
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Yamashita and Yoko were started to date each other

Back inside the Hinata school, there is some news about the 1st year student who is changing her life to become more active than someone who had just been brainwashed with the charm of attention around her aura.

Kumi: Katoshi it that true what did the rumor tell everyone here that both of them were dating each other right

Katoshi: uh...yes and why can't you look for yourself they were here this whole time see *point*

Takase: wow both of them were dating as a new couple but why is Yamashita Haruka dressed as a male student with some of the male pants

Without any sound coming from those couple who walked back to the third floor of the school just we had some time alone inside the next door of the classroom where that room wasn't used for that long ago.

Yamashita: Yoko...should kiss each other while the next door of the class 1-A didn't see us over here with you and I just want to make your day special

Yoko: please do kiss me more than you want to have with you this whole time of kissing with your lips

Yamashita: well here I go Yoko *kissing*

On the third floor just next to their classroom, there were both of them kissing each other it was both Yamashita and Yoko who were having some date inside the classroom right before someone here had to come and report that she had been completely brainwashed by someone who had treat her that way before.

Katoshi: it was you right who were doing this to Shogenji Yoko's brainwashed problem here Yamadaki Yuki

Yamadaki: what can I say Katoshi she needs some brainwashing but lucky she had to do what I said to do with her

Kumi: since when have you become more like your friend who was here in this school Yamadaki Senpai

Once Yamadaki gave both of them a school tour from the Sakurazaka Academy school and Morita walked that fast until Mio who was here to drag her shoulder while Yamadaki arrived back inside the school academy with two special guests from the Hinata school.

Matsuda: welcome to our academy here we have some of the students who want to greet you all

Kumi: nice to meet all of you

Katoshi: come on Yamadaki I want you to tell us that last time I checked you were brainwashed Yoko right

Right before Yamadaki took out some of the last CCTV footage from the Hinata school rooftop he was passed to Katoshi and let her take a look from there while others can't watch that only the Hinata student who can watch the footage.

Katoshi: what it is, Yamadaki senpai?

Yamadaki: oh that was your brainwashed person who took out her last week before Yoko was completely brainwashed by her but not me I was telling you Katoshi just look at the CCTV footage that some proof you want to know

Kumi: you should watch the CCTV footage and we let Yamadaki take us on the tour around the school academy while you finish watching that just meet us back outside the school academy cafeteria

Sasaki Kumi smiled at Katoshi while they were continuing the tour around the Sakurazaka Academy school Kumi and both of the Sakura students took them for something to eat right before Katoshi came back here with them to join Kumi along as well.

Kumi: so it going to work that she knows that it wasn't you all this long but it was Yamashita Haruka who had been brainwashed by Yoko

Yamadaki: yes it is going to work but should you like something to eat before you wait for Katoshi to come here to join us

Kumi: so what is your recommendation about eating here at the Sakurazaka Academy cafe

Meanwhile, back inside the first floor Katoshi were sitting at the against the first floor and she was watching that it was Yamashita Haruka who had brainwashed by Yoko she didn't see where is Yamadaki Yuki inside the last CCTV footage back last week at the school rooftop.

Katoshi: so he was telling me the truth about that it wasn't him who brainwashed Yoko but it was Yamashita Haruka

Shizuki: hey...are you okay there can you help me with something here but are you the Hinata student from your high school right

Katoshi: uh...yes I am but who are you and what is your name then

A few hours later Kumi was waiting for Katoshi to return here but where was she anyway and why is she wasn't back here at the school cafe to come and see her with the rest of the Sakura students.

Kumi: Yamadaki senpai where is Katoshi and why wasn't here back where I was with you

Yamadaki: oh that had someone plan from the beginning that you two were here to have some tour while I passed the CCTV footage for her to watch while she had some Sakura student distract her from finishing the rest of the video

Kumi: so you were saying I need to go back to the Hinata school just left Katoshi back here while you sent her back to the school right?

Yamadaki: yes that was right and I will bring her back to school Sasaki Kumi don't worry about her just live your life back at the school

Kumi: thanks once again for helping each of the students become more changed with her life as you are kind did that

In the meantime, both of them who was were on the third floor where she was taken the special guest with Shizuki who was with Katoshi who was a bit surprised when she asked her some questions about where she was taken to have some talk her alone with Kato Shiho.

Shizuki: sorry for you to be here inside the third classroom together with you

Katoshi: it's okay but who are you and what is your name then

Shizuki: right sorry let me introduce myself my name is Yamashita Shizuki and you were going to forget everything about Yamashita Haruka dating Yoko

Suddenly, Shizuki pushed her to the ground floor inside the third classroom and Katoshi were getting super blushed until both of them who are have some great fucking fun with each other inside the classroom with the first-year student who was in class 1-C and the same with Yamadaki Yuki.

Katoshi: wait...at least can I touch your fucking horny huge futa cock there Shi

Shizuki: since when you changed my name to Shizuki from Shi there Kato

Katoshi: can I touch your horny huge futa cock pretty please can I Shi

Later Katoshi pushed her against the class teacher's desk and both of them were under the teacher's desk where Katoshi was sucking her horny huge fucking cock at her school track and field pants while Shi was moaning and suddenly she had to quickly overflow cum right inside of Katoshi mouth while she was taken out from her futa cock and Shi was putting back inside of Katoshi wet fucking pussy until both of them are having great sex with each other inside the third-floor classroom together with Katoshi's new girlfriend who was become the same as Yamashita Haruka has been dressed in a male school uniform to get more fucked with her fucking body every time Shi we're fucked her that much.