
Mathematics professor returns to daily life

Lu You, known as Professor Lu, was recommended to a prestigious domestic university. He is nearly thirty years old. He has made good achievements in the field of mathematics and has a promising future. However, an accident happened. Without any preparation, he came to another world and returned to the age of fifteen. In the gentle daily life, he met the rest of his life and learned how to love someone. To the dear readers : This novel isn't written by me but translated INTO ENGLISH!! It is a novel I read and loved. Original title: 数学教授重回日常 Original author: 十页人缘

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40 Chs

Pet Shop

Sister Chen put on her apron, picked up Xiaobao, and put her in a bathtub. Turn on the shower head and wet the hair on his body little by little. Lu You and Tang Wan were watching from the side.

Xiaobao didn't scream or make any fuss, he just looked at the girl who was bathing him with his big eyes.

Logan looked at the peaceful expression of the kitten and said in surprise: "It's so peaceful. Isn't it said that kittens are afraid of water? Why does it seem to be enjoying it?"

"Every kitten is different. Xiaobao is relatively quiet and bold, and is not afraid of water." Lu You explained to her.

"And when Sister Chen was cutting its nails just now, she didn't resist much."

"It seems so."

After Xiao Bao got his whole body wet, his appearance changed dramatically. His hair stuck to his body softly, but his volume didn't change much.

Seeing this, Logan exclaimed: "It's still solid!"

"Short hair and short legs, they won't shrink much if they get wet."

Sister Chen squeezed the shower gel into the palm of her hand, smeared it on the kitten from beginning to end, and kept rubbing it with both hands.

At this time, Tang Wan poked Lu You's arm with her finger and motioned for him to ask about his ten-year relationship.

Lu You asked: "Sister Chen, how are you and my brother doing now?"

"How's it going? I've put away the rings, what do you think?" Sister Chen picked up the shower and washed away the foam on Xiao Bao.

"I heard that he has been chasing you for ten years. Is it really that long?"

Sister Chen pushed aside Xiao Bao's hair little by little so that the water could completely wash away the shower gel. She responded with a smile: "Yeah, I've been stumbling here for ten years."

"Are there many twists and turns?" Lu You asked.

"Trouble is not counted, but there are still frictions and quarrels." Memories and feelings from the past came to mind.

"We met in our senior year of high school and happened to be in the same class. Your brother really made me feel disgusting at that time. I often saw several girls surrounding him and giving him a bunch of gifts during holidays.

Call him a playboy, but he hasn't broken any boundaries with anyone; call him single-minded, and he's quite ambiguous with those girls. There was even a dormitory fight because of him. When I saw him, I took a detour.

But I never expected that we would go to the same university. He also came to me and told me that he liked me and could I be his girlfriend. "

"You probably didn't agree, right?" Lu You speculated.

"Of course I didn't agree. My first reaction was to panic. Why is this bad guy targeting me? I told him, hurry up. If you get lonely, rent a car, put out milk tea, and don't bother me." After that, Sister Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"What did he do next? Stalk him?"

"No, after listening to what I said, he just smiled and apologized to me for disturbing me, and then left. He was so neat and tidy that I was even embarrassed.

In the days that followed, I noticed him often. The girls around him have disappeared and they are all alone. We have several elective courses that are the same. He works very hard, has good grades, has a national scholarship, is handsome, has a good temperament, etc.

When he confessed his love again, I found myself reluctant to reject him. My reason tells me that this person is a scumbag and I should not get close to him; but emotionally I have some illusions. Could it be that he has changed his ways?

This time I didn't reject him completely. I told him, if you are sincere, tell me your attitude with actions. "

"Is my cousin nice to you? I think he doesn't look very serious at home during the Chinese New Year."

"Okay. If not, can I go home with him?" Sister Chen smiled softly, "Taking care of my daily life, tolerating my bad temper, understanding and supporting my dreams, and accompanying me to help me start a business. I have always persisted. Until now. He is the only one in the world who can do this."

"I really envy you, Sister Chen." Tang Wan had yearning in her eyes.

"What's there to envy?"

Sister Chen said, feeling a little angry for no reason.

"When I think about how this guy was messing with women ten years ago, I want to hammer him."

Then he pointed his chin towards Lu You.

"And don't you have one too? He's standing next to you. He looks good, has a good personality, and is clean and doesn't mess with girls. Although he's not tall enough, he still has a promising future."

The corner of Lu You's mouth twitched slightly. He had already praised others, so why was he still being aggressive?

Tang Wan's face turned red with embarrassment, and she waved her hands to deny it: "Sister Chen, don't talk nonsense. We are just classmates, not what you think."

"That's it for now, who knows in the future? You think so, Lu You."

Lu You nodded and answered ambiguously: "The days are long, who knows what will happen in the future?"

Suddenly, he felt an extra small hand on his waist. Before being pinched, he tightened his abdominal muscles to defend himself.

Tang Wan became angry because of embarrassment and wanted Lu You to see the consequences of talking nonsense. She put her hand on it and exerted a slight force. The feeling was completely different from what she expected. It was like touching a wooden board, hard but elastic.

She was filled with shock.

This is actually hard! He has abs!


Lu You pushed away the hand on her waist and interrupted her righteously: "Although we are quite familiar, it doesn't mean you can take advantage of me."

Before Tang Wan could speak, Sister Chen had already spoken to help her out: "Come on. Can you take advantage of your two ounces of meat?"

Then he turned his head and said to Logan in a friendly manner: "Is that Logan?"

"Well, yes." Logan responded obediently.

"Come here, come here and have a few words with your sister."

