
Matters of the heart

They have known each other for a lifetime, they fought each other and often hated each other more than they loved each other, yet their history will be written in history. Donna Paulsen is the only woman who has been able to stand up to Harvey Specter, a man of one piece, who doesn't think he deserves love and doesn't even know what it is. Two different people, with distant goals and a life in common, after all they are and always will be the Darvey. It's true what they say, you don't realize you have everything you ever needed in front of you until it's late, but was it really like that? Is it the end or just the beginning?

TheDreamer92 · TV
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2. Are we married?


★ Initiative: This story participates in the Drabble Weekend CoviDE - 19 event curated by We are out for prompt

★ Prompt / Trace: How did she endure it all those years was a mystery and, even more so, how was she going to endure it from now on? By JEY M.T. ACKERMAN (PROMPT WITH SPOILER SEASON 9)

It had been a few hours since the fateful yes when Donna and Harvey returned to the house.

"Oh my God," Harvey immediately exclaimed, flanked shortly after by Donna looking at him in surprise.

"We really got married," he continued as he looked at the wedding ring on his hand.

"And here you go, Harvey Specter panicking," Donna teased, grinning as her eyes rested on the woman and her mind scanned her latest statements.

"I didn't mean ..." she hastened to clarify immediately.

"We only made official what we knew ten years ago."

How he had endured it all those years was a mystery and, even more so, how he was going to endure it from now on.

Author space:

And here I am again,

I do not hide that when I was given this prompt I already knew how it was supposed to be.

I hope that even in a small story like this I am ructa to give the right space to them, their love and everything they have always been. I love them, I always have and now even more.

I know, many did not love this season finale, not even me very much but at the same time I consider it a great ending.

Are they married? Oh mom yeah * _ *

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