
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Yamashita and Kosaka went for date camping Part 1

Once Yamashita and Kosaka were at the camping site with her human girlfriend and suddenly they had fun with each other but back at the Hinata studio with Haruki and two she was inside the room with him and they were inside the simulator entered the place be changed as what they can be changed inside the room.

Haruyo: nii-chan you didn't enjoy with us it is too boring without your fun here

Haruki: it's okay but I just want to enough sleep for today but you can enjoy with Morita right

Morita: uh...yes of course we can enjoy ourselves together but why does your brother take some sleep here while you and I can have fun together

Yamaguchi Haruki was getting some sleep somewhere on the sofa while both of them could still enjoy themselves Haruki was sleeping so handsome his face while Morita was staring at his super beautiful vampire skin that was shining while Haruyo and Morita were taking some pictures.

Morita: Haruki's sleep was so beautiful enough but we could do the same as him we could join him sleeping together and have some energy left before he woke up

Haruyo: wait...are you sure about this Morita just join him sleeping on the sofa

Morita: Yeah why not we can do that but later I can spend time with him alone here him went you wait outside from the room

Both of them nodded at each other while Haruki was sleeping in a deep sleep while Haruyo and Morita were joining them sleeping next to his side while outside his room, the 4th gen members were having some movie time outside the living room and one of the members are getting enough scared for watching the movie but don't worry the 3rd gen member gets too much hugged with them while had a jump scare part.

Hinano: did someone just close something onto her face while you didn't want to watch it just because it was too scary right

Mikuni: it wasn't me but it was the 4th gen member who were even looking at the movie screen tv

Hinano: it's okay you can come at me while you cover your face with some of this pillow if you want too

Right before back to the camping site tent and there have Yamashita and Kosaka were getting a couple swimming together in the water where not many people were around them it was just because it was a private camping site for the two most couples could go there to their moments together.

Kosaka: Yamashita you look so gorgeous in that swimsuit of yours but how do I look in mine

Yamashita: you look so damn beautiful in your swimsuit and shall we go swimming together

Kosaka: yes please and let's go swimming together

Once Yamashita was taken Kosaka's hand and she was going to take a bite of her neck for some sweet blood of her neck and Kosaka lifted her hair and she was sucking the blood off her neck and suddenly Yamashita was keeping suck her blood off and Kosaka kept hugging her body around her hips and then Yamashita was started to heal up with some heal potion while after that Yamashita was kissing onto her lips and Kosaka was having a great time with her side.

Yamashita: Kosaka Nao I love you so very much and please stay by my side forever

Kosaka: aww...Yamashita I will always stay by your side forever and shall we continue kissing together inside the water

Yamashita: yes but of course we can do that inside the water with you

In the meantime, back at the Sakura Mansion, there was Masumoto Kira with Takemoto Yui making the healing potion inside the dressing room but some support members were waiting for them to get back to have some dinner with them to eat with.

Takemoto: Kira we should go back and continue by tomorrow while Haruki want this heal potion back to the Hinata studio

Kira: sure of course but you may go first I just had forgotten to unlock the dressing room and I will enjoy you later once I close the dressing room door

Takemoto: oh okay sure but not take too long and they will get super suspicious of you and your night day working all day to finish your heal potion

When Takemoto Yui took the key back to the Sakura Mansion and later it just Kira was alone again but this time there have someone got by her and surprised her inside the night hour at Sakura dressing room.

Matsuda: wait...Yuichan where is Kira-chan?

Takemoto: Kira had to lock the dressing room door and she will be back she just had to finish the last order of the heal potion for Haruki to give to him

Matsuda: did anyone know where is Miu?

Later inside the Sakura Mansion, they didn't know where Miu was going by the night hour but one of them knew that Miu was going by this late hour to go and see Masumoto Kira at the Sakura dressing room late at night time right before she had closed and lock down to have to go back to the Sakura Mansion.

Kira: Miu why did you come here I need time to do alone for this heal potion can you go back to the Sakura Mansion

Miu: I just want company you inside the Sakura dressing room together with you

Kira: are you sure you won't do anything stupid about the last time you did that putting something onto the potion without my permission first

Later Miu was shaking her head toward Masumoto Kira while she was sitting next to Kira while looking at how she was making the same as Takemoto Yui with her assistant making them so damn perfect potions just for the few of the vampire family clan.

Kira: Miu what are you doing now at my below my pant!!

Miu: can you please stop for a while and continue we're thinking that you miss so much of been doing for me if you want to besides this work can continue by tomorrow while you can tell Takemoto to do it

Kira: argh...fine whatever you want to but I will stop doing the work while you make me cum super overflow cum inside my pant and we can keep continuing inside the toilet dressing room if you want to Miu

Without any sound coming from Miu and her hand was keeping rubbing at her pant while Kira kept moaning in her mouth Miu unzipped her pant and her hand went inside her pant she was touching her boxer while Kira can't hold any longer and she had to cum just a few of her semen at her boxer while Miu was dragged Kira and they were going inside to continue to have some sex at the dressing toilet with each other.

Miu: Kira...Kira please put inside my fucking pussy and make me want to cum right inside of your huge futa cock

Kira: wait...a second let me pull down my pant and boxer and here I come and we can have some sex with you until the next morning and we are not going back to the Sakura Mansion I will go and tell Yuichan about you keep come late at night to have some sex with me to make me feel fucking good

Miu: Kira...Kira...please cum already inside my pussy I want to feel your semen inside of my wet fucking pussy *fucked moan*

Out of the blue, Masumoto Kira had to be cum that much of her semen inside of Miu's pussy they were inside the dressing room and it was locked inside the toilet while the dressing room door had lock from the outside of the room the Sakura studio dressing room.

Yamashita: Kosaka can we have some sex outside the camping tent near the same tree

Kosaka: wait...are you sure you wanted to have sex outside the camping tent last night we did at the tent right, Yamashita?

Yamashita: yes we did but I want to do it somewhere else tomorrow we can do it inside for our last day of camping together

Right before Yamashita dragged Kosaka's shoulder while they can see there has a sofa next to their camping tent she was sitting down while Kosaka was on top of Yamashita's lap Kosaka was starting to move around against touch her skirt and she started to have sex with Yamashita futa vampire queen cock right inside of her human pussy to get fucked up with her inside the camping site tent.

Kosaka: Yamashita...please do the honour of having to put your vampire queen futa cock inside of my wet fucking pussy and we do start the sex

Yamashita: oh I will do that quick sex and do some rough sex with you Nao

Kosaka: yes...Yamashita, please give it to me inside my fucking pussy *kiss & moan*

Out of nowhere, they had overflow cum inside of both of their pussy and her vampire queen Futa's cock Yamashita was carrying Kosaka and both of them went inside the tent and close the zip down and did the rest inside at the camping tent and Kosaka moaned and have a sexy sound was coming from her mouth while Yamashita was had another third cum right inside of her pussy and Yamashita was pulling out from her pussy and she can see that it was too much of cum at her vampire queen huge futa cock and suddenly, Kosaka kept sucking her semen off inside her mouth to swallow down at her mouth Yamashita was sleeping half-naked from below her leg while Kosaka was covered with some blanket and they were sleeping for the next morning while they could do some more sex while they were getting back home to Hinata studio.