
MCU Red Hood

In_time · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 | Reincarnation

We can see inside a house a man was playing Call Of Duty Morden Warfare game in his computer.

He have his headset on with the volume in maximum, outside we can see four people running out of the house adjacent to the man's house. As soon as they got out of their house they started to call out his name to get out from his house. But as he's playing the game in high volume and he was so much immersed in the game he didn't hear anything.

A minute later the family got out from their house, it exploded. The explosion also took out the mans house along with it.

The gamer didn't even know how he died. Fifteen minutes after the explosion fire force came and did their best to put out the fire raging on the two houses.

After getting into the man's house the fireman found his charred body, so they took him to the morgue. Since he was an orphan, his funeral was small, only a couple of his friends from college and his neighbors came.


In the void we can see a long line of light balls and a humanoid figure was sitting at a table named God of Reincarnation. The humanoid figure have galaxies as it's body, after it was done with one of the souls it said "Next." When the God said that the light ball in front of disappeared and another one of the light balls came forward.

"Hello, for your information, you're dead." God told the light ball of soul.

"I'm dead?" The soul asked back with uncertainty.

"Yes." God replied.

"How? I was just playing a game in my computer, so how did I die?" The soul couldn't believe it.

"Well, you died in gas explosion" God said.

"What?? First of all I don't I don't cook at my place I go to the hotels. So how?"

"The gas tank of your neighbors exploded and you were it's victim." God explained what happened to the soul.

"Great.. I always told that lady to careful about that stuff... ahhh.. What can I do right? I'm already dead." The soul laminates.

"Yes you are, but this is not the end."

"What do you mean?" The soul asked with uncertainty.

"Well as you've heard from the myths, reincarnation."

"So it's real!!" The soul got excited.


"Cool, where do I go?"

"That will be a secret and you will find out yourself when you live there. Also, you will get five wishes. So go on, what do you want?"

"So, I can't wish for a specific universe for reincarnation?"


"That's a bummer. I wanted to be reincarnated in the world of Haikyuu." Understanding that the soul can't do anything about it, the soul spoke again "Ahhh... whatever, I want my wishes to be as followed, first wish is all three of the Haki's with maximum potential in each, second wish is that I have the total control over the Digital Dimension in every known universe but, no one but me and the Almighty being in the universe and you can only know about this bit of tidbit, third wish is to have the powers of a Galvan, a Galvanic Mechamorph and a Planchaküle without transforming into them, fourth wish is that I would like to have two modified Super Soldier Serum that will have twice the effect, fifth wish is that if someone loves me and I also fall in love with her, we will be loyal to both of us and won't cheat."

"All of it can be allowed. You will be the new Lord of the newly created Digital Dimension, and yes, no one but us will know about the new dimension and it's new Lord. Now, it's time for you go to your new life."

"Thank you."

To that, the God only smiled at the soul as it disappeared form the plane.


In the operation theater of a hospital, a women is on the operation table surrounded by a doctor and six nurses. After couple of more screaming of the women a small wail was heard as the doctor picked up the baby.

Looking at the healthy baby, the women weakly said "Give me my baby."

The doctor complied with her and gave her the babe.

Cradling her first real family in the world she softly whispered "My baby." with tears falling from her eyes.

Looking at the mother and baby the doctor said "Ms. Todd, you have to name your son."

Hearing that, she nodded at the doctor and said slowly "Jason Todd will be his name."

Saying that she gave Jason to one of the nurses to clean him up and she slowly closed her eyes to sleep because of the tiredness.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 1 End❌❌❌❌