
MCU: Two Templates and a Shitty Flaw

Reincarnated in the MCU world, in the body of Yukihira Soma, a woman tries to navigate this new place without breaking. She's got a system template and there are pros and cons to this: Pro, she's got two templates at the moment Con, to obtain the second one, she had to pick a flaw. The flaw? 'Truth: Equivalent Exchange' Strange, yes. Also dangerous. Once she (now, he) finds out its repercussions, what would she do? Now, this woman-turned-boy has to try and improve herself if she wants to survive. After all, with Great Power, comes Great Responsibility. . . Not sure if I will add romance, to be honest. And if I do it won't be explicit. The story starts four years before the start of Iron man. . . I chose a random anime generator to select the templates and I liked the two options it gave me. So I did one option in the Naruto world and another in the MCU world. PS. the first chapter of both fics is similar.

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 2

Just when the Wheel has stopped and she can see it pointing at 6-C, she becomes dizzy. One moment, she's there in the void, the other, she feels like something that is being flushed out.

The next moment, she is on what she's now sure is a bed.

With heavy eyelids and feeling comfortably warm, she nuzzles the cushion. For one blissful moment, she thinks the choices are some part of a dream. However, that doesn't last, as she feels something uncomfortable between her legs. She thinks is another of her dog's toys that somehow ended up under her bed, so with little thought she grabs it.

And promptly moves her hand away as if burnt.

That hurt.

She slowly stands up. First, she touches her chest where she finds nothing and then touches down between her legs, where there is something. A slightly hard fleshy something.


And, if that wasn't enough, a panel appears in front of her face. A familiar panel.

"Welcome to the Template System," it repeats the first words it said to her. Before one red exclamation symbol is lit up next to it. She concentrates on it unconsciously and another panel appears as soon as she focuses on it. "You have got a draw left; would you like to use it for a new Template?"

She blinks and it disappears, turning itself into the same symbol as before, though now placed on the left bottom of her vision. The text welcoming her is there. She slowly approaches a hand to it, before stopping and looking at her hand. Or more accurately would be to say her 'not hand' because that surely is not her hand, is it? It's slender as her old hand, but not as small. Her pulse is not as petite, though still compact.

"Souma, when are you going to wake up?!"

That shout surely put her out of her thoughts. She accidentally also touched the panel, which isn't solid but still feels as if it were something gaseous. The text changes, too.

"Would you like to see your 'Status'?"

She's about to answer when pain comes to her, a small headache that hurts more for how unexpected it came. She feels information being downloaded into her brain. 15 years of memory comes and goes.

By the time the pain has faded somewhat, her door is being knocked on twice. Then it opens and what it comes from her mouth is strangely familiar, as it is unconscious.

"Mom, what did I tell you about entering without me saying you could?!"

"I knocked, didn't I? And luckily, I came! You haven't gotten ready yet. Today is your first day of high school and I don't care how troublesome it is, you will go!"

"… Hai," she mumbles out, partly chastised, partly mortified by what came of her mouth without her knowledge.

"And no-talking in Japanese! I told you, we're in America. You need to talk in English!"

"Ha—I mean, yes, mom!"

"Good. Now go get ready."

With a sigh, she stands up. And stumbles slightly because, of course, she does. She looks down at her feet and yeah, those aren't her feet either.

Luckily, or not, there's a bathroom connected to her room and a mirror inside it. She looks and… a boy looks back. Red hair with slight honey-almost-yellow eyes. The skin is of a light wheat color with fine Asian features. Well, mostly Asian. Her eyes and nose look the part, but her (his?) jaw is sharp enough to be classified as a mix of ethnicities.

Going on from her newfound memories, she realizes the boy's turned fifteen a year ago (his birthday is in November), and is going to start his high school years in America. Having lived all his life in Japan before now. His father, Joseph King, married her mom Tamako Yukihira, and that's the main reason Souma has been bullied for so long when he was in Japan.

But that didn't matter to him. He took solace in cooking rather than trying to make friends, which made him pretty introverted and socially awkward. After all, it's pretty tough for a half-Japanese guy to socialize with people who always looked at him weirdly.

However, with those memories came other memories. The ones of the character Souma Yukihira.

She doesn't remember the specifics of his life. She just has a vague feeling about them. He remembers having a Father who he wished to win against because he wanted to prove something to himself? Because they were fun? She doesn't remember.

There was a cooking school where he made friends, but she can't remember their names. Everything is fuzzy. And while she knows more, it's not because she's lived it. It's because she remembers his story.

More or less.

She hasn't watched the anime and only memes and such are where she got her information from, so she's confused.

It's like her own memories of her previous life. She remembers random facts and pop culture. However, whenever she tries to think in the face of her family members, it's like trying to hold sand between her hands.

She can grasp it for a moment, but as soon as she tightens her grip, it goes away.

Though it doesn't matter now. She doesn't remember her family, but she knows who she is. Her personality has remained the same. She can feel it.

And now she's not Souma Yukihira or whoever she was before. She is–He is Souma King.

"Souma, are you ready?!"

Shit. "One moment, mom!"

Dressing up quickly, and ignoring the extra limb between her legs, she—he goes down and eats breakfast, too late and too afraid to take a shower.

By the time he's done and out of the house, he realizes he doesn't remember the route to school.

Luckily, he remembers where the bus stop is.



The second chapter came sooner because I realized how similar the first chapter was to the twin of this fic, so yeah, to differentiate them I posted the second one quickly. The next chapter will come next week, probably.