
MCU[Indian God's Incarnate]Marvel

Maria Hill knocks on the doors of Nick fury' office. "Come in Maria." A voice of clearly black origins is heard. Maria enters the office and sees a Bald man with an Eye patch. He looks up from the papers in his hand and asks in an annoyed tone "What do you want?" Clearly something has been bothering him. If someone else faces his annoyed tone they may even wet their pants, but maria was accustomed to his behaviour and said in a sweet but serious voice. "There have been sighting of an enhanced individual" The look on fury's face was of annoyance and he said in a dangerous tone "I am mo****Fu***** dealing with the council on tax legislation and you think that this enhanced indivigual is more important!" Maria knew that there are regularly new enhanced appearing and fury didn't need to know about every single one but... "He's more powerfull than Thor" She said only one sentance and fury's face changed from one of annoyance to calm, as expected of a first class spy. "Get me everything on this Piece of Sh$T"............ _____________________________ This is my take on MCU and after seeing that Indian mythology is being forgotten I thought about showing how ridiculously overpowered our gods are. MC is a Transmigrator, but not like others, he's born in India and doesn't want to do anything with avengers. All characters belong to Marvel except the MC and all the oc that I make.Also profile pic is not mine its credit goes to its original creators. Hope you like it Enjoy

atharva_saraf · Movies
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4 Chs

I have got powers, so what I'm not a hero yet.

The screen changes signalling that there was something new, the screen now said


* Congratulations New Sponsor-

Name- Arjuna (The Greatest Archer, Rival of Karna)

Tier- Demi God

A brother from the same mother, This archer was the rival of Karna and held a grudge so long that it turned in somekind of competition, it all started with Draupadi. The woman they both fought for.

Ability- Bow and Arrow (Primary)

Discription- Ability to conjure a mythical bow which allows to form the arrows of required types from divine energy, Still in initial stage power limited.

Ps- Aren't I the best, you boy still can't handle it's power; unlike my rival I'm that strong without any hereditary boon.



Atharva could only stare silently at that arrogant note, he knew they both had rivalry but was it this much? But then they were Gods what could he say. He shrugged and tried to experiment with his powers, Closing his eyes he tried to will the armor to appear

From the center of his chest a black leathery coustume started to appear, it spread all over his body covering every part, even making shoes, it was all matte black with a stylish knack to it.

As Atharva slowly opened his eyes there was a faint golden glow but it quickly faded before he could reach the mirror to check himself, Atharva admired the black armor, it fit him very well but there was one thing he had to check the most, will his clothes remain after the armor is retreated?

At his single thought the armor started to revert back to the center of his chest, Atharva breathed a sigh of appreciation as he noticed that his clothes were still intact, if not then there would be some serious problems in the future. As the Armor fully vanished the screen decided to show itself again.


*Congratulations on using the divine ability for the first time body cells have absorbed exess divine to form a passive skill

Ability- Avatar Body (Primary)

Description-Transforming the divine energy into usable ATP for the body, gaining above average strength, speed and flexibility. A pre-sponsor gift from the Great God Dhanvantari(God of health).

Ps- It wouldn't do to use our energy with normal human body, stages will unlock when conditions are met.



Atharva was confused and overjoyed at the same time he got 2 new sponsors but the 'Certain condition' part doesn't sit well with him, What were those conditions, would he have to do physical exertions to evolve the ability?

There were many questions going through his mind but no answers were to be found, so he just shrugged them off as the matters to be tackled later while experimenting.

As it was late night he trotted down towards the dining room to see his father watch the cricket match on the TV and his mother in the kitchen making food while coming out to serve sometimes.

"Ma, please also plate my food I'm ready to eat" There was a light "ok" from the overworked mother, while Atharva and his father predicted the course of the match his mother served them food and said "The rotis are in the container if you want more take them and give them to your father as required ok?" Atharva gave a distracted nod, his attention on the match going on.

From his mothers perspective both of the dorks were the same, fantics for cricket matches. 'Like father like son' was a perfect fit.

After a while of chatting they all go to sleep, while Atharva was in a deep sleep his parents were talking in their room

His mother said to his dad

"Listen dear" she nudged him on the shoulders.

He let out an enquiring "hmm?"

"If Atharva comes tomorrow and says that he wants to marry Brahmi, will you agree".

His father doesn't even take a second to answer in a firm "NO".

Countering his mother says "But they've known each other for years now".

"But" Father starts "They have known each other for years as friends not as lover, there's a difference between the two, let's wait for a few months to agree". Father ends the conversation in a tone that said 'No further discussion'.

