Tony Stark was working on building his new Iron man suit. When suddenly he was teleported into a room with seemingly no way out.
Being thrown face first into the ground is not a pleasant experience especially when being teleported at who knows what speed by a purple beam.
(The story is set right before civil war and for Thor it is set after he gets his hair cut but before he fights Hulk)
*groans* gets up holding his head. "What the fuck was that?"
"TONY!!!" A shout catches his attention."Captain... do you know where we are?"
"No I just appeared here, there was a large flash of light and..." Just as Steve was about to finish his sentence he was interrupted by yet another flash of purple light.
This time there were 5 of them. Out came Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye, The Hulk, Thor and Nick Fury AKA Director of Shield(?).
The Hulk came in while holding his head and screaming "AHHHH HULK MAD" And then his body started to visibly to the naked eye started to shrink. And before long there was Doctor Banner standing in his place.
All questions were being thrown about before "CaN OnE oF yOU ExPlaiN To mE WHaT is GoIng On?"Nick Fury trying to take control of the room.
"Banner are you feeling alright?"Steve trying to tend to Banner."Yes, I thought we were fight Ultron where is this."
"Uh... that can take a minute."Speaks Thor not knowing how to actually explain the situation.
*Ding* A mechanical sound comes from the tv that is in the middle of the room.
Now that everyone has enough time to look around the room proper they notice that the room doesn't seem to have any doors or windows the floor is made of white marbel not a speck of dust the walls were had black and white designer wallpaper. In the middle of the room there is tv around it there is a sofa set a big sofa in the middle with two smaller chair sofas flanking it. A small table in the middle with different beverages and snacks.
*Ding* Welcome to the Adviser Council you have been invited so you may provide your valuable insights on some of the issues we may have*Ding* You may Begin questioning.
"I am Sorry?" Speaks Black Widow.
Ding that is not question.
"Who are you" Questions Hawkeye.
*Ding* "I am AI N007 My job is to document any insights you may provide as well as to help you in understanding the various nuances about SCPs and SCP Foundation."
"That *Sigh* doesn't explain anything"Banner says.
*Ding* "Would you like to engage standard introduction protocal."
Steve who had been surveying the room till now finally spoke,"There are no exits no air ducts no way for air to get inside, but I can still feel wind inside of the room."
"There are also no lighting inside of the room explained."Tony said.
The Avengers then proceed to spend 10 minutes trying to figure a way out.
"I see you finally developed a good fashion sense." Tony complimenting Thor for his new look.
"huh really I mean yes ofcourse I decided to do it myself." Replied The 'God' of Thunder.
On the other side Natasha was explaining to Banner what how much time had passed. "Really I can't believe I have been Hulk for so long."
"Are you alright dr banner" Nick Fury, continues to say "we don't want to be dealing with Hulk right now."
"Yes I feel great it's like something is preventing me from becoming overly emotional." Banner said.
*Ding* "Would you like to engage standard introduction protocal."
Just as he says that the tv turns on and starts to show a loading bar starting to full.
"What how can you say yes what if it's a trap." Clint
"Better than being stuck for who knows how" long Thor
"I don't have my suit" I don't have my bow" I don't have any weapons" neither do I" I have no Shield" and I can't turn into Hulk" I also lost my hammer"
"WHAT you lost your hammer now how the fuck does that happen" Nick Fury
But before Thor has a chance to explain further he is interrupted by the tv showing the SCP logo on it.(Picture)
After the logo fades,
"Welcome I am Dr Simon Clarke. Now I know you have some questions, but if you watch this video it should be able to better explain why you have been chosen for this experiment"
"I work for a secret organisation on Earth, by the name of the SCP Foundation. You will be explained more about them after the video.
You don't have to be worried about what is happening in your universe while you are here as when you leave only a second would have passed."
"You would be allowed to leave when you have provided some new insights, as far as we a aware your universe has no such SCPs so we wanted to know how you did that."
"And yes we are indeed from a parallel universe Earth."
"We apologise if we cause any inconveniences."
*Ding* End Of Introduction
"literally didn't explain anything" Tony angrily said.
"but we have figured something out
like it is from a parallel universe, and it has a organization like SHIELD" Natasha said.
"could we know more about this SCP Foundation." Nick Fury expressionless.
*Ding* Would you like to learn more about the SCP Foundation.
"I guess we have no choice, atleast they provided some snacks" Tony