
Mathematics professor returns to daily life

Lu You, known as Professor Lu, was recommended to a prestigious domestic university. He is nearly thirty years old. He has made good achievements in the field of mathematics and has a promising future. However, an accident happened. Without any preparation, he came to another world and returned to the age of fifteen. In the gentle daily life, he met the rest of his life and learned how to love someone. To the dear readers : This novel isn't written by me but translated INTO ENGLISH!! It is a novel I read and loved. Original title: 数学教授重回日常 Original author: 十页人缘

UnknownRose · Realistic
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40 Chs


It's mid-November.

Recently, there has been a cold air moving southward, and the temperature has plummeted from 267 to 1567. All Chunhua students have put on their winter uniforms.

After the three classes in the morning, there was a twenty-minute break between classes.

According to normal conditions, they would go downstairs to do exercises. However, there will be midterm exams in the next four days, so the school mercifully suspended recess exercises for a week.

Lu You put away the textbooks from the previous class, and then took out a college entrance examination mathematics simulation paper from the test paper folder. He planned to finish one test paper in two consecutive mathematics classes.

After these three months of studying questions, Lu You has completely figured out the general scope of the college entrance examination mathematics, and his speed and accuracy in writing papers have also improved a lot.

Now I can get a stable score of 130 points in the math college entrance examination simulation paper. Any improvement in the future will be a waste of time and effort.

In terms of comprehensive science, I can basically get full marks in physics, but biology and chemistry are still far away from the college entrance examination level. I have only fully mastered the contents of the first year of high school.

After all, Lu You didn't go to high school in his previous life, so he had to learn these two subjects from scratch. He was already very strong if he could finish the contents of the first year of high school in three months, let alone master them completely.

As for English and Chinese, he just needs to be good at it. However, the former is more than 140 casually, while the latter is just messed up. After memorizing the text, understanding classical Chinese well, let the rest be whatever happens.

At this time, a hand patted Lu You's shoulder, and Meng Yi's voice came from above his head.

"Let's go to the canteen."

Lu You turned around and asked, "Lao Liang, do you want to bring anything for you?"

"Buy me a corn bag and Mala cake." After saying this, Yuan Wenliang stretched out his hand to take Lu You's water glass and stood up to fetch water.

When one person runs errands, the other goes to help fetch water. They have formed a tacit understanding after being at the same table for two months.

The two of them walked out of the teaching building, and a gust of cold wind blew by, making them shiver in unison.

"I'm numb. I slept in short-sleeved shorts last night and was woken up by the cold in the middle of the night." Meng Yi stuffed his hands into his coat pockets and complained.

"I heard it will be even colder tomorrow, so you have to wear a windproof helmet then. Otherwise, I might die on the way in the morning. Walk faster, is it fun to be cold?" Lu You urged.

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming, don't be in such a hurry." Meng Yi quickly followed and said to him, "Are you sure about the midterm exam tomorrow?"

"It's just the mid-term exam, not the college entrance examination. Just deal with it casually." Lu You said casually.

Hearing the words "deal with it casually", Meng Yi's eyes became a little resentful and said: "You also said that you could just run around in the previous physical test. What was the result?"

"Uh..." Lu You looked a little embarrassed, "Well, after all, everyone's level is different, and the level of casualness is also different."

"You should be more accurate."

After Lu You made an estimate, he responded: "Don't worry, I will only score over 700 points in the exam."

"More than seven hundred? This is too low."

There were nine subjects in the first semester of high school, and the full score was 1050. The test was only over 700, which is really too low. Moreover, it was only half a semester of high school, and the things learned were shallow. Not to mention more than 1,000, it should be more than 900. It must be there.

"I'm at this level, there's nothing I can do."

"It's okay. The goddess will help you study every Saturday. You will definitely get more than this score. Be confident."

Hearing others say that Tang Wan is a goddess, Lu You always feels a little strange in his heart.

Half a semester into the school year, Logan's reputation has spread throughout the school. She has a sweet voice, a good figure, and is a student in the Rocket Class. It is impossible not to attract attention. Among the boys Lu You knew, he was extremely popular.

There were rumors about Tang Wan tutoring Lu You in his studies for a while, but the two only met on Saturday night and basically didn't spend much time together at other times, so they let it go.

"The goddess is also an ordinary person, so she can't turn my level of 700 into 900."

"Shut up, you bitch!" Meng Yi glared angrily, "You got an advantage and acted like a good boy. If you let her tutor me in my studies, I can take the first place in the exam."

"She decides her own affairs. How can I ask her to do something?"

"Hey, someone like a goddess must be very gentle when teaching people to learn." Meng Yi's eyes were wandering and he was thinking wildly.

It's hard to say.

Lu You remembered the scene where he pretended to know a math problem and then asked Logan about it.

She took the question, read it over first, then wrote out the process in twos and twos, then put it back to herself and said, "Look at the process for yourself, and ask again if you don't know how to do it."

But, how can Lu You not know it? It can only be said that he understands the process.

The two came to the canteen and looked at the crowded crowd. They decided to go their separate ways.

Meng Yi: "I'll go in and buy some packs of fish larvae. What do you want?"

Lu You: "Bring me a bottle of Yantang pure milk. What do you want outside?"

Meng Yi: "Buy me a glutinous rice chicken and leave now."

Although there were many people surrounding the steamer outside, the transaction was fast, and Lu You bought it in a short time. A bag of Yuan Wenliang's bread and Mala cake, a bag of Meng Yi's glutinous rice chicken, and a bag of his own eggs and steamed dumplings.

