
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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80 Chs

Yamashita had cancel to become Tamura blood sucking slave

In the meantime, went Yamashita was visiting the Sakura studio to go and see Tamura Hono cancel her blood suck on her neck just as she want with Kosaka Nao's blood with the same as the Hinatazaka46 member.

Matsuda: Yamashita did you want to see someone over here at the Sakura studio

Yamashita: uh...yes I do but where is Tamura Hono

Shizuki: oh Tamura was inside her room just went inside you can talk to her

Later Yamashita was walking straight to her room and she was knocking at her door Tamura could see it was Yamashita Haruka from the Hinatazaka46 member and she pulled her hand and went inside to the room and locked the door behind her back.

Tamura: Yamashita what are you doing here at the Sakura studio and why did you want to see me here

Yamashita: oh right I want to say something to you but you would like to be angry with me once I say to you

Tamura: why do I need to be angry with you Yamashita

Out of the blue, Yamashita was turn Tamura Hono back from her normal self as much as her personality problem while she was open the door of her room and suddenly she was pushed Yamashita outside the room while Haru and Haruhi were here seeing that Tamura is had coming back from not her blood suck slave partner just with Kosaka Nao.

Tamura: I'm sorry I didn't know what happened inside my room but are you okay?

Yamashita: I am fine Tamura but thanks again for having to be yourself again later

Matsuda: wait...Yamashita what is going on here with you two but what was that even mean huh!!

Right before Yamashita went back to the Hinata studio and she want to say something to Kosaka that she was cancelling Tamura as her blood suck slave partner as her want with Kosaka's side.

Kosaka: Yamashita why does your face look so happy did something happen with Tamura

Yamashita: even better Kosaka I want to go some camping with you if you want to come along

Kosaka: Yamashita...I would love to go with you and have with each other

Back at the Sakura studio went Tamura Hono are be free with the blood suck slave partner as the vampire queen.

Takemoto: Tamura how is your feeling about that Yamashita set you free and not been sucking your blood on your neck

Tamura: what are even talking about here?

Takemoto: you don't remember anything that you have been doing with Yamashita Haruka brainwashed by her vampire queen's power

Before Tamura has not remembered anything right now but every time she had seen the vampire clan family from here in the living room and it was the Yamaguchi triple vampire brother who was here to have their suck blood slave partner.

Haru: we'll I think I better get going with this one right, both of you

Rena: let go and have some fun with each other Shizuki and you too Haru

Shizuki: okay sure let go and have some time alone together inside the Sakura Mansion

Once back inside the Hinata studio, there have Yamashita with Kosaka and they were getting some perfect camping together with her and she want to spend with her that much as her blood suck slave in her Hinata partnership.

Haruki: Haruyo can you visit someplace that you have never been to before same as you Morita

Morita: wait are you saying that we are going for some adventure time with the two of you

Haruyo: come on Morita and Haruki you can have fun with each other just like more than family right, nii-chan

Haruki took both of their hand and later they saw that we were in some kind of room that could be changed into the simulator as much as they wanted to see how this work as ever as he had to push the button and both of them could see it can change to as the more than reality.

Haruyo: nii-chan are you saying that this place can be changed just like the world outside the street

Haruki: yes it was right but you can choose any place whatever you want to choose even you Morita

Morita: wait...I can choose the same as Haruyo did over here

Out of the blue, Yamashita had to bring Kosaka to the camping site with her and spend some time alone inside the camping tent later back at the Hinata studio there has Mikuni and Hinano were kept in the room where they had been in different worlds of the city of Japan.

Hinano: what the hell are they doing with another different idol with Haruki and Morita

Mikuni: I don't know but we can't see inside but we can look at the screen tablet pass me the tablet

Kishi: there you go Mikuni and you can see what they were doing inside Haruki's room together with both of them

The three of them see Morita and Haruyo who have been doing inside his room and they are getting a bit shocked while they are somewhere the place with a much different kind of world than they have seen inside the room with much fun.

Hinano: what the hell are they doing inside his room at a time like this

Mikuni: just like them have some fun with both of them and just continue what we are been doing right here

Kishi: we should get going now right they know that we've been spying on them

Right before at the camping site both of them were inside the tent together inside the campground and they were kissing each other on her lips while Kosaka was been kiss on Yamashita's neck later she bit her neck and she wanted to have some blood on her but she was close the camping tent zipper down and don't let anyone see them.

Yamashita: Kosaka...can undress my pants and let's start the sex together as while we are doing inside the camping tent

Kosaka: Yamashita...your huge vampire futa cock is getting horny every time you want to do sex while we are alone right, Yamashita?

Yamashita: Kosaka please make cum that much and putting inside your human-tight pussy until we are fucking with each other inside the tent

Out of the blue, Yamashita is finished doing their human and vampire sex right inside the camping tent and Kosaka can see that Yamashita had much overflow cum is keep coming outside her pussy from her huge vampire futa cock.