
Me And My Beautiful Sword Spirits

Caught in the crossfire is a short, skinny, ordinary young man (CHARACTER PROGRESSION INCOMING) who nearly met his end. Fleeing for his life, his terrible sense of direction leads him to a room cloaked in demonic flesh. A soft voice echoes in his mind, guiding him through the shadows toward a mysterious sword. Compelled by desperation, the young man draws the ominous blade, unraveling its arcane secrets. To his surprise, the sword speaks, addressing him as its master and offering a chilling proposition. ....................................... In Modern World New Chapter Every Day + One Extra For Every 10 Power Stones

FatFrog · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Enchantment (1)

Three days later, within the confines of the Santa Stadium, a familiar clash of blades echoed through the air.


The distinct sound of metal meeting wood resonated, signifying the intensity of the ongoing duel. Yet, amidst the exchange, Aiden found himself in a different state than before. His hands were still wrapped in bandages soaked in his own blood, a testament to the ferocity of the battle. However, his look had undergone a profound transformation. No longer did the shadows of fear and pain dominate his expression; instead, his eyes radiated a newfound determination, the resolve of a man who had weathered the storm.

As Aiden faced the relentless onslaught, a surge of power coursed through him. Swiftly rising from the ground, he seized control of the cynical energy he had amassed over the past days. In the blink of an eye,


Aiden's blade erupted into a brilliant display of crimson fire, interwoven with crackling arcs of black electricity. The fusion of arcane elements marked a symbolic transformation, a manifestation of Aiden's refusal to succumb to defeat.


The ensuing clash produced a thunderous symphony, a collision of forces that reverberated throughout the stadium. Aiden's enhanced blade, now a formidable amalgamation of enchantments, met Aria's wooden counterpart head-on.

In a stunning display of prowess, Aiden's blade pierced through the enchanted defences of Aria's weapon. The wooden sword shattered, unable to withstand the sheer power and determination behind Aiden's strike.

The source of Aiden's newfound power bore a weighty revelation—it was the inadvertent consequence of his ]Eternal Oath[. In a twist of fate, Aiden had forged a contract that granted him a boost in his training. However, this pact came with a price: a mission to obtain Lucas's head within a specified timeframe. Failure to fulfil will result in Aiden's death.

Aria's nod of approval brought a small grin to her face as she watched Aiden's growing determination and improved skills. "Not bad, you're making real progress," she complimented sincerely. But Aria wasn't one to rest on laurels; there was more training to be done.

"Okay, let's move on to the next exercise," Aria said, shifting gears. Aiden arched an eyebrow, curious about what challenge awaited him. Aria pointed towards a big wall in the stadium. "See that wall? Your task is simple: punch it without using any magic," she instructed.

Aiden, a bit puzzled, decided not to question the odd request. Compared to what he'd been through, throwing a punch seemed like a straightforward task. Little did he know, Aria had something special in mind, a test that went beyond just muscle power.

Aiden punched the wall without using a drop of magic. Until now, Aiden knew that this energy called mana was the reason that he could even call himself strong. Without mana, Aria or the blade, he was just a rich, handsome asshole. But now, his insecurity would soon be proven wrong. 


Aiden's fist collided with the wall, and to his surprise, it went through as if the solid structure were mere water. The impact left a gaping hole, and Aiden pulled his hand back, bewildered by the newfound strength.

Aria observed his reaction with a pleased smile. "Surprised? This is the outcome of your training," she remarked, shedding light on the mystery. Aiden couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and accomplishment.

Her explanation followed, and Aiden listened intently. "What you did is similar to building muscle. Just like building muscle, causing small damages to muscle fibers, providing protein as a material, and allowing them to heal during rest, builds stronger and bigger muscles, you achieved a similar effect using mana as an amplifier," Aria clarified. "By consistently employing mana while simultaneously causing controlled damage to your skin, bones, and muscles, you promoted healing with mana and, in turn, built a stronger body. This process is known as ]Magic Conditioning["

"But for now, forget about that... Aiden, do you know why I told you that the name of the blade is Aetherian Radiance?" Aria queried, aiming to impart a new piece of knowledge. "It was because I wanted to see if Melodrax would react if you called out his name, but it didn't do anything," she explained, her smile fading.

"React? You mean that this thing is still alive?" Aiden questioned, a bead of sweat forming on his face as he examined the katana in his hand.

"It's true that Melodrax was defeated, but his ego is still residing in the blade you are holding," Aria revealed, her tone growing serious. "We will use this to our advantage. We need to make you stronger, and when the day comes, you will have to face Melodrax in a one-on-one battle. This way, the blade will recognize you as his true master, causing an ]Evolution[," she explained, her eyes gleaming with an ominous light.

Aiden's eyes widened, fear creeping into his expression. "Wait a second. Does it really have to be me? No matter what, you are times stronger than me. Isn't it better for you to do it?" he stammered, his face now drenched in sweat.

"I would love to, but..." Aria began, grabbing the blade. The moment Aria took hold of the weapon from Aiden's hands, a quiet, mystical voice filled her ears with unrecognizable words of horror and despair.

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The voice grew louder and louder until a gruesome phenomenon occurred. Aria started to bleed from her eyes, ears, and mouth. She dropped the blade, and with a twisted smile, she confessed, "He doesn't recognize me as anything more than an insect. I wasn't chosen by the blade; you were. I was able to help you change its form and strengthen it only because you were the vessel."

Aiden then paused for a second as he widened his eyes.


Aiden froze for a moment, his eyes widening in disbelief. "]Evolution[?" he echoed, the weight of the revelation sinking in. The concept of the blade evolving and the responsibility that came with it hung heavily in the air.



]Evolution[ Is a concept of an alter ego evolving in a different path/emotion or transcending in his base path/emotion.

Because Melodrax became an ego of the sword, he is now able to evolve.