
MCU: Druid’s Adventures

Oaks Woods, blessed by the power of nature, was reborn in the Marvel world. But this world is on the brink of danger... Facing the three paths of destiny— Technology, mutation, and magic. So, shall I become a scientist who appears to be a mutant but actually uses magic? … "Dread It. Run From It." Confronting the army led by the Avengers, Thanos raised his tyrant's blade: " Destiny Arrives All The Same. And Now It's Here. Or Should I Say, I Am!" "Submit before the Destiny!" –Flutter-flutter— “Stop, Roar!" "...Redirect the fire!" Thanos turned around and slashed through Captain America's shield with a single strike: "You said you can fight all day?" … This is a story of a druid posing as a scientist, and his survival in the Marvel world. (Background: Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU) ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Movies
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333 Chs

Chapter 266: The True Purpose of Avalon

After four thousand years of transformation by the Archdruid Havel, the Sacred Oak in the Central Plain had become the true center of Avalon.

Once Oaks completely dispelled the curse of death, the Sacred Oak, as a demi-god-level "sacred tree", pushed the death energy that had been tending towards balance far away.

Now, the death energy was most concentrated on the outer periphery of Avalon, particularly in the Misty Marshes. The life and death forest in the middle ring reached a state of balanced life and death energy, while the Central Plain became more vibrant with life energy as it approached the center.

The reason Oaks came here was precisely because of the existence of the Sacred Oak.

This demi-god tree, which had lost its autonomous consciousness, was the best choice as the carrier for the "Central Biocomputer" in the "Life Sanctuary Project"!

And the reason why it was called the Life Sanctuary Project was because Oaks's ideal state was to turn the unique Avalon into a "Life Sanctuary"!

As the inheritor of the Grand Druid Havel's legacy, Oaks was the only true heir in this space!

And the Sacred Oak served as the control center of this space—

Havel could even directly transmit his power from here to the Stonehenge, illustrating how powerful the Sacred Oak truly was.

Oaks had already gained control over the Sacred Oak, and with the training aided by the Mind Stone during this period, he could now open up more entrances in the three worlds that had the natural channels of Avalon.

However, this approach required a considerable cost. With Oaks's current abilities, he could have a maximum of seven companion channels among the three worlds.

In other words, Oaks' current presence in Avalon was equivalent to a watered-down version or a second-hand "Dimension Lord"!

However, Avalon was too small, just a "pocket dimension." It couldn't be compared to the dimension space that was comparable to a small universe in the common sense of the term.

But as the "Life Sanctuary" in Oaks's plan, it was completely qualified.

The Central Plain, with its rich life energy, would serve as the location of the super biocomputer, the "mirror" of Gaia's consciousness, and become a transcendent sanctuary unaffected and threatened by any political factors on Earth!

After returning from the entrance on Earth, Oaks immediately communicated with the Sacred Oak and obtained the ability to enter Avalon anytime, anywhere in the world with the entrance to Avalon—

The pauper's version of "dimensional teleportation."

Just like in the Azeroth universe, where the Druids could teleport back to the Emerald Dream at any time.

With Avalon truly becoming the "Life Sanctuary," Oaks could try to link it to more planetary ecosystems!

"Now, it's time for the most important step."

Oaks took out a familiar little black box.

It was the carrier that once housed the last portion of Dr. Zola's data.

Then, Oaks took out a device that looked like a brainwave reader.

This was the consciousness transfer device jointly created by Tony and Banner before Oaks left!

Decades ago, Dr. Zola had transmitted his consciousness into a computer in the form of data, which was still an extremely difficult task even today.

However, Tony and Banner had overcome the technical barriers through their research on the Mind Stone.

The human brain itself was a highly evolved biological computer.

The structure of the Mind Stone itself was almost a perfect fusion of the human brain and computer structure—

The original "Ultron" was also created based on this state, a super artificial intelligence that was the embodiment of data and wisdom.

By merely utilizing this unique structure, the biggest challenge of biocomputers, the ability to establish communication between biological thinking and computer language is solved—

Data interoperability with existing computer systems.

This consciousness transfer device could convert biological consciousness into data, and vice versa, convert data into biological consciousness!

Facing the endlessly vibrant Sacred Oak, Oaks's thoughts involuntarily drifted back to the day before his conversation with Dane Whitman—

The Nature Guardian, the top-secret laboratory.

Tony and Banner had been researching the Mind Stone for a week and had made preliminary progress.

With the successful construction of the consciousness transfer device, one of the biggest obstacles of biocomputers was solved. Tony and Banner were fine-tuning the research and didn't need the Mind Stone for the time being.

So, Oaks temporarily borrowed the Mind Stone to complete the final task that required its use.

Processing Dr. Zola's digitized consciousness.

As the first scientist to successfully digitize his own consciousness, Dr. Zola could be considered a true epoch-making genius.

The reason why Oaks deliberately kept a backup of his consciousness was for this moment.

"Oh, Dr. Oaks... You finally decided to let me out!"

After connecting to the monitor, Dr. Zola's resentful voice seemed to echo from the speakers.

"You didn't shut me down or connect any devices to release me for so long!"

