

A young man who finds the world around him to be dull and bland as everything he does comes easy to him. He continues to act normally while being bothered by his inability to comprehend emotions which he counts as the price to pay for his apparent gift but feels more like a curse to him. Struggling to keep himself from standing out to avoid unwanted attention, also having minimal knowledge about the intricaces of his world left him feeling extremely unfulfilled. Trying to fill the void in his soul he began to search for something he couldn't overcome in a flash. All changes when he decides to dive into a vrmmorpg and begins to see humanity's true face when exposed to their mortality and a small ray of hope began to shine for our MC. A chance to fill the void in his soul or cause it to become completely hollow. will he remain indifferent to the world around him or be immersed in it as well. let's find out together, as New experiences and crazy encounters occurs in his life. p.s : I do not own any of the characters apart from my Mc, for now. p.s.s : Mc has no idea about the plot. This is a crossover world. main world: SAO, tbd......

Manuelxander97 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



Dec 2 2022




A very intricately designed blade sails gracefully through the air leaving destruction in it's wake.


*Schlick* resting the blade in it's sheath, the young man wielding said blade lets out a silent breath as he gazes at the empty sky above.


 Michael looks behind him to check on miku's progress and he wasn't disappointed with what he saw, she has come a long from when he first met her.


 He initially decided to train her to see if he could create an attack focused warrior but as of now he wasn't so sure if that's all there is to the situation anymore.


*Haah* Letting out another tired sigh....it seems he has been doing a lot of that lately, Getting out of his head , he headed towards miku as he saw that she was done fighting.


It's been a week since he met Asuna and the black swordsman Kirito in the labyrinth.


After they left the dungeon that day they exchanged info and added each other to their friends list for easy communication when needed.


Michael knew that it won't be long before the boss room is found and by his estimate the news about it would be spread today, knowing this he went on a grinding frenzy to prepare himself and dragged miku along for the ride.



Right now his level is about Level 15 And miku is Level 10.


During this period, Michael did some illogical stunts in order to perfect his current fighting style <Adeptus style>.


He realized that in order to improve he has to let go of logic sometimes and follow his feelings but he couldn't grasp that so he decided to trust his instincts instead..... against his better judgement and miku's initial protests till he proved to her that he could overcome any obstacle before him.


 Improving at an exponential rate, Michael was ecstatic with his progress rate and he firmly mastered the level of <STUDENT> in his style.


 At this level he could perform unusual and superhuman feats easily by incorporating his skills from the game into his style and he could take it even further.


At this point in time, he was a force to be reckoned with and doesn't even know his current limits.


The reason for him pursuing such strength is lost on michael and he hasn't even realized his sudden desire for power and only focused on the progression of his style.


Unknown to him a desire has already begun to form in his heart, his first true want.


Still dressed like a butler, He spoke to miku about her thoughts at the rate they are progressing and if she feels she could still continue for the day.


Miku dressed in her regular gold coloured attire with a kind of bikini armour with shoulder pads and a short skirt below because she is not wearing her full set of equipment because it restricts her movement by a large margin with michael being the only player present she is okay being dressed this way.



" Taking a break right about now wouldn't be a bad idea. I mean i don't mind going on but i could do with a change of scenery, you know" Miku responds to michael's query letting short breaths in quick intervals.


"okay, let's do that and i also feel like I've gotten to another block in my training" Michael says scrunching up his face in thought trying to come up with a solution for his recent problem.


Seeing Michael this way, Miku begins to smile as she appreciates his visage in this ay, she is always entranced by his hardworking personality and she finds to be very handsome when he is in his 'thinking mode'.


 Feeling fuzzy inside, she leaves him to his thoughts and just savours this feeling.


 Some minutes later, He snaps out of his thoughts and begins to head into the town of Tolbana to get some supplies and rest for the day with miku following silently by his side quietly and lost in her own fantasises.





On getting close to the town entrance. The bell rang twice signifying the time as 2:00 pm but Michael received a message from Kirito and Miku from Asuna to come to the stage in the town. Michael asked back

 "what for?"


Kirito" The boss room has been found!"

On seeing this message , Michael smirked and replied" coming through in a jiffy".


he closed the chat and turned to miku... She as looking at him with a serious face and michael smiled at her and said to her

" Are you ready for this ?"


"With you by my side, Always " Miku replied in a firm tone.


Michael could deduce the double meaning in her words but skillfully ignored it.


 At this rate he may end up becoming like those dense mc's for real. Sighing inwardly, He proceeded towards the stage in the town.


On the way they stopped by the blacksmith shop to get their weapons and armour checked so they could be prepared for any situation at any point in time.


Miku upgraded her 'Tsubame' to the limit and michael did some maintenance on his primary weapon as well.


Fully decked in her "golden princess" gear, Miku lead the way, as michael followed beside her in his butler outfit, Seeing this duo on the streets the people who knew of their epithet immediately recognized them as the "Golden princess and the butler" Duo.


MIchael couldn't help but think about the number of people that have already died in this time since the game started and he was humbled by the number, 1000!! players already dead and just on floor one with 99 floors to go.


He was initially very excited to challenge this game but during this short period of time he began to take the game more seriously because he doesn't want to lose his ally and student.


He will make her the strongest player after himself. That is his current goal and he will achieve it so he has to be infinitely more stronger to assist her whenever she may need it.



 He found his thought process confusing but he rationalized his recent change in behaviour this way.


Looking at miku beside him, he decided in his heart that she will definitely make it to the end, he will make sure of it.


 A fire began to burn bright in his eyes and more cracks began to form on the black intricately designed door in his soul. The cracks have spread around 20% on the surface with more light escaping into his stagnant soul brightening up the atmosphere.


Unknown to him many changes began to take place in his mind but he began to focus on plans for the boss raid and other matters related to clearing the boss such as the amount of effort he should put into the raid.


 But only time would decide the outcome here. He is really looking forward to this fight. Michael chuckled lightly thinking about the show to come.


That's a short one.

please guys if you feeling up to it and the novel's okay 👌👌 in your opinion, support me on ko-fi



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