
MCU/ HP/ Constantine: Shamballa

Waking up after dying was the best thing that ever happened to me. Then I realized I was in the MCU. And mutants exist. So does magic and wizards. Wait and demons too? Arjun Richards had a nice life before he he was reborn. Now things are going to hell, quite literally. Since he can't escape what he knows is coming, it's time to fight back. Well, more run away than fight back, but it's the thought that counts?

EchoSilence · Movies
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9 Chs

Ilvermorny Beginnings: Houses

"So, Arjun, which house do you think you'll be sorted into?" asked a girl that I'd met in my cabin. She had long brown hair and green eyes, a pretty girl but not a 'jade beauty' if you ask me. Which is good. Not to sound weird, but I don't need people picking a fight with me over a girl. Or maybe that doesn't happen in this world, and I'd read far too many webnovels in my past life. I digress. My new friend's name was Alicia Silverstar. Weird name notwithstanding, she was fun to be around. We became friends on the train to Ilvermorny and were currently looking forward to getting our house assignments and wands. Mostly wands.

"Well, from the information packet, the Horned Serpent house values scholars, and I'm definitely the bookish type. Alternatively I like my freedom, and to explore. I could maybe see myself as a Thunderbird since I'm kind of adventurous. I'm definitely not a warrior nor a healer, so Wampus and Pukwudgie are out". My comprehensive answer seemed to surprise her. She replied, sort of flabbergasted - "Well you've definitely thought it out more than me".

"Arjun Richards, please come to the centre!" said Ms. Emaline Goode, a 30-something looking woman who wore a pointed hat for some reason. It was surprising since no one else among all the professors was wearing it. Well, whatever floats her boat.

I quietly walked to the center of the Gordian Knot drawn on the floor in the centre of the huge hall, with large wooden statues of the mascots of the four houses facing towards me. A moment later, the crystal in the Horned Serpent carving's forehead glowed, the Wampus carving roared, the Thunderbird carving beat its wings, and the Pukwudgie carving raised its arrow. I was chosen by all four houses.

The surroundings were quiet for a moment before a some loud cheers broke out. Looking at Alicia, she seemed impressed. As I viewed my surroundings, I noticed there was a small group in the back which was collectively glaring at me. Since blood purity isn't as valued in the USA at the same level it is in Britain, I assume that they're either jealous, don't like that I'm not completely white, or both. Humans are great at finding reasons to dislike each other, if not blood purity then just plain old racism will do. I'm thankful, however, that those that wish me ill are a quite small minority that I will take note of now and avoid like the plague in the future.

Now, all four houses accepting me isn't necessarily bad or unprecedented, but it will bring me some unwanted attention. I have no clue why the Wampus and Pukwudgie statues reacted to me, but I'll just ignore it and say it was luck. My choice considering my circumstances, however, couldn't be clearer. As many good fan-fictions have taught me, if reincarnated, always go to the House with the most nerds: they mind their own business and keep their heads down. With this guideline in mind as well as the fact that I'm in a fucking MAGIC school (I want to learn as much as I can) my choice was obvious. I loudly said "I choose the Horned Serpent house" and walked over.

The head professor of the house introduced himself as "Rionach Steward, Head of House for Horned Serpent as well as your Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, also known as DADA". He seems like a nice guy, and apparently has been teaching for 10 years. Imagine that, a DADA professor lasting longer than a year. Well, anyone in Hogwarts can't.

A few names after me came Alicia. Well, her last name starts with an S which is pretty close to R, after all. Anyway, she got sorted into Horned Serpent as well. Once everyone was finished with the sorting, we were informed by Professor Steward that we would soon make our way onwards to the wand selection ceremony, for which each House goes to a separate room. After the wand ceremony we will have the opening feast.

Suddenly, we heard a loud chant of a spell "SONOROUS" followed by "Quiet, children. I will now explain the rules for the wand ceremony. First, please quietly get in an orderly line once you get to your room. The ceremony will proceed with you first picking the wood you feel the most connection with. Once you tell the person in charge, you will then pick the core or cores of your wand. Except in the very rare case of a dual core affinity, we will immediately give you your wand based on your selections since we have all possible combinations pre-stocked. In the case of the rare dual-core affinity, we will custom-make the wand and it will be delivered to your dorm by tomorrow before classes. A wand holster will be provided to everyone at the end of the ceremony. You will have a week to come to the administrative office if there is any issue with the wand, which there almost never is. Please remember that the rarity of the wand core is not a reflection of the caliber of a wizard; I myself have a simple Hebridean Black dragon heartstring wand. Most of the issues with wand compatibility come from the wizard trying to choose something they don't have an affinity with as a core. Please be careful and Good luck!" The enigmatic voice of our headmaster, Agilbert Fontaine, then cut out. I glanced at him, and he seems to have noticed me since he winked.

Soon, our whole House of newbies started slithering (get it? we're snakes? anway..) towards the room where I would officially become a wizard-in-training.