
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Jake Shole

30-Solenti 21:40 Bus 203 to West Valley city

At the back of the deserted bus, in the right corner the group were chatting away like little kids ",We should be arriving at my place soon, I still can't believe you had that much money to buy three caramel frappe and some fries as well." Lucas spoke taking a sip of his drink and stuffing his face with golden coloured fries

"hey that's gross, we're on a bus at least have a bit of manners." Calida said hitting Lucas round the arm, "Anyway it's the least we can do for you, you are inviting to your home." Calida continued sipping her sweet, icy-cold drink.

"Yo, I can't believe you actually left school just to take us to your home, we could've came tomorrow you know." Maximus spoke up "What are we going to do when we're their?" Maximus asked leaning his head on the bus window looking at all the houses passing by them in a flash.

"oh, well I'll introduce you to my twin then, then we'll watch a new movie that came out." Lucas answered while checking his phone, "I just hope he's there when we come home." Lucas continued playing on his phone.

"What'ch you playing." Maximus asked trying to pull the phone of Lucas to getting hit in the face with a newspaper near the back of the bus

"dude, don't do that when i'm playing and if you must know, I'm playing subway surfers, I'm trying to beat my brothers score." Lucas answered throwing the newspaper away

"can I try it out after you Lucas?" Calida asked finishing off her fries and putting on the side.

"Sure if you can beat me I'll give you $20, deal?" Lucas asked with a smirk.

"Their is no way she can do it, it took me an hour to beat my brother time, which turned out wasn't even the real score, if I can't a newbie wont even be able to beat my score." Lucas thought to himself.

"GAME OVER!" the screen bellowed across the bus, "Oh come on, how is that fair I was so close!" Lucas yelled and with a sigh tossed it to Calida "Let's see what you can do than." Lucas said in a sour tone.

"Okay, but remember you owe me $20 if I beat you, so don't go back on you're words." Calida responded with a chuckle as she started the game.In ten minutes after Calida started to play she was able to reach Lucas record as it if it was child play.

"hey, how the hell you beat my score so easily, you have to play it before you scammed me?" Lucas asked, trying to take his phone back to get whacked around the the head.

"don't try to cheat me off my $20 I'll even beat your bros record" Calida said keeping her eyes glued to the screen.

"Hey how long till were there?" Maximus asked turning his head to the phone,

"oh, next stop, then we'll just have to walk for five minute." Lucas answered rubbing the part where Calida hit him round the head, "yo who knew your had that much strength Calida." Lucas continued chuckling, "Yo, were here let's get going." Lucas said grabbing the twos wrists and dashed out of the bus.

"Hey, can you stop that, we could've got off by ourselves!" Calida yelled pulling her hand out of her wrist to put her hair in to a ponytail and asked "So where do we go now it can't be that far?"

Lucas with a chuckle said ",You don't know how many detentions I got because of how far I lived from the school." as Lucas turned pointing at a house on the hill saying "you see that house that's where I live, so you think you can make it by yourself?"

As Lucas was to go on his on Calida spoke in a sour tone "Can...you... help us please?" as Lucas turned he had a huge grin on his face

"Oh, what did you say I didn't hear you, can you repeat yourself?" Lucas responded, pretending not to hear her, as he drew closer to her he was whacked around the head again

"I said can you help us get up there please?!" Calida yelled in his ear.

"You know that's not how you ask right, oh God I think you made him deaf." Maximus yelled, helping him keep his balance

"I think I'll be alright but heads is still ringing." Lucas answered holding on to his ear, as if it was about to fall of.

"Will you take us their or not?" Calida asked him as if she nothing happened.

"For what you did I shouldn't, but if it wasn't for Maximus, I would leave you here and I wouldn't bat an eye!" Lucas answered holding on to both of their wrist tightly "Both of you hold on tight." as he dashed up the pavement.In a instant the three were in the front of the house, with a stunned face Maximus asked bowing his head

"How...the hell did you do it, you gotta teach me?"

With a chuckle Lucas opened the door responding "Can't family secret." as he opened the door Calida and Maximus were astonished by how large and comfy the sitting room, "Welcome to my place guys Mi casa es tu casa." Lucas responded closing the door "It belonged to our parents till they died, thankfully we were able to have it." Lucas continued pushing the two to the sitting room.

"Wow this is amazing I wish we stayed somewhere this comfortable." Maximus responded remembering his own room was filled with creepy posters of Omega

"Well how about you stay hear for the night we got spare rooms and spare pyjamas for the both of you." lucas answered back "but for now let me show you my twin bro follow me to his shed."

"oh cool, whats your brother like anyway." Calida asked putting her hair down " cause if he's like you I'm afraid what will happen to human society in a whole.

"wow, that hurts you know, but no we're the complete opposite he mostly likes building new gizmos and tech, trust me he's super boring, but he is my bro so be nice please." Lucas answered back opening the patio doors to a small green and lush garden.

"Well if you say it like that, that means we're gonna get along super nice." Calida answered back with a chuckle.

"Wow, why are you so hurtful, is this how your sis is to you, I feel sorry for you." Lucas said as they walked across to the garden

"Oh wait, I forgot that we're undercover as sibling, I forgot all about it." Maximus thought to himself.As they knocked on the door they heard a massive explosion, breaking the glass and a small hole in the shed letting, all the thick smoke come out.As a figure came out he looked exactly like Lucas he wore a white v-neck, torn trousers and some safety goggles as he was coughing he spoke "oh, you must be my bros new friends, nice to meet you I'm Jake."