
Me My System

Immortal Mad Dog had ravaged many worlds and universe even with his blessing had cursed him to unable to get stronger from his level except by honing his techniques to their peaks. The Mad Dog finally stayed quiet for some years until the visit Join the third life of man who had finally chosen to re-live his third life without regret

BoredDao · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 : Just A Dream?

Origin City, the mysterious city that had always been the same since the ancient times and been known as the True Capital of the world as the city had been the same in any history records, even the ancient ones.

It had been the only city that could rival even the capital of an empire, yet none dare claim this free city except expanding their roots within since any forces that had dared to claim ownership over this very city would only soon to be forgotten of their existence as if they were never existed, hidden as if it was the most darkest history of the territory's new owner, the most taboo story that had to be buried, to be forgotten. This city later on known as the capital of the Country of Freedom. The only country that survived all world wars and catastrophes ever happened that wiped many empires, kingdoms and basically all countries before the armageddon.

Somewhere inside a mansion in the capital city of Country of Freedom,

A young boy rose up from his sleep as if a nightmare had haunted him, the frightened young man called Sain Welts. The young man, Sain was flabbergasted as the dream he just had was so vivid as if it had happened. Unknowingly to him, a single bead of sweat was forming before falling on top of his left hand startling him awake from his daydream to check his head which miraculously not even wet in the slightest way.

"Finally awake, sleepyhead?"

A similar stature of Sain could be seen sitting on the couch while looking at him. Their faces were basically a copy of each other as the 2 young men were born as an identical twin, their most contrast physical difference would be their hairstyles, Vain, the younger one of the two, with hair long enough to be tied to a pony tail including his bangs while Sain as the elder one got the short hair like most males did. The other one would be the birth mark of theirs, the elder twin got his on his right upper arm while the younger twin got his on his left upper arm, although most of the time they would have it hidden under their clothes but, some knew about it.

"Vain! I just had a crazy dream, a dream where it was so different as the life we are living now. Father and Mother only had 3 children, and there was no magic and monsters around. The Earth was water dominant which called the sea and ocean and and... " Sain excitedly starting to storytell his dream that was so vivid as if it was a reality to his younger twin brother, Vain, who had been sitting still over the couch as if his excitement didn't transmitted to the one over the couch.

Seeing the one over the bed stopped his story, Vain, while still sitting comfortably on the couch, said "Alright, Sleeping Prince, seeing you have awaken now, will we continue with your dream telling and forget about the ceremony today or will you start preparing before we start running to the school?"

"It is still sev...! It's already 8 o'clock in the morning!!! Why didn't you a.. "

"You better start preparing then, sleeping prince.

I already asked father and mother's permission to pack our breakfasts for today. Either it will be our breakfast or brunch, that will be up to you. we got 50 minutes if you can catch up with me today."

"Vain, why you!"

"A brunch it is then. Can I eat mine as breakfast, my elder twin brother?"

the elder twin started complaining before countered perfectly by the younger twin

"Gr.... Don't you dare! You will be waiting for me!"

Sain left his bed in a hurry and finished taking preparing to leave in 5 minutes.


"That's resources abuse!"

"And you will the one responsible for that."

"Fine, but you have to be able to keep up with me today. We are leaving, sleeping prince!"

After the short exchange, Vain left through their veranda to the top of their mansion and started running.

"Cheater!" with no much time to response, Sain could only helplessly chase after his brother

The capital city of the Country of Freedom, Origin City, the most prosperous and safest place on earth as none dare to do criminal act in the city thus, leaving a veranda wide open or a mansion empty would be still safe. The downside of this place was vehicles were not allowed to go faster than 10 km per hour. So except for comfort or other means, none would use vehicle to move around within the city.

Moving over 30 km per hour, the twins ran over the top of the buildings straight to the school which was less than 5 km in straight line from their mansion. shortly after their departure,

"Vain, do you still remember the dream I was telling in our room?!"

"Sain, you got that much too spare?! You are improving fast, let's step up a notch then!"