He walked to an open space aside and leaned against the wall waiting for Meng Yi to come out. Occasionally, girls would pass by, and some would look back at him. In fact, he is also quite popular among girls, but he doesn't know it himself, and because he usually behaves in a low-key manner, he doesn't get much attention.

At this time, a tall, thin, handsome boy with thick bangs on his forehead walked up to Lu You, followed by two male classmates.

With an inexplicable smile, he said with some familiarity: "Classmate Lu, long time no see."

Lu You was confused and asked doubtfully: "Who are you?"

"My name is Shao Ling, remember me."

"Sorry, I have no impression at all." Lu You said apologetically.

Shao Ling's smiling face froze, he took a deep breath and patiently reminded: "It's just the same as you who went on stage to sing during military training."

"Sorry." Lu You could only remember those few people, and he had forgotten the others.

"It's okay." Shao Ling said not to worry, "Just let's get to know each other again."

"What do you want from me?" Lu You asked him straight to the point.

"We are all classmates. I see you alone, so I come here to talk to you."

Lu You looked around and said, "There are many lonely classmates around. Why are you looking for me? Just tell me your story."

When Shao Ling saw that he had been seen through, he was not embarrassed. Instead, he admitted it openly and said, "Okay, I really need your help with something. I don't know if you can agree."

There was a hint of joking in Lu You's eyes, but he was still polite and still had a smile on his face as he asked: "What's the matter?"

"It's a very small thing, you can definitely accomplish it."

"You tell me what it is first. It's up to me to decide whether to answer or not." Lu You's face was expressionless at this time, and his tone was very calm.

Shao Ling looked around and asked him in a low voice: "I heard that you are quite familiar with the school beauty from Class 2. Is it true?"

Lu You's eyes were filled with indifference, and he said calmly: "I don't know any school beauties."

"Hey, stop pretending. It's just Logan from Class 2. I study with you every Saturday night." After saying that, he gave me a look that everyone knew.

"Then." Lu You wanted to see what he was planning.

"Can you call her out and introduce us to her?" Then, fearing that he would refuse, Shao Ling continued: "Don't worry, we just want to talk to her. You won't agree to this, right?"

Lu You didn't answer. He looked up at the blue sky and said carelessly, "The sky is so blue."

Shao Ling was confused, looked up, and said in confusion: "It's quite blue, but does that have anything to do with what I said?"

"Yes." Lu You looked away and looked at him coldly, "Then what does it have to do with you that me and Logan know each other?"

Shao Ling felt angry and stopped pretending. He showed a disdainful expression and said provocatively: "Isn't it because you can't get an appointment? You are so pushy and you are saying you have a good relationship?"

Lu You finally understood who this person was, and folded his hands in front of his chest, preparing for a verbal spat.

"I don't need to tell you whether we have a date or not. As for whether our relationship is good or not, do we need you to prove it?"

"Are you so stingy?" Shao Ling's voice increased a lot, "You don't have a crush on Tang Wan, do you?"

The eyes of the people around him were suddenly attracted.

Tang Wan, who was sitting under the shade of a tree and chatting with Xu Nian, seemed to hear his name and looked up to where the sound came from.

"Why does it seem like someone is calling me?"

"Really?" Xu Nian also raised his head and looked over.

Tang Wan recognized at a glance that the boy leaning against the wall with his arms folded was Lu You, but the cold expression on his face was the first time she had seen it.

Xu Nian squinted his eyes so that he could see more clearly, and then said uncertainly: "There seems to be a quarrel over there, right?"

Logan had already poured out the soup powder in his hand and walked quickly over there.

"Every year, I'll go over and have a look."

Xu Nian gulped down the soup noodles and quickly followed.

Lu You sneered and said sarcastically: "Did you touch Selu with your little mouth? Did you spray everything out?"

"I'm just asking you to do something small. If you don't agree, I won't agree. It doesn't have to be so exaggerated, right?" Shao Ling's voice rose again. Seeing more and more eyes around him, he began to disguise himself as a victim.

"It seems that you have the potential to be a BBC reporter. You are good at taking quotes out of context and distorting facts." Lu You didn't tolerate him at all.

"Besides, I'm your father? Just help when you ask me to help? Do you really take yourself seriously? If you can't recognize yourself, just look in the mirror more often; if you don't have a brain, just eat more walnuts and see if you can grow Come out; if you don't have some capital, don't imitate the rich second-generation villain in the novel to fill the cup."

"You..." Shao Ling was furious and wanted to say something else.

Lu You interrupted directly: "Goodbye, talking to an idiot like you is a waste of time."

After saying that, he walked towards the crowd and disappeared.

Shao Ling is too weak to do it now. Even if you have 10,000 curse words, but others simply refuse to listen to you, you will still be the clown in the end. He hit the wall hard and cursed: "md!"

The two boys following him also looked at each other and ignored him.

The reason why Lu You left so quickly was because he spotted Tang Wan in the crowd. If he had time to fight, he might as well stay with her for one more minute.

Tang Wan looked at Lu You next to him in surprise and asked, "Why did you come here so quickly? I've only been here a while ago."

"I don't bother talking to idiots because I'm afraid of being outwitted." Lu You said to her with a smile.

"What are you arguing about? Why do I seem to hear my name? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"He said something that really upset me, and then he started swearing."

"It seems like you're quite happy scolding me."

"It's okay." Lu You shrugged, "Just treat it as a pastime in your free time."

At this time, the preparation bell rang, and their expressions changed slightly at the same time. They stopped talking and ran towards the classroom.