Mom "humphs" in defeat but says something in a cheery voice which leads to Father's sleepless night "Ok then dear untill they marry you'll get one spoon less sugar in your tea, Good night".

Next day Atharva did his daily routine and left for the school, the universe was not going to let him sit idle after he got powers. While on the way to the school as he passed a busy street he heard voices comming from the alley way, slowly creeping up to the edge of the cornor building he looked at the sight of a burly man mugging a weak looking school kid, focusing on a bit more he noticed that they were talking about something related to money extortion and drugs. Atharva got a picture of what the likely scenario was.

There were now two things he could do, first engage in combat with the mugger and possibly leak his identity or second simply leave the sight.

Both of the choices were within his ability, but he chose the third one which is to call the 911. If he didn't have any powers he would have done the same thing, I mean if you have acess to something it doesn't necessarily mean you have to use it.

Calling the 911 was the easier task, It took some time but they arrived and before the men could even think about running away the police officers arrested both of them and took them away. It seemes that the police of queens is not that bad.

Just when he was about to go away a police officer came to him to thank. Atharva just said "Sir please see so that my name doesn't get involved in this"

The officer smiled and reassured Atharva "Don't worry son we know how to protect good people like you.

Good work son".

After patting his shoulders once more the officer left.

After universes attempt to debute him failed he decided that he will do some traning montage so that he can tackle whatever universe throws at him.

His school teaching passed uneventfully, it was just Aman talking about how the indian media is comparing Stark and Ambani in wealth, I mean even if he was the richest man in india could he compare to the wealth of main characters like stark or Bruce wayne, these people have plot armors that give them money and chances. Ambani as far as I knew was just a normal rich man. Nothing special.

Even the odds of Kolkata Knight Riders beating Mumbai Indians in a cricket match are greater than Ambani beating Stark in wealth. That comparision was saying something.

At the late noon he went to the kota institute to teach another batch of students but the saving grace was brahmi who had given him a very passionate and loving kiss in the office before the class started. Those little things energized him for the whole day. He loved his Girlfriend. The word still hadn't settled on his tongue.

Moving on after a fun movie date with Brahmi in her house where they watched Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows and her subtly leaning on to him during the ending scene. Which led to a heaty makout sessions on her couch was a plus point to the powers he had acquired the previous night.

He had asked Ma to talk about their relation to Papa which was in process and surely she'd persuade him into agreeing soon.

As for Brahmi's case they were pretty complicated, they had pretty much cut their ties with her after she had refused to marry at the age of 23, Her parents were not against the prospect of education on the other hand they were very encouraging but they had also wanted her to settle down pretty early, she denied and 'things' happened which led to her fallout with the rest of her family exept her brother Abhishek.

Atharva had a bad opinion of Abhishek, he was impulsive and drunkard and Atharva always felt like he was a burden on his parents and espacially Brahmi who still wholeheartedly loved and cared for him. He wasted Money like tony stark and didn't earn a Kaudi(Penny).

Overall a certified vela(one who doesn't work).

Saying his goodbyes to Brahmi he left for the home, afterall he only got cleaned stomach in the morning after he had the chai(Tea) made by his mother before sleeping. A practice followed by every indian son.

From the next day people closely related to Atharva observed a change in his routine, he'd wake up early in the morning and go on a long walk for nealy 3 hrs. When asked he said "I just had a revelation of how inactive life I'm living" Brahmi objected saying that they were active at night but Atharva corrected her by clearing "No...no, I'm not talking about that kind of active I'm talking about the physical and muscular activeness that results in a healthy and fit body".

But that was only an excuse when in reality he was going to 'somewhere' to train his powers. Because he knew that the universe was not going to let him lead a simple life with his powers, Like some other reincarnator once said and I quote

"Super power is a colourful flower that attracts lots of bees named calamity"

A/N: Very important info- Atharva and his family and brahmi and aman and abhishek all live in America. Yep they just love talking about India a lot and they live in a kinda closed indian community.

Another chapter done, again I think I was a little short, if you are waiting for action it's just 2-3 chapters away, i just felt like I needed to build a world as realistic and resonating to a real thing as possible, obviously I'm just an amateur I can only hope to replicate world building skills of those great authors and try to build a seperate world than MCU at least initially so that there is a suspense of not knowing atleast to some degree. Hope you like this effort of mine. As for why I'm including indian teams and terms like vela and chai it's so because I feel watching Anime that they are portraying japanese culture but we indians fail to do so in our animations and cartoons.

Sorry I'll rant but how many of you know about chopsticks and bento from anime? Do you think we indians have something simmilar which is known to a foreigner other than 'Naan bread and Gobi' as they call it? Think about it. And Vote powerstones.
