
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Hikaru was dating Airi part 2

Right after they kissed each other in the beautiful garden full of flowers and they left the outside dormitory and met his twin sister who was talking with another member who here seeing that someone special was coming right here to visit Fujiyoshi Karin with Kobayashi.

Hikaru: so what did I miss here and what are we talking about anyway

Riko: oh my god nii-san you can't believe who is coming here to the dormitory right

Hikari: don't bother asking him and besides he knows who are we talking to anyway right, Hikaru nii-chan

Later the person was here to visit someone super huge special and he had come here to have some staying here with both of his sister and wife inside his dorm room same as Hikaru were stayed inside there with Airi.

Karin: oh my god he is here and come Kobayashi greet him and I know you two miss each other

Kobayashi: of course, we do miss each other but you are not coming to greet him in person Hikaru Senpai

Hikaru: nope sorry I had a date with Airi and I will spend with her once I am done dating her we can meet your brother and husband

Right before Hikaru had to carry Airi around his hips and take to the sky at the clouds while Riko and Hikari were happy that he was feeling much better now with everything that he could do with Airi on his side to keep it safe.

Matsuda: woah...that was a new one I see so far where is your brother Karin and of course your husband Kobayashi

Fujiwara: well hello there nice to meet you all and besides did I miss someone here before he took off to the sky

Karin: yes nii-chan and he is both of his twin sisters and their name is Riko and Hikari and her brother's name is Endo Hikaru

Later Fujiwara hugged Karin around her body while he broke her welcome hug with his sister and after that, he had his welcome married couple kiss Kobayashi Yui who had missed him that much time that he was away at some business company called trading and he had his worth of 90 Billion dollars of money every year that he had a goal in his life to have spent time alone with his wife and sister.

Fujiwara: Yui did you miss me that much until I needed to come here for myself to check out that you missed me that badly

Kobayashi: I do miss you that badly and besides I miss your sweet talk kiss and I do want to kiss you every single day

Fujiwara: we have good news for you both I had decided that I was planning to stay here with you but I will stay with Hikaru in his next dorm room if you can come with me and have a true married couple Yui

In the meantime, back at the beautiful clouds in the sky with Airi beside Hikaru who is still carrying her around his hips both of them can see how beautiful the sky is with a huge great view sudden Hikaru asks her some great and sweet moments with her life ever.

Hikaru: Airi I want to spend more time with you and the same with my sister as well and I want to become your official girlfriend with you

Airi: I will accept your official boyfriend and shall we give a kiss in the sky covered with clouds Hikaru Senpai

Hikaru: ah...don't say anything just kiss me right here and we can do more than together besides I do want to meet Karin's brother while we are on our date

Both of them are floating in the sky covered with some clouds in the sky from below the dormitory where there is Fujiwara Karin with Kobayashi Yui, kissing each other just like some married couple with each other that they were back at a family reunion.

Hikaru: Airi let's go back inside the dorm room I want to give you something that can put onto your wrist like a watch or maybe a ring

Airi: wait...Hikaru senpai you give me a ring just so we can start to have dates with each other

Hikaru: I want to spend more time with you like always, and I will keep you safe in my hand no matter what happens between us remember that

Before Hikaru flew back to the dorm room he went inside to give Airi something to put on her wrist it was a cute couple's ring that he was planning all of this plan inside his mind what did Airi react to his ring he was brought just for her.

Hikaru: Airi here is my gift for you will you accept my sweet gift and please put it on your finger

Airi: Hikaru senpai I do like this ring and since when you go shopping to buy something like this did you ask Riko what my finger size

Hikaru: uh...no but I asked someone pretty close to your friend who knows better than I did and it was Miu or Mio

Out of the blue, Hikaru kneeled on one leg and he was putting the ring on Airi's finger she blushed face while it was done Hikaru stood up and saw that she liked her couple match ring same as Hikaru was wearing and he dragged Airi to go and sat at his bed while he was talked with her about something good is about to start within her life with Endo Hikaru.

Airi: Hikaru senpai why are you dragging me onto your bed in the dorm room there is something you want to say something at me don't you

Hikaru: yes I do want to say something to you but I do want to make this life easy for both of us here

Airi: Hikaru senpai I love you so damn much but can we do one more kiss right after you had to meet Karin's brother back at the dormitory cafeteria

Without any sound coming from each other suddenly, Hikaru had to cover Airi with some of the blankets that covered her bedroom and Hikaru started to have some sweet and cute kisses on her lips while she was pretty excited that she was dating Endo Hikaru.

Hikaru: Airi...can we do some fucking sex with each other and beside it is your first time having sex with me right

Airi: yes...I do and are you making me pregnant with your huge fucking cock right senpai

Hikaru: nah it won't happen that easily but I do wear something to protect you from getting pregnant and I wear some condom to keep you safe while we have some sex together inside the dorm room

After Fujiwara and Kobayashi walked back to Hikaru's dorm room just next to his dorm room and suddenly both of them can hear something so distracting that Hikaru and Airi had their first-ever sex with each other inside the dorm room alone with them while Fujiwara dragged Kobayashi back inside to his new dorm room together with Kobayashi as his beautiful wife to have some great fucking with each other with her fucking pussy.

Hikaru: Airi...I'm about to cum right inside my condom and please have some great sex with me Airi

Airi: yes senpai please make my mind so blank Hikaru Senpai *cute fucking moan*

Hikaru: Airi...Airi...I'm about to cum right now and here take my feeling with you Airi!!

Once both of them are done having some sex with each other inside his dorm room and later he pulled his condom out from Airi's cute fucking pussy he pulled the sperm condom out from his huge fucking cock and sees that he had more cum ever than before he had done it alone without anyone wanting to do with him.