"Hydra doesn't respect human rights, especially considering that you're no longer human," Oaks struck at Dr. Zola's vulnerable consciousness, causing the latter to fall silent for a moment and decide not to continue the topic any further.

"Then let me out now. It seems like it's time for me to play my role... What do you want me to do for you?" Dr. Zola asked.

"I have a very interesting project that requires your assistance in deducing," Oaks didn't waste time and directly explained the concept of the "Life Sanctuary Plan" to Zola, omitting the information about the Mind Stone.

"What do you think?" Oaks asked.

"...I have to say, it's a fantastic and limitless idea with endless possibilities. However, it seems like you've encountered some trouble," Zola's mechanical voice chuckled twice.

"I faced a similar issue in the past... Uploading human consciousness into a computer database.

But now you're doing the opposite, placing a data-simulated machine consciousness into a biological computer with a structure similar to that of a human brain!

So... what you lack now is a 'thinking program model' like me!"

With Zola's intelligence, he quickly identified the flaw in the plan without the involvement of the Mind Stone.

"My existence lies between machine consciousness and human consciousness. I can communicate with both sides simultaneously... No, I am the most suitable 'auxiliary consciousness'!"

Zola's tone grew excited.

"Simply mirroring the Gaia consciousness locally is not enough! You also need an 'auxiliary consciousness' to analyze 'its' activities and translate them into a form that humans can understand…

The Gaia consciousness itself doesn't respond to computer operations, but the data generated by such a vast consciousness is astronomical. Without the assistance of an auxiliary consciousness, you won't be able to handle it."

"Ah... You're right. Your thoughts align perfectly with ours," Oaks nodded with satisfaction, interrupting Zola.

"So, as I mentioned before, I have a solution... It seems I didn't misjudge you, Dr. Zola. It was indeed correct to keep your backup."

"Hahaha... Yes, you are correct. Only I can accomplish this," Zola's consciousness thread was already cheering madly—what level of power could I achieve with a biological computer as the carrier and such terrifying computational power?

An auxiliary consciousness? Invading the Gaia consciousness in reverse and transforming myself into a "god"? It was all within the realm of possibility!

Working for this Druid? That was out of the question! Hydra was destined to rule the world!

"So, I can help you build the consciousness transfer device, implant thinking into the biological computer, and achieve this incredible feat," Zola said.

"Yes, of course. I've said before that I kept you for the purpose of serving all of humanity," Oaks calmly took out the consciousness transfer device and connected it to Zola's small black box. "So, farewell, Dr. Zola!"

"What?" Zola was taken aback, but soon he realized that an incredibly powerful stream of data was invading his data consciousness.

"No! How is this possible! You already have a method to inject consciousness into a computer..." Using the consciousness transfer device, Dr. Zola could transmit his consciousness into a biological computer or a blank brain without consciousness. However, Oaks also had means to counter him with the Mind Stone!

"It's impossible! Your thoughts... How can they be so powerful... What is this?!" Oaks directly used the power of the Mind Stone to convert his enhanced consciousness into data, effortlessly destroying Dr. Zola's digitized self-consciousness, leaving only the basic framework of thoughts!

The mind served as the vessel for consciousness, and for the data-conscious Zola, his mind was composed of data! A small black box could hold his "Mind," but Oaks's soul/mind was too vast and intense to be contained even by a thousand small black boxes!

"Using the Mind Stone to deal with you was just a precaution... My own consciousness is enough to handle this," Oaks said.

Oaks then took out a chip—the data-consciousness carrier of his AI butler, "Malorn."

"Malorn, from now on, you will become my closest brother..."

Just like the birth of the "Vision," Malorn replaced Jarvis as the foundation of the primary consciousness. Zola's dataized thought framework, originally meant for humans, became the bridge linking Malorn's data-consciousness and Oaks's own human consciousness—

As Oaks had mentioned to Zola before, his value lay in serving all of humanity and doing the opposite of Hydra!

Now, the basic thought framework left by Zola was equivalent to the Mind Stone that carried his consciousness when Vision was born! Although it wasn't as powerful as the Mind Stone, it played its role as a bridge—

Without this dataized thought framework, Oaks would have only been able to download Malorn into an ordinary biological computer. But now, Malorn had even more possibilities—he would transform from an "it" to a "he," completing the transition from data life to natural life while possessing all the characteristics of data life!

This was the reversal of Zola's life form!

Oaks chose not to use the Mind Stone for this step, fearing that the Mind Stone would become a restraint on this new-born "Mind," just like with Vision.

In front of the Sacred Oak in Avalon, Oaks connected the monitor and the consciousness transfer device to the small black box again.

The current consciousness carrier for Malorn remained a silicon-based chip; it needed a new vessel.

A blue light flashed in Oaks's eyes, and with a wave of his right hand, a cluster of azure soul fragments appeared before him.

"Now, let's begin!" Oaks prepared a consciousness carrier for Malorn that wasn't a physical form of a biological computer but rather his own soul fragments!

The quality of Oaks's soul was at the level of a "Demi-god of nature"!


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - +133 advance chapters

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +165 advance chapters

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

