
Mayflower compact: Tribulation power

All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again What has been done will be done again There is nothing new under the sun . . What about beyond the sun?

Hope_bringer · Eastern
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49 Chs

The Necessity

Chapter 48:- The Necessity.


Reason? Shurak? Sometimes Nilla's optimism got the better of him.

"This orb?" Lies in the fate of the world. The orb gave a faint red flicker deep inside. It was polished by a thousand years or more of shurak's touch, unnoticeable, more a jewel than a piece of rock.

How can so small object be so important?

Herein lies the past, and the present and the future, also. This is but a small part of the virtue of the orb. With it may man__ or earth herself__ be healed or be destroyed.

But in Shurak's hands it becomes the cause of much contention and great suffering and vast destruction. Its power reaches from where it now lies to blow out the lives of men yet unborn as easily as thou would snuff out a candle.

The orb is not itself evil.

Evil is the thing that lies only in the hearts and minds of men__ and of gods, also.

Little of Shurak was seen in the centuries that followed. Alone in his tower he continued to study the orb, I think he learnt from it,in it he found__ 'Chaos'.

The world become inconstant.

But good and evil are immutable and unchanging.

All Nations and powerful force stood up against Roxx Shurak and defeated him, but, the story never ended.

Shurak found a gateway to another world, bargained,used, and attacked back when we feel safe the most. He brought the shurains.

The birth of the Holy child,a necessity unholding.

Shurak was slain by Nilla and the holy child.

But the price was worth more.

Round and round it revolves, exploring ancient ruins, the orb found a new desirable host. Zulan, the second elder of the white lotus flower sect. Zulan soul was devoured and replaced with another, one, Shurak deceased soul.

Chaos flooded the world once more, making amends to his mistakes. He built a organization hell bent__ taking over the world.

BLOOD SHADOW Organization.

Powerful sect fell, empires downfall, families extinct, kingdom laid waste and billions lives slaughtered,gods fell like fruits from it's tree, Blood shadow became nightmare, horror and a plague.

An entire continent was destroyed, also were it's subject. The six most powerful sect , Demonic soul sect,Gog sect, purple celestial sword sect, Holy mountain sect,Kinnereth sect, and Succoth sect.

The elders of this six sect__ joined forces. They moved up with all their troops and took up positions against Blood-shadow organization and attacked it.

Worlds reached Zulan,or Shurak. He marched from his shelter to his stronghold with his army, including all the best fighting men.

After an all-night March from his shelter, Shurak took them by surprise.

Blood-shadow defeated them in a great victory. Blood-shadow pursued them all the way to Japhia and cut them down all the way to Debir, Shurak hurled large hailstones down on them from the sky,most of them died from the hailstones than were killed by the swords of Blood shadow's.

Now the five sect leaders and its subject had fled to white lotus flower sect and ask the holy child support against Shurak.

Blood-shadow organization moved from Debir to the white lotus flower sect,he took position against it and attacked it. Meanwhile, the Holy child had asked the Time god for help.

Half of Blood shadow organization where wiped out and the time god inflicted a damage on him which might take a hundred million years to heal.

On that day, silence swarm over the world and peace seems terrifying to__ desire.

The six major sect were thriving to regenerate and empires arise once again.

This don't__ appeared like peace was constant, it changes, you can't hold on to it forever.

The damage inflicted on Blood shadow and his silence birthed the four horseman....

Contempt, Harbinger of death, Tumult, and Mayhem.


If you have any suggestions or questions please message me at_


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