
MCU: as an alchemist

a soul was reincarnated into the body of an out-of-lucky man, in a world full of HEroes, villains, and aliens, surviving ISn't exactly easy, thankfully he has alchemist system to help, turning hiM INto an abomination that no one saw COMING. --------------- WARNING: This fanfic takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including TV shows, movies, animated movies, and TV shows. However, it will primarily focus on TV shows like "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Daredevil." The story revolves around a self-centered man who views the world as insignificant and prioritizes only himself and his goals. The main character (MC) leans more toward the evil side of the spectrum, so he won't save anyone unless it benefits him. This story is all about benefits and growing stronger. He will not join the Avengers or other hero organizations; in fact, he might do the opposite. He will kill and commit other acts of evil, but don't expect a completely diabolical MC who slaughters everything in sight. Although he is evil, he won't always interfere with heroes if it doesn't benefit him, or if a villain achieving their goals would jeopardize his. Keep in mind that I am not evil; in fact, I am a softy, so I won't be able to write a completely diabolical character but trust me, I will try. I have a great reference, which is reverend insanity, so I might have him do diabolical things like getting the homeless and college kids high to test his new drug. To make it clear, this is about benefits. He will seek benefits and won't think with his "little brother" (but I can't promise anything). Also, he isn't a smartass. I will try not to make him dumb, but he will make mistakes. english isn't my first or second nor do i have an editor, so i will use tools to help EDIT, not write, so go easy on me. NO HAREM, i cant write that type of shit, but for a female lead, i was thinking of morgan le fay.

Bulale_Abali · Movies
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139 Chs

Raiding Shield Base 2 (chapter 38)

prevously in chapter 37

The second floor was similar in design but colder, the temperature dropping noticeably as Henry descended. Ten more guards awaited, more alert after the commotion above. Henry then finally uncorked a Strength Tonic and drank it, feeling a surge of power course through his muscles. He kicked open the glass door, surprising the guards. With enhanced strength, he hurled a Frostbite Bomb into their midst. The bomb detonated, releasing a cloud of freezing mist that froze the guards. The floor cracked under the rapid temperature change, and the guards were immobilized, their faces frozen in expressions of shock he could moved on but he was feeling bad. So he moved through the room, shattering the ice-encased guards with powerful blows, their bodies breaking apart with chilling cracks.

The third floor was warmer again, filled with humming machinery and blinking lights. The guards here were on high alert, weapons drawn so the moment they saw him they fired their funs. Henry quickly took out a Wind Fury Bomb and, with precise timing, threw it down the hallway. The bomb exploded, unleashing a powerful gale that hurled debris and sent the guards tumbling. Henry moved through the chaos, striking down guards who were struggling to regain their footing. The wind whipped through the room, making it hard for them to aim or stand.


This floor marked the beginning of the underground levels. The fourth floor was darker, with emergency lights casting an eerie red glow. The temperature was moderate, but the air was thicker, filled with the metallic tang of weapons and machinery. Henry threw a Lightning Bolt Bomb into the cluster of guards. It detonated, releasing bolts of electricity that chained between the men, causing them to convulse violently before collapsing, smoke rising from their charred bodies. The smell of ozone and burnt flesh filled the air.

Descending further, the fifth floor was lined with metal and plastic, the walls vibrating with the hum of generators. The guards here were equipped with advanced firearms and night-vision goggles. Henry knew stealth wouldn't be enough. He then threw a Thunderstorm Grenade into their midst. The grenade exploded, creating an electrical storm that shocked and fried the guards. The lights flickered and failed, leaving the floor in darkness, save for the occasional flash of electricity arcing through the air.

The sixth floor was eerily quiet, with dim emergency lighting casting long shadows. Henry could feel the tension in the air, the guards more spread out and cautious. the Predator's Vigilance Elixir still in affect, enhancing his senses further. He moved silently, taking out guards one by one with precision strikes, using the shadows to his advantage. The guards, unable to see or hear him coming, fell quickly and silently.

The seventh floor was filled with storage crates and equipment. The guards here had heavier armor and more advanced weapons. Henry decided to use a Magnetic Pulse Bomb. The bomb disrupted their electronic equipment, causing confusion and disarray due to the faulty communication. With their systems offline, the guards struggled to coordinate. Henry moved through them like a ghost, dispatching each one with lethal efficiency. The air was filled with the sound of metal clattering and the guards' frantic shouts.

