
Maze Man

Rory is a normal guy, he isn't a loner but nor is he popular. it was a normal day different from the other days, his school was quite chaotic so he knew something was off. And his hunch was right and on that fateful day the 'Walls' came.

Mogma · Fantasy
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3 Chs


When we opened our eyes we were greeted with a huge manor made out of marble, wasting no time we walked inside. To be honest with you we were exhausted, we had been walking for days in the hot blazing sun, the jacket soaked in blood had been washed off from all the sweat, and John and Sarah were tired as well. We just wanted to rest. "Hello~ There!" We turned our heads and were greeted with a male in a black suit, he had this weird eerie smile and really, really dark eyes. He gave me the creeps, guys like these were the people your parents told you not to talk to as kids.

"No need to be so hostile; or scared I'm just here to give you your best experience!" The man in the suit said with a weird smile. I was suspicious..but this was the greatest thing to happen to us yet. "Now follow me to your rooms, you will be staying here until your time has run out...." He said. "What do you mean 'run out' ?" I said with my eyebrows all raised. "Well until you have to leave of course sir." He said while staring at me. '...' I was so tired i didn't know what to say at that point. So we all just flopped over the beds and got some sleep.




A sound awoke me in my sleep.

It was a loud banging noise that went on, and on, and on, and on. The type to drive you mad, I'd look over my shoulder realizing John was up, the moon light shined into this room, enough for me to see his crying face that's for sure.

I'd sit up. "Hey, John. are you okay?"

I could hear his sniffles from here, I always saw him as the type to never cry and be tough, but i guess even he can cry.

"I-I didn't wanna tell you all this, but back there....in the desert I saw my...my sister and mother's corpse, I wanted to cry right there but... it was too much for even me to take in, after all this time it finally sunk in...The reality of this new world of walls and mazes. The world will never be the same, they just tried to survive like us. And died doing that."

My heart felt broken for him, even my eyes got moist and blurry, I don't know why but for some reason I felt like I had lost someone too. "Look man, I-I'm here for you alright. You know i always got your back." I smiled at him putting out a fist bump, yeah, yeah I know it's corny. "Thanks man, and i'll do the same for you, always!" He'd smile as well connecting the fist bump. "Wow, what are you guys like best friends now?" Sarah said with a weird look on her face. "Oh, Shut up!" Both me and John said while throwing pillows at her. "AHH!" Sarah yelped in joy. We all sat there and giggled until our cheeks hurt.




The banging noise was back yet again, I got up to go investigate but I woke up John and Sarah just in case something happened. as soon as we opened the door. *BOOOOM!* half of the manor was blown to pieces, we were sent flying like leaves in the wind, our backs smacking the hard walls of the manor.

"*Cough* *cough*" The dust and smoke flowing in the air made it hard to breathe, quickly i grabbed my jacket, metal pole and pistol and put it below my waistband. We were on a top floor so we had to jump down to one of the other floors to get the stairs that were luckily still intact to the manor, we all used shirts to cover our mouth and noses to make sure the smoke didn't get to us. We all took turns, I went first, and so i walked backward all the way to the wall, and ran as fast as i could jumping directly off the end of the floor making it safely to the other side.

Sarah and then John, followed by doing the same thing, all making it to the other side. "Whew, i thought i was gonna die." I Said. "S- Same, that was the most n-n-n-nerve wracking thing i've ever done." She said while stuttering all in her words. "Let's go." John said with a stern look.

"Woah....there's still people alive?" A deep raspy voice echoed from throughout the smoke. "Who's there!" I'd place my hand on my pistol with a firm grip ready to fire. "I just hate rich fuckers like these people here, all ways flexing their fast cars and luxury clothing, I'm sick and fucking tired of it." He stared at me in the eyes, he was scary, scarier than that one guy I killed.

The thing is he's shorter and less mean looking, maybe it's his aura but he looks like he killed someone before. He has this long spiky hair, tattoos under each eye, this navy blue jumpsuit, and he has a metal bat. He also has about 4 other people with him one holding a big wooden stick, another bat, and the other two unarmed. "Don't be scared, I'm not a bad guy or anything." He'd look at us. "Did you do this?" I stared at him eagerly awaiting an answer, he'd give a sinister smile. "Maybe...."

I don't know why but, he gives me the chills every time I look at him. "My name is Amaan Greer, nice to meet you. And you? What's your name?..." I looked at the man, smoke still fills the air and fire is still sparking. "Rory Gino...Why?.." I said with a stern look on my face. "Well now we aren't strangers are we?" I didn't know what to say. The vibe he gave was something I can't explain, his eyes are a dark teal he uses them to look into your soul, and your mind to see what you're thinking, possibly predicting what you're going to do. His skin is also fairly tanned but has faint scars, and bruises from maybe previous fights and battles.

"Gino..we should get going before this gets worse." John said. "I was thinking the same thing, what if he wants to kill us for our stuff like that other guy from before..." Sarah said in a hurry. ".....Okay, let's end this." I said.

"Cut to the chase, what do you want?" I said while we stared the man's team down. "Trying to leave so soon huh?...hmmm can't let that happen though. Sorry" His smiling expression soon turned to an angry one as they all started to run at us, and as the way things are we would lose instantly. So we ran down the stairs jumping to the bottom floor, we hid under the stairs hiding ourselves in plain sight. As they ran down the staircase, we pulled their legs making them trip and fall.

I had never shot a gun before, today was the day.

*BANG* BANG* BANG* All of the men we tripped on the staircase, I shot directly in the head. The gun shots echoed throughout the broken and burning building, even outside as well. The gun shots startled them and that gave us enough time to run away and so we did.


"Run for now Rory, I'll find you.."


This was the longest I've ever written a chapter, and wow it was fun, I wanted a bit of sadness and action in this one and some more dialouge as well. But hope you enjoyed!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mogmacreators' thoughts