
Mated to the King

They say that a blind wolf has no value. A wolf pup born blind should be given a swift death by the parents or by nature but what happens when nature decides to spare a blind wolf? Though blind she overcame lots of obstacles and ended up leading the largest pack equal to that of a King. What'll happen when she finds out what her true identity is? Will she and her brother save the world or destroy it? Will they be consumed by their power or will they ignore the temptation?

_Sienna_04 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Who're you?

After a long night of traveling, they landed in the land of the wolves though they have a peace treaty with the wolves they rather keep to themselves.

"Which pack are we going to father?" Owen asks as they enter the waiting car.

"Copper Stones." Gabriel responds somewhat lost in his thoughts.

"Great." Owen says getting his father's attention.

"What happened?" Gabriel asks taking a sip of scotch and handing his son a glass.

"Nothing much. The Alpha tried to frame me for raping his daughter a few years back but my innocence was proved." Owen says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"We're meeting your grandparents there." Gabriel says and Owen nods in acknowledgment.

When they arrive at the border of the Copper Stones pack, his in-laws are already there buzzing with excited energy wanting to meet the youngest of their grandchildren.

"Hey Grandma, Grandpa." Owen says hugging his grandparents. which they happily return.

"So happy to see you." His grandmother Karen says as she moves to hug her son-in-law.

"How about we catch up after we get the information needed?" Owen says and everyone voices their agreement. Leaving the car behind they approach the patrolling guards at the pack border gates.

"What do you want bloodsucker?" Guard one asks them and Gabriel smiles.

"We're here to see your Alpha and Luna." He says smiling politely as the guards look at each other before mind linking the Alpha and Luna of the pack. It doesn't take long before they arrive with their children in toe.

"Gabriel?" Maria asks and he smirks at her enjoying as she turns pale.

"So this is him, huh?" Her mate asks and she nods nervously as she looks at him.

"What do you want?" Alpha Carl asks.

"What any concerned parent wants. To know where his children are." Gabriel says his eyes landing on Eric the eldest son.

"You can't have him." Maria says stepping in front of Eric who stares at Gabriel feeling the parental bond.

"He's my father?"Eric asks already knowing the answer subconsciously as his mother stands in front of him.

"Yes." Gabriel says answering his question with a gentle smile.

"Why did you tell me my father was dead?" Eric asks Maria eyes not leaving his father.

"I didn't want to lose you." She says to him tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"You lost me when you allowed him to abuse me for years. You stood by the side and let it happen." Eric says in a dry monotone.

"Where's his sister?" Grabiel asks.

"I have a sister?" He asks confused.

"A twin sister to be exact." Gabriel says.

"I don't know. She's blind and she was left in the woods up to nature's decision." Marai says.

"You just left her to die?!" Eric asks raising his voice and his mother starts to laugh.

"Not only that I tried to get rid of one of you but it didn't work. I tried drugs and alcohol but nothing worked." She says as tears flow down her cheeks.

"You tried to murder your own child!" Gabriel yells trying to keep a lid on his anger.

"It doesn't matter. I had my son and that's enough for me." She says before bursting into laughter again and sinking to her knees.

"If she was dead wouldn't I feel it?" Eric asks looking at his father and Maria tenses.

"Yes, you would." Owen says looking at his little brother.

"Who're you?" Eric asks.

"I'm Owen. Your older brother." He responds with a smile and Eric returns it.

"So I'm half-vampire?" Eric asks and Gabriel nods at him.

"Cool." Eric says with a childlike joy in his eyes causing his grandparents to smile at him.

"Who's the older twin?" Erica asks looking at a quietly crying Maria.

"She is." She responds between sobs.

"You'll be lucky if you find her. I mean we all know how the werewolf society treats blind wolves." Alpha Carl says smirking.

"What's your name father?" Eric asks looking at Gabriel.

"Vandimir. Gabriel Vandimir." Gabriel responds and the smug smile on Alpha Carl's face disappears as he realizes that he's talking to royalty. Vampire royalty.

"We're leaving tomorrow. Are you coming with us or do you want to stay?" Gabriel asks looking at Eric. He looks at his mother and then back at his half-siblings before looking at his father.

"I'm coming with you. I wanna find my sister and I wanna learn about my other siblings if you'll have me?" Eric asks nervously.

"Of course." Karen says smiling gently at him and he returns her smile nervously.

"Eric don't go. Please?" Maria asks as she clings to her son's leg preventing him from walking forward.

"I'll visit but that's all I'll promise." He says pulling his leg out of her grasp and walking towards his father leaving the sad family life he knew behind. With one last looking at the crying Maria, her mate, and their family Gabriel turns and walks away leaving them without any last words.

"Who're you?" Eric asks looking at his grandparents.

"I'm your grandmother, Karen and this is your grandfather, Roger." She says smiling at him pinpointing son in-law's facial features.

"How do you plan to find our sister?" Owen asks looking at his father.

"Do you know anything, Eric?" Gabriel asks him.

"Well I'm nineteen soooo they left her in the forest eighteen years ago. Alpha carl said that he drugged her and the warrior assigned the tasks left her in the forest." Eric says.

"When did you first shift?" Gabriel asks him.

"At age three." Eric responds with a shrug of his shoulders and Gabriel smiles at him.

"Is that important?" He asks and Owen nods.

"She shifted at age three and since she's the older twin she prompted your own." Gabriel says and Eric's eyes widen as an excited smile appears on his face thanking his sister mentally for shifting early aiding him in surviving so long under the abuse.

"Well let's not worry about that now. Are you hungry Eric?" Roger asks his grandson and he nods.

"Let's get lunch." Owen says and everyone voices their agreement on the way to the restaurant.

'I can't wait to find you, my daughter.' Gabriel thinks as he looks at Eric's interaction with his family as though he's been around them for years smiling softly.

Sooo...........that was a bit much to unpack, right?

So meet Eric her younger twin brother. You'll get to know him more as the story goes on.

Hope you're excited and enjoy the update!

_Sienna_04creators' thoughts