
Material Conversion

Born with an abnormally languished and frail constitution since birth, he has to survive with many struggles while plagued by terminal ailments and disorders, such as frequent joint pains, fragile flaking skin tissues, profuse and unceasing bleeding of small wounds, gradual thinning hairs, and many other unaccountable malignancies and diseases that afflicted and ate away at his body. Now faced with an unforeseen tragic loss of a loved one right in front of his eyes, how would he react to the sudden loss? Would he break down from the emotional pain that could not be healed, no matter what? Or would he embrace the trauma, along with his newfound strength as a driving force to fuel his vengeful heart and seek revenge on the ones who caused him to lose what was more important to him than his meager life? What would he choose in the end on his path filled with loss, sorrow, blood, carnage, and revenge? Would he succumb to his emotions, or would he break out of his endless trauma and discover the secret behind the excessive and unreasonable tragedies? Or would he be devoured by his own powers before discovering the dark truth?

BadMindDarkRaven · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Beast Horde Attack

Upon hearing the young man's questions, Cyril didn't bother to respond as he didn't feel comfortable discussing the reasons for his journey with a stranger he had just met. Sensing Cyril's hesitation, the young man decided not to pry and reached into his waist pouch. He took out pieces of jerky from a wrap and gestured toward Cyril.

"If you have nothing to eat, you can have some of my jerky."

Before Cyril could refuse, the young man handed him the meat and insisted: "Just take it. I packed plenty before setting off. Since we're all from the same city, it's  only natural to help each other out. Also, I won't ask why you left home, so don't worry. By the way, my name is Tim, Tim Craws. As you can see, I'm a combatant, Rank 2 to be precise."

After introducing himself, Tim extended his hand with a smile on his face. Cyril hesitated for a moment but eventually shook Tim's hand and replied: "I'm Cyril, a Rank 1 combatant."
