
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · Fantasy
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27 Chs

class 3-B

As the group dashed across the empty corridor Lucas said "by the amount here, we should be at class in 5 min." as he took a sharp left and as Maximus and Calider were slowly losing him "hey, wait up a second, why... are you so, fast!" Calida yelled.

"Even though he's a human he's super agile, he's very impressive." Calida thought.

"And a quick turn here and... were here!" Lucas exclaimed as he turned to a double door room with a sign on it saying "Class 3-B"

"Welcome to your new homeroom guys!" Lucas continued smiling as he opened the double doors to a large auditorium, as Maximus turned to look at the crowed, all he could see were judgemental people staring down on them. As Maximus looked back at the front he saw a 6 foot man in his mid 40's he had crimson hair ,he wore a pair of busted glasses that could break at any moment,a dark black suite, and a red tie, he also had a small beard.

"Hey Mr Reath so..." Lucas spoke trying to explain himself but stopped as Mr Reath raised his hand

"I don't want to hear any excuses, go to your seat now and you two stand at the front and introduce yourselves." responded in a cold voice."Lucas you will have a 30 minutes detention after school and you two..." Mr Reath stopped himself as he walked to his wooden desk and as he sat he started looking all over his desk pulling out a black folder, as he flipped through the pages he responded,

"Maximus and Calida Sartile I know your new here, but that dose not excuse why you are so late so youll serve 10 minutes." Mr Reath spoke staring at Maximus in particular "With that out the way, class I hope youll treat Maximus and Calida with respect!" Mr Reath yelled in the hollow room

"Please sit down and after school, just come back here for your detention." Mr Reath said as he went back to his original spot "you two can sit next to Lucas for now." Mr Reath continued as he picked up a book of Chemistry and as he flipped through the book, both Calida and Maximus dashed up the top of the stairs to Lucas.

"Hey guys, you guys got off lucky you don't have to stay here for 20 more minutes, so how about this if you have the time wait for me and we can go to my place." Lucas stated doing a little waving to them.

As the two sat down Calida responded in a huff "Sorry, but we plan to go home after this."

"Well fine, I'll... just tell everyone what you did to my bike," Lucas responded back with a small smirk "And anyway it'll be fun and you'll get to see my older b" Lucas continued.

As the group continued talking Mr Reath in a booming voice yelled "Lucas, Calida, Maximus, speak one more time and I'll extend your time by 30 minutes!" his tone was filled with rage but quickly turned soft as he continued teaching.

"So are you gonna come are what, i promise it'll be fun?" Lucas asked quietly so he didn't disturb Mr Reath.

"Well we do owe you, but we'll have to tell my older brother that we wont be at home." Maximus responded ",We should go Calida maybe we'll learn something new." Maximus continued.

"Well we do owe you so we'll go but we wont stay for long." Calida whispered, as they continued chatting, they were interrupted by a girl with blond hair, she wore a black leather top, blue ripped trousers and blue Adidas ",Trust me you don't want to go with this nut job, once I Heard..." but was cut of by Lucas ",No one want's your input Nia." and with a scoff Nia turned around.

"hey uh what was that?" Calida asked

"You don't want to know, but short version it's about a quarrel we had about who's faster." Lucas answered as he started stretching Maximus asked "Who is faster you or Nia?" Lucas in a sour tone answered "she's faster than me." as he said it you could see the confusion in her face "is that even possible we could barely keep up with him, so how fast is she?" Calida thought to herself.

"I don't know how the hell she was able to reach such speed, but I got to give her props when she deserves it" Lucas continued as he sat down.

"Hey let's forget about her, let's talk about your twin brother what's his name?" Calida asked as she grabbed a note pad from her bag.

"oh, his name is Jake, he's a great engineer he could fix anything in a snap, but can get really annoying once in a while." Lucas answered

As the three kept chatting the bell rang for the end of class and as everyone got up to leave class Mr Reath asked "Hey, Maximus and Calida can I speak to you two it's important?" as soon as Maximus walked down the stairs with Calida he asked ",You think Master J will allow us to go to his place?" and with a nervous laughter Calida responded

"Kill us." as the two stood in front of Mr Reath, scared thinking of what Master J was gonna do to them Mr Reath spoke "ok, turns out you came a day earlier than when you were supposed to, so you'll have to leave the school now and come back tomorrow, you don't have to worry about the detention I gave you."

"Wait it said it was today on the letter?" Calida said as she pulled out a piece of paper.

"Yeah I know, this one was one of the paper that had the wrong date and it was accidentally sent to you." Mr Reath after scanning through the paper.

"Ok then I'll see you tomorrow sir, but before I forget can you excuse Lucas as well?" Maximum asked "Why should I he was supposed to be here?" Mr Reath asked back

"Well yes he was late it was due to us being lost since we didn't know where to go." Maximus answered back.

Mr Reath thinking it over finally spoke "fine I'll let him of, just this one time." now if you can please take your leave I got another class after you." Mr Reath continued taking a big batch of paper out of his draw, with a smug the two walked out of the room.

"So how it went." Lucas asked startling both Maximum and Calida ",Yo what the hell, why you do that for?" Calida asked.

"Oh sorrs, didn't mean to startle you, I just wanna know what he said so badly, so tell, tell, tell." Lucas begged tugging on Maximus clothes.

"Oh yeah, well you don't have a detention anymore and we're going home." Maximus answered lushing Lucas off him and walking away.

"Wait, what did you do and why am I not getting punished?" Lucas asked following him.

"Well we weren't supposed to be here today and we just said if you didn't help out you'd be in class." Maximus answered

"Oh, if so ty but we're still going to my place right?" Lucas continued to ask annoying Calida.

"well no we got to get home and tell our dad what happened." Calida answered

"Oh, hell naw you're coming, we're go now." Lucas stated pulling the two by the wrist.

"why do we have to come?" Calida asked trying to pull her hand out with no avail.

"Why, because we're friends aren't we?" Lucas asked with a comforting smile.

As Calida looked at Maximus for support, he shrugged and said "sure, we are so let's go." Maximus answered with a chuckle. With a smile Lucas said "great this is going to be fun." opening the front entrance.

"wait what's J going to us?" Calida asked but it fell on deaf ear.