
Maze Man

Rory is a normal guy, he isn't a loner but nor is he popular. it was a normal day different from the other days, his school was quite chaotic so he knew something was off. And his hunch was right and on that fateful day the 'Walls' came.

Mogma · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Don't punch me!

As we followed the small child we soon arrived at this small cabin. "Why are we at a cabin?" I asked "It's the start of a mission." The small girl exclaimed "A mission?...what is this a game?" I had that fish face yet again..."No. Not a game, just a mission in order for you to make it to the next maze." I stopped and so did everyone else " A MAZE?" everyone yelled. " Wait, Wait, Wait! a maze you said? So...these walls are all a big giant maze?" I was confused with deeper thoughts like how this happened, or if this child was even human, quickly came to mind. But I just kept them to myself.

We walked into the cabin going down these everlasting stairs, we arrived at this weird portal, we were a bit suspicious but we kept walking toward it. " Step onto the pad, and you will be sent to your mission." she said in a small voice, I looked at her and gulped "Lets just do it already!" John said. "Y- Yeah!" Sarah exclaimed. And so we all stood on the pad ready to go, but before we were about to leave she said something. "But wait, be careful there are others there trying to complete the mission to pass on as well, and they are dangerous. so be safe."

In the blink of an eye we were in this large desert type area, it was blazing hot, we were sweating bullets instantly, we walked for minutes, hours, days. When nights were cool we rested and would continue walking, after days we arrived to a broken down town it was insanely big we walked into the town. Suddenly it went dark, foggy and with us not on guard and distracted we were knocked out cold.



We awoke with water being splashed on us, with my shirt already drenched with sweat, the water made it worse. "Wakey, wakey..." My eyes blurry from the water I tried to rub them but soon realized my hands were tied up.

"Big mistake coming here, we always get people coming through here everyday, hell you wouldn't have made it far anyway. It's too hard after this point, I've seen it all." I looked up at the male "Seen what?" He stared at me. I always hated when people stared at me, it gave me creeps because i felt like they could see my soul, and from the way he looked he probably was. He had this rugged and gritty look, his hair was short but rough, he had ripped and dirty clothing and a small pistol. He had others with him two people it seemed, and he was really tall, taller than me for sure.

"S-So you gonna answer man?" he would punch me in the jaw, busting my lip and making my nose bleed "I'm the one asking questions...understand?" my face hurt like hell, I felt like crying to be honest. But I looked the man in eyes with anger trying to look cool I guess, but he didn't like that so he punched me again, and again. " Don't stare at me! Now...give me all your belongings." I would whisper with bruises all on my face "We d-don't have anything....Just let us go..." He got angry again thinking we were lying "Really?..."

He'd turn around and I'd look over to john and he'd nod his head. He started to rock his chair back and foward extremely hard " What the hell are you doing?" with him distracted, I'd lean backward and rotate my hands and move my wrists back and forth against each other. slipping out of the rope I'd lung at the male punching him directly in the jaw knocking him down I'd picked up my metal pole and hit the man repeatedly on the head, bashing his head in. the blood splattered on me, the people that were with him were surprised they didn't have weapons thankfully, but I soon realized what I had done. I was frightened at myself, I had never killed anyone, I dropped the pole in disbelief.

"Hey man you good?" John said. I'd turn to him. "Y-Yeah i'm good." I'd pick up the male's gun and point it at the other people that were with him. "G-Get on the ground, now!" They started to get on their knees I would walk over to John And Sarah untying them. I would take the males bloody and ripped jacket by putting it on, I would put the gun in my back waist. "Lets go!" Picking up my metal pole before leaving.

We would walk for days just like the beginning of all this. after days of walking we would reach a forest it was out of the blue. "Why the hell is there a forest in the desert?..." I said. "Don't know but lets keep walking.." John said "Y-Yeah" Sarah said as well. And so we continued to walk half way into the forest we would hear noises, the type of noises that made your feet go cold. We turned to look around and out of nowhere these goblins would come to attack us, they had their classic wooden club. swinging them at us we'd dodge as best as we can. I would then use my metal pole to smack one in the head knocking it down and killing it. "Not a game she said, well sure seems like it." I exclaimed.

we killed so many goblins it was a blood bath and we were covered in it. "Ewww..this is disgusting" Sarah said "Well get used to it." I exclaimed while looking at her. "Lets get ready to go." John said. "Yeah, we should." we started to walk and looking up ahead we saw another light and just like last time we ran toward it. It was the portal pad just like last time at the cabin, we all stepped onto it and in the blink of an eye we arrived.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mogmacreators' thoughts