Then he said to Lu You in a bad tone: "What are you still standing here for? Do you want to eavesdrop? Go down to the second floor to play."


Lu You turned around and left.

It's impossible to protest. You can't win over girls anyway, so why not show off?

After Lu You disappeared at the top of the stairs, Sister Chen said to Tang Wan, "Can I call you Wan Wan?"

"Well, that's what my friends and family call me."

"You can also call me Sister Yuning."

"Okay, Sister Yuning."

Chen Yuning turned off the shower and started to apply conditioner on Xiao Bao. It didn't make a sound during the whole process, raising its head and looking back and forth at the two of them with its big, cute eyes.

Logan's eyes almost overflowed with tenderness, and she sighed, "It's really well-behaved."

"Yes." Chen Yuning also agreed, "Just like its owner."

"Lu You?"

Seeing her disbelief, Chen Yuning explained: "He looked exactly like Xiao Bao in his hometown. He was peaceful and didn't talk much."

Tang Wan fantasized about Lu You sitting upright on the sofa with her legs together, which always seemed funny.

"By the way, Wanwan, how long have you known each other?" Chen Yuning combed Xiao Bao's hair with a comb to allow the conditioner to penetrate into the roots.

Logan recalled the night she met him and said, "It's been three months."

"So, your relationship is progressing quite quickly."

"Hurry up, we are still just classmates, there is no progress."

"But your thoughts about him are more than just classmates, right?"

Logan didn't say anything, so he acquiesced.

Chen Yuning continued: "Recognize your own feelings and get to know him slowly. I can see that Xiao Lu still has a good impression of you. The two of them like each other, and it will always be a pity if they don't get together. "

"He... really has a crush on me?"

"I've seen how he treats other girls, so when he showed up with you and introduced you to me, I knew he treated you differently."

Logan smiled unconsciously, feeling at peace in his heart.

On the other side, Lu You was wandering around on the second floor. This floor is mainly an exhibition pet store. You can see all kinds of puppets, shorthair, husky, and golden retrievers.

It is said that there are other rare pets on the fourth floor of the store, such as geckos, snakes, and turtles. But Lu You didn't have a good impression of reptiles naturally. He felt very angry when he saw them, so he never went to visit them.

Lu You suddenly stopped and found that in the fence on one side, there were several round, black and white creatures with furry bodies, sticking out their tongues and looking at him.

"Has your family started raising pigs?" Lu You pointed at the unknown creature and asked the employee next to him.

"This is Alaska. I just arrived here not long ago." The employee explained with a smile.

When several piglets realized that someone was paying attention to them, they all happily lay on the fence and yelled at Lu You.


Lu You became interested and asked, "Can I go in and have a look?"

"Of course, no problem." The employee said and led him inside.

As soon as he took a step forward, several fur balls swarmed up to him and licked him randomly. After finally squeezing in and finding a place to sit, they came up again and humped their furry heads.

"Are these things always so enthusiastic?" Lu You was so squeezed that he could hardly breathe, and his face was covered with dog hair.

"No. I'm usually pretty calm. Maybe I have a crush on you?"

The clerk was also very surprised. These little guys were not so active in eating in the past, but now they are like taking hormones.

Lu You couldn't hold it anymore, so he pinched the back of the neck of the Alaskan pig that was spinning in front of him, and warned: "That's enough! If you squeeze it again, I will shave your hair and let you run naked." Sit down, everyone."

The little pigs seemed to understand his words and squatted on the ground obediently.

The clerk was stunned. He had never seen this situation before.

"Why do they listen to you so much? Do they know each other?"

"No." Lu You stroked the heads of several little ones one by one and said, "This is the first time I've seen Alaska. As for why they listened to me, just ask them. I don't know."

"By the way, here's a pack of freeze-dried ones. I'll play with them for a while."

"Please wait."

After Xiaoman came out of the roasted cat box and walked into the flight box, Tang Wan said to Chen Yuning: "Sister Yuning, I'm leaving first."

Chen Yuning nodded and said, "Okay, walk slowly. Come play with Xiao Lu when you have time."

"Okay, I will." After saying that, he picked up the flight case and left.

Logan came to the second floor and walked around when he happened to see such a scene.

Lu You was sitting on the ground, with his right hand extended with his palm facing upward, and his left hand holding freeze-dried balls. There were several black and white fur balls squatting in front of him.

"Piggy One, shake hands."

Furball raised a paw and placed it on his right hand.

"Very well, open your mouth."

Furball did as he was told and opened his mouth. Then he put the freeze-dry in.


The fur ball originally lined up in front of Lu You walked to the end of the queue, and the second fur ball stepped forward.

"Little Pig No. 2, bark twice."

"Woof woof."

"Very well, open your mouth."

Tang Wan was shocked. She didn't expect Lu You to have the ability to tame animals. She stepped forward and couldn't help but ask: "Did you use any magic?"

"You're here!" Lu You looked back at her and said, "Would you like to touch it too? The fur feels so good."

Tang Wan was a little moved, but when she saw the hair on Lu You's body, she lost interest. He refused: "No, I just want to watch you play."

Lu You thought for a while and decided to accompany Logan, so he turned around and said, "Okay, piglets, I'm going back. Let's play together next time." Then each one touched the dog's head, got up and exited the fence.

Then he took the hair gluer in his hand, removed the dog hair on his body, and walked towards Logan.

Seeing him coming over, Logan asked, "Aren't you going to continue playing?"

"After playing for almost an hour, it's enough."

"Any other plans next?"

"No, what about you?"

"Me neither."

Lu You thought for a while and then said: "Then go back and play cards with Li Yu and the others. I will take you home after dinner."
