.

= = = = =

The old lady was still on her radio mode repeating the stale story she had spoken for how many times, uncaring the words from that mouth of hers were not helpful even a little. The two younger elders could only be held by each other while their children being radio lectured by their elder.

Meanwhile, the remaining childrens of the couple, Sain, Vain and Viena at this moment while hearing the broken radio grandmother of theirs on air live right next to them could only react differently silently on their own.

Sain felt burdened with a little bit hint of anger from his paternal grandmother's harsh remarks. Vain had been gleefully playing with his youngest sister by patting her soft white long hair or giving her a hug once in a while as well as covering her ears to filter down the unpleasant remarks. Viena had been trembling after her grandmother started the part to diss her eldest brother, third brother and fourth sister, luckily for her, her doting sixth brother would soothe her while giving her warm pats and hugs which came with a feeling of security.

Suddenly the broken radio grandmother started a new topic about the twins,

"Sain, Vain, you two have to show them great results and make your grandmother proud like your eldest sister. Don't disappoint this old lady like your three disgraceful siblings."

Sain could only hold his temper from exploding for his parents' sake meanwhile Vain stopped his playful acts and hugged his cute youngest sister's trembling body while revealing her ears open which was unprecedented to Viena as her ears had always been covered before until today by Vain, her older by five years brother, never let her down too much which also one of the reasons she was so clingy and intimate with Vain rather than her parents. Although this made her too spoiled but her parents never said a thing and even defended her in front of others relatives or anyone for some reasons. The one who didn't know only though that this was caused by the infamy of the Calm Tyrant that wasn't a one time thing but came from the fame of the tyrannical strength he owned and shown after he left home and the tyrant acted against anyone who was too much against his family members even the old lady but, unknown to most of the public, the Calm Tyrant also act the same toward his other relatives who dared to cross the unknown line the Tyrant got toward his siblings and parents.

Viena who was being soothed and lost in her mind was awaken by the voice that entered her ears saying, "This all end now. Brother wont let this old lady acts so mighty anymore."