The eighth floor was a labyrinth of hallways and rooms, each filled with surveillance equipment. Henry knew he had to act fast. He threw a Wind Fury Bomb down the main hallway, sending a powerful gust that knocked down guards and scattered equipment. He moved quickly, taking advantage of the chaos to take down the guards before they could recover. The air was filled with dust and debris, making it hard for the guards to see or breathe.

The ninth floor was the penultimate level, heavily fortified with reinforced doors and bulkheads. The guards were elite, their armor and weapons of the highest quality. Henry used a Frostbite Bomb to freeze the door mechanisms, then shattered the brittle metal with a powerful kick. The elite guards were already advancing, their high-tech gear glinting in the dim light. Henry quickly hurled a Lightning Bolt Bomb into their midst. The bomb exploded with a burst of crackling energy, sending bolts of electricity chaining through the guards. They convulsed and collapsed, smoke rising from their charred forms. The air smelled of ozone and scorched fabric, the crackling energy still echoing in the confined space.

The tenth and final underground floor housed the Super Soldier Serum, each vial stored in a secure, temperature-controlled vault. This floor was colder than the others, with the hum of refrigeration units adding to the oppressive silence. Ten guards stood between Henry and his prize, each one more alert and better equipped than those above. Henry took a moment to assess the situation. He could feel the weight of the mission pressing down on him, the importance of his goal. He pulled out a Predator's Vigilance Elixir and drank it, heightening his senses to their maximum. The faint hum of the machinery, the breathing of the guards, and even the slight vibrations of their movements became clear to him. He carefully placed a Magnetic Pulse Bomb at the entrance, ensuring maximum disruption. The bomb emitted a powerful pulse, knocking out the lights and disabling the guards' electronic devices. In the ensuing darkness and confusion, Henry threw a Sunburst Bomb. The bomb exploded with an intense burst of light and heat, blinding and disorienting the guards.

Using the chaos to his advantage, Henry moved with deadly precision. He dispatched the guards with swift, brutal efficiency, his enhanced strength and reflexes making short work of their defenses. The air was thick with the smell of burnt metal and flesh, the floor littered with the fallen guards. Finally, he reached the vault. The reinforced steel door was a formidable barrier, but Henry was prepared. He placed a Frostbite Bomb on the locking mechanism, freezing it solid. With a powerful strike, he shattered the frozen lock, the door creaking open to reveal the ten vials of Super Soldier Serum, each one glowing faintly in the dim light.

Henry carefully extracted the vials, securing them in a specially designed case, "hhhhhhh, suck on this fucker" he yelled in his mind. He could feel the cold emanating from them, the power contained within each vial palpable. With his prize in hand, he began his ascent back through the facility, retracing his steps through the carnage and destruction he had wrought.

As Henry ascended through the floors, he could hear the distant sounds of reinforcements arriving. The facility's alarm system had finally been triggered, and more guards were converging on his location. He needed to move quickly. On the seventh floor, he encountered a group of fresh guards, their expressions grim and determined. Henry pulled out a Wind Fury Bomb and hurled it down the hallway. The bomb detonated, unleashing a powerful gale that scattered the guards and sent debris flying. Using the cover of the windstorm, he charged forward, dispatching the guards with swift, powerful blows.

By the time he reached the third floor, the facility was in full lockdown. Doors were sealed, and guards were positioned at every exit. Henry took out his last Thunderstorm Grenade and threw it into the midst of the guards. The grenade exploded with a thunderous roar, unleashing a devastating electrical storm. Bolts of electricity arced through the air, striking the guards and causing their bodies to convulse uncontrollably. The intense electrical discharge fried the electronics, plunging the floor into darkness. The air crackled with residual energy, and the smell of ozone was overwhelming.

Henry moved through the chaos, his senses heightened by the Predator's Vigilance Elixir. He could see the faint outlines of the remaining guards through the darkness, their movements sluggish and uncoordinated after the electrical onslaught. He dispatched them swiftly, his strikes precise and lethal. Each guard fell with a muted thud, their bodies smoking from the electrical burns.