
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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80 Chs

Katoshi saw seeing both of them were dating couple

Katoshi saw them dating each other just like a couple while Yamashita was dressed in a male uniform another student was getting friends with her as a classmate but it wasn't the same class with her along with her girlfriend Yoko.

Kanemura: hey...Yamashita can we befriend and can you tell us why did you date Shogenji Yoko as your girlfriend

Yamashita: Yoko had become someone who had wanted to take some revenge but I had to stop her from destroying other school

Tomita: so it is true that Yamadaki senpai became the top leader when Katoshi was replaced by him

Later back outside the Hinata school, there was someone who was coming to the school and he was to see someone who was talked about him it was known as Tomita Suzuka who was talked about him taking the place of the top leader.

Yamadaki: did you talk about me are you Tomita

Yamashita: Yamadaki nice to see you again did you want to take Tomita away while others want to enjoy listening to are were of dating each other

Yamadaki: yes I was and come with me Tomita and we will take you back from my academy let go

Once Yamadaki took Tomita away from the Hinata school they were gone without any sound coming from them they arrived back at the Sakurazaka Academy school while Shi was there to take Tomita away from him and to have some sweet talk with her along with Shi.

Shizuki: Yamadaki senpai I will take her from here while you have some fun with Morita your girlfriend

Yamadaki: thanks Shizuki and good luck to you please behave yourself with her

Tomita: what will happen with me here along with her who wants to have some talk with me

Right before Shizuki dragged Tomita out to have a talk with Yamadaki senpai she took Tomita from the third class floor where Yamadaki had with Morita to have some moments together with each other so do her make her much better with the Hinata student from her high school.

Tomita: wait...where did you wear Some of the males dressed the same with Yamashita Haruka at my school

Shizuki: well I had her first name and my name was Yamashita Shizuki just call me Shizuki

Tomita: your name is the same as Yamashita Haruka which means she is your sister or something related

Back inside the Hinata school, there were Yamashita and Yoko who were telling others about their dating couple who had been seeing them but later Katoshi was looking for someone who would pick her from that school while she was joining them to have a word with both of them.

Yamashita: hey...Katoshi why are you doing here did you say that someone is picking you up from the school

Katoshi: yes it does but I think she was late again can I wait here and have someone join you both if you do not might ask

Yoko: sure of course I would love to but please be aware that we might have some kissing with each other any minute later

Right after back at the Sakurazaka Academy school, Yamadaki was with Morita who was outside the school and they were lying down on the school grounds while she was looking at him with much happiness like before they had had some date with her since his sister was shocked as well to see her brother was dating Morita Hikaru.

Morita: Yamadaki senpai you seem happy did something doing something of someone else to make your life easy again

Yamadaki: Morita please shut up and have some moments with me here I need some couple kiss right now

Morita: Yamadaki senpai I will have some sweet moments with you along with the guest that we had with Shizuki

Later Yamadaki turned around and faced Morita's face when he touched her cheek and suddenly he was kissing her lips while they were have some great fun with him along with Shizuki who was inside the third class floor with the guest of the Hinata school student here with her to have some words with her inside that class alone.

Tomita: so what did you want to talk about with me in the classroom along with you

Shizuki: there is someone who was coming here to have your moment together but I need to pick someone from your school and you know her name then right, Tomita

Tomita: wait...it is Katoshi you were started to date her just like the same with Yamashita Haruka who was dating Yoko

In the meantime, there was someone here and she opened the glass door she went inside and she was closed the door behind her Shizuki took her leave from the third classroom and went back to the Hinata school and she could see that Katoshi were having much fun with both of the couple who had talked with her too.

Shizuki: I'm sorry I got late to pick you up shall we go then Katoshi

Katoshi: it's about time you showed up where did you have been I will be waiting for you about an hour later Shi

Shizuki: I'm sorry but I won't upset you but shall we go now and have fun with me

Without any sound coming from Shizuki she slammed her right hand onto the walls of the school while other could see some sweet and cool couple who was about to kiss her on her lips she did that to Katoshi's lips while surrounding many female students were screaming like a girl crush on both of those who are kissing each other while Yamashita and Yoko were looking that Katoshi had someone to be crushing on with the Sakura student.

Shizuki: I love you so much Katoshi and I will do anything just for you but most is your friend who needs my help I will do that for sure *kissing*

Katoshi: Shizuki please stay by my side until you need to protect me and my friend

Kanemura: woah these two were dating each other and we didn't know that you were dating the Shizuki

Once back at the third classroom where there just had Tomita and Hinano were here with her but they were looking at her with much surprise than anyone else who was supposed to be dressed the same as those male uniforms that she was wearing from now on.

Tomita: wait...Hinano why are you doing here at the Sakurazaka Academy School did you change yourself

Hinano: Tomita please shut up I will fucked you right up with my fucking horny huge futa cock right inside your wet fucking pussy

Tomita: wait...I don't want to get pregnant with you and why did you want to have some sec with me here

Hinano was forced to have some sex with Tomita once both of them can feel something poking from Tomita behind her school skirt Hinano was open her school pant and she was putting her horny huge futa cock inside her pussy and Tomita felt so damn fucking good and Hinano rubbed that pretty fast and sudden Hinano had much more of her overflow cum inside of Tomita pussy and she moaned that loud inside the classroom while Hinano had to pull out from her pussy and next is she was put inside her mouth to suck more of her sperm and Tomita mind were blank and Hinano had a second overflow cum inside her mouth and they were finished having some sex with Hinano fucking horny futa cock.

Hinano: Tomita you are fucking good with having some sex with me

Tomita: Hinano...please do more sex with me until you are had much better with me date you right, Hinano?

Hinano: I do love you fucking much and come here and start to rub my fucking huge futa cock that I can't cum much more

Tomita started to rub her fucking horny huge futa cock and suddenly Hinano had much more cum that the first and second one but in the third one she had a lot of cum flow that did coming out from her cock while they were staying inside to have some time alone with her while Hinano was cleaning her cum and she was dressed back her pant and taking a nap inside the third class along with Tomita by her side the next morning.