
Me And My Beautiful Sword Spirits

Caught in the crossfire is a short, skinny, ordinary young man (CHARACTER PROGRESSION INCOMING) who nearly met his end. Fleeing for his life, his terrible sense of direction leads him to a room cloaked in demonic flesh. A soft voice echoes in his mind, guiding him through the shadows toward a mysterious sword. Compelled by desperation, the young man draws the ominous blade, unraveling its arcane secrets. To his surprise, the sword speaks, addressing him as its master and offering a chilling proposition. ....................................... In Modern World New Chapter Every Day + One Extra For Every 10 Power Stones

FatFrog · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Pre Workout

In an unknown place.

Aria stood still with an open mouth in amazement as she watched at a single point for the past 5 minutes.

"Do you not like it?"

Said Aiden as he looked at Aria.

"I know that it's nothing special-"


Screamed Aria as she saw the majestic mansion in front of her.

As Aria approached, the grand entrance revealed itself, adorned with a set of imposing double doors that promised a world of luxury beyond. The mansion exuded an air of affluence, with meticulously manicured lawns and artistic landscaping framing the property.

Upon entering, the spacious foyer unfolded, adorned with polished marble floors and a cascading chandelier that showered the area in a soft, golden glow. The contemporary furnishings showcased a blend of comfort and elegance, with plush sofas and designer pieces arranged tastefully.

"We didn't have this in my tree house. . ."

Said Aria as she remembered her previous life as a spirit.

"What? Dont everybody has home like this?"

Said Aiden as he got an angry look from Aria. 

'Stupid rich kids'

Said Aria in her mind, remembering her childhood memories.


A little girl with short white hair was making a sand castle in a pool of pixie dust that oddly looked like a sandbox.

The girl wore a torn piece of cloth.

Out of nowhere, a few girls began jumping on the sand castle, completely destroying it. 

"Ha ha poor girl, you can't even afford to play with anything except pixie dust."

Said the girl who destroyed the sand castle before she opened the zipper of her small pink purse.

"Do you see this? This is the new Mary and Jesus pool party set."

Said the girl as she took out a doll of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ in swimming suits.

"Clearly you don't have it because your broke parents cannot afford it."

Said the mean girl in a mocking tone.

Little Aria now started crying as the mean girls made fun of her.

Years Later

A white-haired teen girl in somewhat dirty clothes opened a wooden door leading towards her school, which was fully made in a tree.

"OHHH look who is it."

Said the same mean girls, now appearing to be between 16 and 18 years old, trying to humiliate Aria again.

"What are those disgusting rebellious clothes? So embarrassing."

Said one of the girls as she wore nun clothes with the logo "Supreme" on them.

"The shaman from 3-b said that my faith in god is off the scale."

Said the same girl with a mocking expression.

"Look at this unholy female. She probably drinks alcohol and goes out late at night."

Said a boy with Clerical clothing in the crowd as he too, started mocking Aria.

After some time, everyone saw Aria, and everyone started to humiliate her.


Said Aria in anger.

"HAHAH she even swears."

Unable to contain her anger, she turned away and stormed off, leaving the school with tears in her eyes.

Aria started flying as fast as possible towards her home.

Her home was a rotten tree with hundreds of doors. In modern times, this would be called a cheap motel.

Aria opened the door of their apartment with tears in her eyes.

Unfortunately, as she opened the door, she saw even more trouble.

"Why did you not get the boys to Preschool?"

Said Aria as she watched three boys with the same exact faces drawing on the walls.

Those three boys were Aria's brothers, and they were triplets.

"Uhhhh idk I didn't fell like it."

Said a fat, ugly man with a long beard as he was watching spirit football with a beer in his hand.

This was Aria's deadbeat father. 

"F&ck its almost time for preschool."

Said Aria as she started to pack the boys' backpacks and dress them up.

Aria got out of the house with the boys around her as she was flying with all her powers towards the preschool.


Said Aria as she saw the nun close the doors, but the nun didn't stop.

"Young miss the children had to be here in 8 am. Now its 8:10 am."

Said the nun with an angry expression.

"I know, but we are only 10 minutes late. Can you-"

Aria was cut off.

"No this is a place for educating children to become faithful people. If you care so little about that then you should get them to your night clubs."

Said the nun as she closed the doors and left Aria and her brothers outside.

Aria got on her knees in sadness.

"I never even stepped in a nightclub."

Aria started crying.

After some time, a well-dressed spirit appeared in front of Aria.

Aria saw the shadow and looked up.

"Mannnnn teenagers those days. They can't even take care of a few brats so now they have to beg."

The man opened the zipper of his pickets and pulled out 9 bronze coins.

He got in a baseball pose and threw the coins at Aria with all of his power.

"Here you go. Go buy yourself some alcohol, slave."

Said the man as he kicked sand towards Aria.

The man then flew somewhere, leaving Aria and the boys alone.


"Huh? Blizzaria."

Aiden said as he called out Aria in her Pokemon name.


Screamed Aria in anger.

"I am sorry."

Said Aiden with the expression of a wounded puppy.

"Sorry, its not your fault. Lets go."

Said Aria with reddened checks as she looked away.

They finally opened the gates and entered the mansion.

