
Mayflower compact: Tribulation power

All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again What has been done will be done again There is nothing new under the sun . . What about beyond the sun?

Hope_bringer · Eastern
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49 Chs

I cometh as a thief

Chapter 36:- I cometh as a thief


"Blood Qi pills and qi essence recovering pills please."

Determined to rescue his sister he went to the only pharmacy shop around.

The shop owner's came with some pills and Lucian expression changed drastically.

'what manner of scam is this.'

'Mynus are you sure this will only cause more damage?'

'Stop asking stupid questions.'

Lucian packed his gold coins and ran away. The shop owner's eyes shimmering contempt suddenly open wide.

'Can that little brat recognize this pills. Maybe he's from those rich families.'


'That bastard wanted to sell me a 'fail pill',damn and there's no other alchemy shop nearby.

Looking at the bastard shop, 'i hope you suffer heaven's retribution!'

Cursing the astute shop owner more vehemently in his heart.

While cursing and thinking about stealing from that astute bastard,he reached the inn he's staying at.

Lucian opened the door. When he saw his sisters paled body on the bed.

'Life is so unfair to me. First my parents, and now my sisters.'

'No!' Lucian cried out, subconsciously.


His sisters were startled by the sudden shout and turned to him,"are you okay?"

"Lucian realized he scared his sisters,"nothing just thinking about the past."

'I want to leave my unfortunate life behind, I want to fight against unfair life, I want to make the heavens watch and noticed me!'

'My sisters can't die, I'll steal anything for them, even from the heavens itself.'

'Heaven itself!, funny.'

'A thief of ages, known I'm high heaven itself.'

'Bastard pill shop owner you will be surprised, you won't see me coming. I cometh as a thief cometh at night.'

The pill shop security is tight at night and every shop has it security.

Alchemy pill business was maybe the most significant industry in the entire world.

Alchemy pills could be used for many things,as healing, rejuvenation, detoxifying and, most notably for, cultivation. Legends believe that alchemy could bring about raising up the dead.


**Quinn:** *(coughing and lying on the couch)* I remember when we were kids, and you would make me laugh so hard I could barely breathe.

**Violet:** *(lying in bed, also coughing)* And I remember when you would make us hot chocolate on rainy days. It was the best hot chocolate in the world.

**Lucian:** *(sitting in a chair next to the couch, looking concerned)* You guys okay

**Quinn:** *(weakly raising her hand)* Yeah, just... feeling a little under the weather. Thanks for checking in.

**Lucian:** That's what big brothers are for, right? *(smiles and pats her arm gently)* So, what else do you guys remember from when we were younger?

**Violet:** Oh, I remember when we would all pile in and go for picnic out in the outskirt. We'd sing songs and tell stories, and it was the best. Do you remember that, Mark?

**Lucian:** Of course I do! Those ...were some of the best times. We'd go to all those little farm stands, and you two would always beg Mom to buy you candy or a toy. And then we'd go to the park, and play tag and hide and seek until it got dark. I remember how you guys would always giggle and laugh, no matter what we were doing. *(smiles fondly)* Those were the good old days.

**Quinn:** Yeah, and remember how we would always end the day with ice cream? That was the best part.

**Violet:** Remember that one time when we were in...the ice cream shop, and you, Laura, accidentally dropped your ice cream on the floor? And you burst into tears, and then the shop owner gave you a new one for free? That was hilarious. You were only six, and you took that ice cream so seriously!

**Quinn:** Hey, it was a big deal! *(chuckles weakly)* And I'm glad you guys thought it was so funny. I think I've always been a bit dramatic. *(smiles wanly)*

**Lucian:** You're not dramatic, you're passionate! There's a difference. *(...leans forward in his chair, serious now)* But you know, guys, I've been thinking about all those memories lately, and I've realized something. I'm so glad we had those times together, when we were kids. It really shaped who we all are now. Don't you think?

**Violet:** I do. Those times made us who we are today. *(turns to Quinn)* Don't you think, sis?

**Quinn:** I definitely do. Without those times, I wouldn't be the same person I am today. And I'm so grateful for all of those memories.... and mom and dad.


Lucian reached the pill shop in haste. He loiters around the pill shop. Slowly observing him from some distance. He noticed that man treated everyone differently. He didn't judge by face but by their clothing appearance. And judged if they were poor or rich.

If one looked rich,he would treat them like they were his father. But if you appear plain clothed he looked at you with disdain and didn't listen to what they needed and gave them fail pills just like he did to him.

Lucian enchanced his soul consciousness he searched the shop and found nothing worth it in there.

His consciousness hit the wall and he felt a slight pain in his soul. Looking at the wall a formation present itself, there were mysterious markings engraved on it.

Lucian forcefully entered the barrier and illusion formation.

In the hidden room, there were two big shelves on each corner of the hidden room, and on those shelves were layers of shining bottles, and inside them were colorful pills. He had never seen that many pills before.

"Ice tempering body pills

Meditation pills

Organ tempering pills

Body refining pills

Blood essence.....'

Lucian identified those pills with Mynus knowledge.

'He's flirty rich. Mynus we are rich!'

A illusion and lock formation, two Earth domain warriors and a low-curremcy treasury.....


If you have any suggestions or questions please message me at_


Love you, readers.

Of you have any ideas about my story please comment below, love

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