
Mayflower compact: Tribulation power

All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again What has been done will be done again There is nothing new under the sun . . What about beyond the sun?

Hope_bringer · Eastern
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49 Chs

Wang tian (2)

Chapter 47:- Wang tian (2)


Wang Tian was born in a small village in China, and from a young age, he felt alone. He didn't have many friends, and he spent most of his time reading and studying.

He was a bright child, and he loved to learn. But even though he was intelligent, he was also sensitive and shy, and he struggled to make friends.

When he was twelve years old, Wang's father died, and he was left to care for his mother. It was a difficult time, but Wang was determined to make the best of it.

He continued to study, and he began to teach himself about the world around him ...One day, while he was out exploring the village, he stumbled upon a man named Li Huang. Li was an eccentric individual, and he was known for his strange behavior and habits.

But he was also a kind and generous man, and he took a liking to Wang.

Li began to teach Wang about the world, and Wang found that he had a passion for learning.

As he grew older, Wang continued to study with Li, and he began to develop his own unique way of thinking.

He learned to see the world in a different light, and he began to understand things that others could not.

...As Wang grew into a man, he began to make his own way in the world. He moved to a nearby city, and he started to work as a tutor.

He was a skilled teacher, and he had a knack for explaining complex ideas in a way that anyone could understand. He became well-known in the city, and he began to attract the attention of powerful people.

But as Wang's reputation grew, so did the jealousy of those around him.

One day, he was accused of a crime he did not commit. He was arrested and put on trial, and he was found guilty.

...Just as Wang was about to be sentenced, a mysterious figure appeared in the courtroom.

The figure was dressed in black robes, and his face was hidden behind a mask. He spoke to the judge, and he offered a deal.

He would clear Wang's name if Wang would agree to serve him for a year.

Wang had no choice but to accept the offer.

He knew that he was innocent, and he was desperate to clear his name. He had no idea what he was getting into, but he had no other options.

The mysterious figure led Wang to a hidden temple in the mountains. There, Wang began to ...lose himself in the sorcerer's teachings, and he began to forget who he was. He began to lose his sense of self, and he became a tool for the sorcerer's will.

But then, something unexpected happened.

One night, as Wang slept, he had a dream. In the dream, he was back in the village where he had grown up.

He saw his mother, and she was calling to him. She told him to remember who he was, and to resist the sorcerer's influence.

When Wang awoke, he was filled with new resolve. He knew that he could not continue to serve the sorcerer.

He tried to escape but the sorcerer caught up with him and slaughtered him.


A Thousand Dreams Bridge.

"Oh! big brother you finally came?" A little voice startled Lucian.

Where was he?

What is this place?

The girl? She called me big brother...


If you have any suggestions or questions please message me at_


Thanks for all my readers.