As they entered, maids could be seen bustling around, attending to various tasks within the mansion. Aiden, perplexed by the lack of acknowledgment for his new guest, couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Aria, can normal people see you?"

Aiden inquired.

"Yes, they can, without a problem,"

Aria replied.

Perplexed, Aiden approached one of the more experienced maids.

"Sophia, aren't you going to ask about our new guest?"

He queried.

'F*ck, I am not paid enough for this s&it.'

Sophia grumbled inwardly.

"*gasp* who is this woman? Is she your girlfriend, young master?"

Sophia exclaimed, faking surprise and curiosity as she felt her paycheck getting shorter and shorter.

Aiden finally read the room and left the maids alone as he and Aria got into his room.

'Just as I expected this is bigger than my apartment.'

Said Aria in her mind.

"Master, will your parents have no problem with me being here?"

Aria inquired, her voice carrying a hint of concern as she navigated the delicate territory of her newfound presence in Aiden's life.

"Well, my parents only come and visit me once or twice a month"

Aiden replied, his expression taking on a touch of sadness.

"It's hard only seeing my parents so rarely."

Said Aiden as he lowered his head

"I didn't ask that."

Said Aria in her mind as she got more and more annoyed.

Just then, a maid entered the room, presenting a tray with a steaming blanket and a cup of hot chocolate prepared by Aiden's personal chef.

"I understand their position; they want to give me a good life. But..."

Aiden dramatically slumped into his luxurious chair, his voice quivering as he began to fake tears.


Just then, a sound from Aiden's 77-inch Titanium OLED TV turned on.

Aiden specifically made the TV to turn on the moment a video was posted from his favorite YouTube superhero channel.


Name: Quantum Sentinel

Color Scheme: Sleek black with electric blue accents

Helmet/Headgear: A lightweight, form-fitting helmet with a built-in heads-up display (HUD) that provides real-time data and analytics. The visor has a holographic overlay, allowing the hero to analyze environments, detect threats, and communicate with allies.





On the screen was a common-looking superhero with his usual Helmet, Chest Emblem, Gloves, Boots, and Cape.

"Young master who is this perverted Sorcerer?"

Said Aria with a disgusted look.

"He is not a pervert or a magician, shaman or sorcerer. He is a hero. His suit is made to satisfy young boys and help him keep his identity hidden. You know not everyone can become a magician."

Said Aiden with excitement.

Aria widened her eyes in reaction to the newly acquired information.

"So this pervert goes for young boys and hides so that he wont face the consequences of his actions-"

Said Aria with an even more disgusted look.


Said Aiden in an annoyed voice.

"And what do you mean by "Not everyone can become a sorcerer"?"

Said Aria, as she didn't know what her master was talking about.

"Am I wrong? I never felt this magic or whatever."

Aiden exclaimed in a confused voice. Though familiar with the concept of superheroes and their extraordinary abilities, the revelation of the magical world had unfolded before him less than a day ago.

Aiden's understanding of magic was limited to what he had seen in TV shows and read in books, leaving him to grapple with the sudden realization that such fantastical elements were now part of his own reality.

"It's true that some people can awaken an alter ego earlier than others, but you are wrong. Every single person is born with an individual element. As you get more powerful, you can evolve your element by unlocking more states or by acquiring Named or Unnamed Techniques."

Aria shared a fragment of the journey of a sorcerer with Aiden, her words weaving tales of mystic realms and arcane powers. However, the intricacies of the magical world only seemed to deepen Aiden's confusion.

"Then... could I become someone like... them?"

Aiden asked, his finger indicating the heroic figure making headlines. The notion of stepping into the shoes of a superhero whose deeds transcended the realms of ordinary humans filled Aiden with a sense of wonder and uncertainty.

The world of magic and superheroes had opened up before him, and the possibilities seemed both thrilling and perplexing.

"You want to become a pervert?"


Screamed Aiden.

"I already told you, master. I will make you the strongest being in this world."

Said Aria with a dramatic flourish.

"You didn't . . ."

Aiden responded, his eyes widening in mock disbelief.

"Well, I will. . . But our lesions will have to start tomorrow. Now we should sleep."

Said Aria as she looked outside the window, indicating that it was late for lesions.

Aiden then opened his drawer and took out a futon, blanket, and a pillow.

"I will sleep on the floor so you can take the bed."

Aiden tried to be a gentleman.

But the moment Aria saw his puppy face, her cheeks became reddened as she turned her gaze away from him.

"No Master, it should be you, the one in the bed."

Said Aria with crimson red cheeks.

'Now he will say, "I can't let a lady sleep on the floor." Then I will say "Then lets both sleep on the bed."'

Said Aria in her mind as she imagined a scene from the love novels she read, but reality can sometimes be disappointing.


Aiden said as he got on the bed and left the futon for Aria.

Aiden's shamelessness proved to be a force to be reckoned with, surpassing any expectations or attempts at conventional politeness.

Aria stood still for ten whole minutes, waiting for Aiden to tell her that he was kidding, until she finally lay down on the futon.

'I have sleept in worse places.'

Said Aria in her mind.

'I am wondering if he can even sleep. His head must be full of impatience for tomorrow's lesson,'

thought Aria in her mind. Unknown to her, Aiden was already snoring in his deep sleep.