
MCU/ HP/ Constantine: Shamballa

Waking up after dying was the best thing that ever happened to me. Then I realized I was in the MCU. And mutants exist. So does magic and wizards. Wait and demons too? Arjun Richards had a nice life before he he was reborn. Now things are going to hell, quite literally. Since he can't escape what he knows is coming, it's time to fight back. Well, more run away than fight back, but it's the thought that counts?

EchoSilence · Movies
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Something Sinister in the Neighborhood

I'm in Marvel. Even worse, I have no clue "which" Marvel I'm in. If I am in the Marvel comics version, it's time to ragequit right now. John Sublime, Mr. Sinister, Omega level mutants and crazy reality warpers left and right, if I am in that universe I'm done for. I know of a few of the comic book villains, but I was an MCU guy through and through.

Maybe I could check if the Essex clinic existed in NYC? Sinister ran the clinic to experiment on mutants, the crazy bastard. The city is my neighborhood, should I try to find the clinic or just wait and see for now?

If I am in MCU, I can be a bit more relaxed. Sure, there's Thanos, and Kang and whatnot but they have been massively nerfed from their comic versions.

I know the Xavier family exists and so does their son Charles, since a gossip rag was talking about their family situation. I am going to just assume mutants exist, but for now only with the power set and abilities from the movies. I believe this to be true since a couple of scrapbooked articles by my dad told me that in 1962 we all came awfully close to nuclear annihilation and war, which tracks with the events of X-Men: First Class. My dad, Andrew Richards, loves scrapbooking news articles. Thanks, dad!

My mom is Indian, her name is Sita Richards. She moved to the States in the early 1950's and married my dad and had a child almost within a year. They do love each other, so small mercies, I guess? But I digress.

Since this is a more fictional world, ARPANET was established in the 1940's during the war, and in the next five or so years we should have the internet, which I really need so I can see whether Sublime and Sinister exist. Not to beat a dead horse, but they are the some of the worst comic book villains I know, which doesn't say that much since I only know a few.

Right now it's 1965, so I have some time to figure it out.


What in god's name is an owl doing at my window and interrupting my internal monologue? And why...is that a letter? Oh, no. Oh, no.

I opened the window and took the letter. The owl, understandably, left. Opening the letter, I saw this written in neat black ink:


Headmaster: Agilbert Fontaine Educational Representative of MACUSA, High Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, North American Grandmaster of Enchantments

Dear Mr. Arjun Richards

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your first semester begins on the first day of September.

Enclosed you will find a pendant with the symbol of a Gordian Knot. During the Initiation Ceremony (which includes but is not limited to the Sorting Ceremony and the Wand-Placement Ceremony), you will learn more about this Knot. For now, however, the pendant will be necessary to enter the grounds of Ilvermorny.

To accept your place in Ilvermorny, simply place the pendant around your neck. If you do not wish to attend Ilvermorny, leave the pendant in its case and send it to the Head of Admissions at Ilvermorny, Prof. Veruca Froid, via owl or similar.

Along with this letter and the pendant, you will find a list of required supplies for First Year students, as well as a schedule for the upcoming school year and instructions to travel to Ilvermorny Castle.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Headmistress Emaline Goode


"Motherfucker..." is all I could say right now.