
Matters of the heart

They have known each other for a lifetime, they fought each other and often hated each other more than they loved each other, yet their history will be written in history. Donna Paulsen is the only woman who has been able to stand up to Harvey Specter, a man of one piece, who doesn't think he deserves love and doesn't even know what it is. Two different people, with distant goals and a life in common, after all they are and always will be the Darvey. It's true what they say, you don't realize you have everything you ever needed in front of you until it's late, but was it really like that? Is it the end or just the beginning?

TheDreamer92 · TV
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3. Shall we go to dinner?


★ Initiative: This story participates in the Drabble Weekend CoviDE - 19 event curated by We are out for prompt

★ Prompt / Trace: "So, this dinner?" by FRIDA RUSH

Harvey went into the house, took off his coat, and headed into the living room where the laughs were coming from.

He was surprised, but when he saw her on the phone he imagined who he was on the other side.

He walked over to her and kissed her without disturbing her.

"Are you done shoveling with your friend Rachel?" he asked him when he shortly afterwards saw her put her phone down.

"As if you didn't do the same with your little friend Mike," she replied, amused, as she pulled him to her to kiss him.

"So, this dinner?" Donna asked, remembering the promises she had made to her.

"We are already demanding Mrs. Specter!" Harvey said smiling, kissing her, while together they forgot the rest of the world.

Author space:

I'm back again

This time I'm giving you a little but sweet story that sees our Darvys struggling with life as a couple.

I do not hide that I'm getting used to having them on my pen ...

I think that, even in a few lines it was understood that I love to write about them, and I admit that I enjoy it because thanks to the prompts, the ideas come out millions of shades.

Well, I have no pretext, I hope you like it and that by reading it I can distract you from everyday life.

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