"No, Vain, wait!"

Alas, ignoring him, Vain had started to speed up n widening the gap between them. Sain could only step his game up as well and start chasing Vain. Their speed reaching 50 km per hour before they land on the stopping pad of the school in less than 10 minutes.

"Vain, you little bastard of a brother!"

Sain started cursing Vain in part as he was gaping for air from exhaustion. The cursing target, Vain, who stayed calm just calmly produced a bottle with green liquid in it and offered it to Sain silently. Without hesitation, Sain received and drank the green liquid in one go before standing straight while breathing in a long breath before breathing out a short breath to calm his breathing. The surrounding people around and in the pad at least sent a glance over them before returning to their own task.

"Is this called flexing?" looking straight at his leaving younger brother, Sain helplessly said.

Not responding to Sain, Vain slowly left the wide stopping pad before stopping under shade of the big tree nearby Vain finally responded to Sain, "That called charity, brother, as it was for the sake of efficiency. This is what I call flexing." as Vain finished his words, a table with a couple of chairs and meals appeared out of nowhere nearby.

The appearance of the dining set had invited eyes of many back to them which were ignored by the main perpetrator. Vain, who had relaxed over one of the comfy dining chair with a glass of clear water in his hand, looked across the table where Sain was standing rooted. Sain was just able to collect himself after Vain took a sip over the clear magical spring water in his glass.

Over the table was alluring meals of humongous meat steak and glasses of clear water. The surrounding had their eyes glued to the meat and water as if something was inviting them but, none dared to step forward as the one over the table was too strong and infamously known as the Calm Tyrant thus leading none to dare coveting of what owned by the sitting Calm Tyrant.

This infamous title was given to Vain Welts last year after a new transfer teacher was being too way overbearing and acted as he wanted while teaching low level stuff to the students as if it was the next level stuff. The students started to ignore him especially Vain who just used the Private Room in class to show his disapproval of the teacher. The act made the overbearing teacher angered and reported the soon to be called Calm Tyrant to the higher ups which led to a duel between the two.

The overbearing teacher was a noble son of a viscount family of a medium kingdom who unknowingly being orchestrated by a few duke families of the kingdom of their overbearing and arrogant attitude despite being only a viscount family. The overbearing and arrogant viscount heir thought he was in the right and acted like the lion as he was in his homeland while unknowing that he had already been a big fat lamb ready to be slaughtered as he accepted the role to be a teacher in this famous city thinking that this was a chance for him to be part of the dukedom if he was capable to prevail and be transferred to the Academy Fortress of the Country of Freedom, Academia, the most prestigious place to earn fame and merit for the empires and kingdoms.

The result of the duel, of course, was a one sided one hit K.O. and the slaughter of the slaughter ready lamb and its whole family along with the accomplices as the duel led to an introspection of the lamb teacher since his license was not backed by his skills but a forgery of the said kingdom. Huge price was demanded of the kingdom which demoted the medium grade kingdom to a small grade kingdom and of course a hidden revolution which led the royal family become a puppet family of the few duke families who had prepared all of this.

Back to the current situation,

Sain had taken a seat as well and Vain used a Private Room to give them some privacy while still able to see the outside of the Private Room. The Private Room is one of the magical item made by top class maker of the city which had been part of the top 10 must have luxury items. The price easily broke 10 millions Neom, the global acknowledged currency, the currency of Country of Freedom. Of course the precious resources mostly were traded unless the finder was in need of money.

Vain had started eating after putting up the room around them while Sain still looking across the table over his flexing twin brother, "This is indeed a flexing. The magical meat and magical water, even if we are from a quite well off family, this is still a luxury we can't afford every day and this is the lowest one there is as there will be more harm than benefit if one's constitution was too weak for this."

Vain didn't respond with words but with action of cutting the half meat steak on Sain's plate to a quarter before putting the cut steak into his mouth. All was done in an instant, leaving Sain unable to stop it and could only give up while thinking it was the price for the healing potion he got not long ago.