
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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80 Chs

Hikaru had come here to see Riko once again at academy

9 months later right before Hikaru finished his overseas work he went back to the Sakurazaka Academy school to see his twin sister with his girlfriend who was waiting for him to return and spend time with her.

Hikaru: I was back again at the Sakurazaka Academy school and all the students inside the school

Yamadaki: Hikaru you are back once again they were inside the school hall and Riko with Airi was waiting for you inside the school hall

Hikaru: thanks Yamadaki I will go and see them your time is up and please go back to your overseas while I take care of them

Right before Yamadaki had said goodbye to Morita and Yamasaki for something he was planning to leave the Sakurazaka Academy school before Hikaru stayed here to take care of them for he had finished his overseas to see them again in just a few days.

Hikaru: Riko and Hikari I was back again and did both of you miss me that much of course Airi I was back here and it was Yamadaki time to go to the overseas

Yamasaki: nii-chan you have to go back overseas but do you want to go back there again

Yamadaki: yes I want to go back there again and don't worry I will video call everyday same with Morita if you can't sleep you can call me

Later Yamadaki hugged both of them at the same time right before Morita had their last kiss on each other lips while Yamasaki saw her brother one last time right after he went back inside into the teleport overseas where Hikaru was helping him crossover inside the overseas place and it close the teleport.

Hikaru: Yamadaki will video call both of you while he feels so lonely and wants to have some company with you too

Yamasaki: thank you again for coming back here once but you were staying inside the male dormitory are you

Hikaru: yes I am staying there but I want to have spent time with both of them inside there with me

Back inside at the male dormitory, Hikaru was inside Yamadaki's dorm room and there was a good space in the room that he had clean for him to return back here to have a proper school uniform with some of the school textbooks just for him to have some time with Riko and Hikari with Airi along with him.

Airi: Yamadaki senpai had cleaned for you and right before he had left the Sakurazaka Academy school

Hikaru: I am so proud of him for doing these for me but can both of you go back inside your dorm room I want to have some alone time with Airi

Riko: sure of course I will go back inside the girl's dorm and let go of Hikari

When both of the Endo family members go back from the male dorm it just Airi and Hikaru are inside to spend a long time with him as much as they want to have time to spend together inside his dorm room.

Riko: hey...Hikari I'm glad that nii-chan was here back at the Sakurazaka Academy school together with us right?

Hikari: yes that was right but let's go back to the girl's dorm room while they have some time to talk to both of them about what they have missed

Riko: of course, Hikari let go and join us inside the dorm room

Once inside Hikaru male dorm room and later he was sitting down in the bedroom while both of them were touching their hand onto his hand and they were facing each other before Airi missed him that much until that day she forgot that she had a boyfriend Endo Riko's brother all these long.

Airi: Hikaru senpai I do miss this time with you but why did you send Yamadaki senpai back overseas for him to work there again

Hikaru: my work is finished and they need someone to go to have some work done with another person but Yamadaki is the perfect one to go for his time of work

Airi: Hikaru senpai can we do that you have kissed me that much every time you haven't kissed me went you left me to go overseas for work

In the meantime, Hikaru and Airi started to sweetly kiss each other while Hikaru pushed Airi onto the bed slowly he turned around to see that the door was closed and he put some sign outside the dorm room saying that the room was constructed inside to make some upgrades to the student dorm name is Endo Hikaru but not inside the Yamadaki Yuki dorm room.

Yamasaki: I miss nii-chan did he have some time to video call now

Morita: I don't know but I think he should call us any minute now right before he has time to call us

Out of the blue, Yamasaki had a video call from her brother who was working at an overseas place and she answered his calls and so did Morita who was beside his sister's shoulder and had a look at him on the video call on the phone.

Yamasaki: nii-chan it was you who were calling us back inside at the overseas work

Yamadaki: yes Tenchan and I do miss this moment with you too Morita we can talk while I have much left time right after I have to continue my work

Morita: I will talk with you along with your sister who misses this sweet moment with you but shall we have some talk with you senpai

They were walked back to the school cafeteria where they had some words with Yamadaki Yuki who was back again overseas it time for Hikaru to take care of both of them who were with him while Yamadaki can have call again and missed them pretty much every single day that they want to have some words to him.

Hikaru: Airi did you miss that thing you wanted to do while I was returning here at the academy

Airi: wait...are you saying that you want to have some fucking sex with me are you

Hikaru: yes of course I want to have sex with you for so long time but can you have some sex with me without wearing any condom to have sex

Without any sound coming from Hikaru had to put his huge cock inside Airi's cute fucking pussy until they were having much sex with her once he had missed these moments when every time of each other has sex with Airi went he had to go overseas for work and Airi were missed these have some last more sex with Hikaru.

Hikaru: Airi...I'm about to fucking cum right inside of your fucking pussy and please take it my overflow cum Airi!!

Airi: Hikaru senpai...please cum inside my fucking pussy and I want to feel your cum inside my pussy

Hikaru: as you wish my lady and here it comes Airi *overflow cum*

Suddenly, Airi are happy to have some sex with her boyfriend inside his dorm room Airi can see how much cum he was pouring outside of my pussy until he pulled out his huge cock and it keeps flow his sperm while Airi were keep sucking his cum right inside of her mouth to swallow everything sudden they stopped to have sex with Hikaru went both of them kissing each other lips while she fun great fucking sex with Endo Hikaru.