
Mated to the King

They say that a blind wolf has no value. A wolf pup born blind should be given a swift death by the parents or by nature but what happens when nature decides to spare a blind wolf? Though blind she overcame lots of obstacles and ended up leading the largest pack equal to that of a King. What'll happen when she finds out what her true identity is? Will she and her brother save the world or destroy it? Will they be consumed by their power or will they ignore the temptation?

_Sienna_04 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


"My king, we've found her." Jaxon says handing Gabriel a table let with the relevant file open. Gabriel takes it while placing his glass of wine on the desk.

"Thank you, Jaxon, You're dismissed for the night." Gabriel responds and with a nod of his head, Jaxon leaves the office. Reading through the file on his ex, Maria who's now mated to the Alpha of the Copper Stones pack but furrows his eyebrows when finds that she gave birth to twins eighteen years ago a couple of months after their breakup.

"What has you so serious?" His wife, Erica asks naturally bringing a smile to his face as he looks up from the tablet. He takes in her cherry blonde hair in a messy bun and peach silk pajamas with her petite 5ft3 curvy figure.

"Found Maria." He says to her as she perches herself in his lap.

"About time. She's as slippery as an eel." She says taking the tablet from Gabriel who nuzzles her neck inhaling her scent of almonds and honey.

"So you have twins." Erica says going through the digital file and she feels Gabriel nod his head despite his nose being buried in her hair.

"So what are you going to do?" She asks him placing the tablet on his desk and stealing a sip of his wine.

"I'm going to pay them a little visit since they legally registered that my daughter is dead." He says silently fuming.

"Well, you can do all that tomorrow. Come to bed." Erica says standing and pulling him up with her. He doesn't fight it and allows her to lead him to their adjoining bedroom. He changes out of his suit and into some comfortable sweat pants and heads to bed with his wife. The next morning when they join their children for breakfast they are bombarded with questions about their youngest siblings.

"What are their names, dad?" Isabella their oldest daughter asks as she takes a bite of her pancake. She's 5ft8 with straight shoulder-length hair dyed red with sky blue eyes like her mother, light pink lips, barely noticeable chiseled cheekbones, thinly arched eyebrows, and still in her pajamas since she doesn't head to head to the office early today.

"Were you eavesdropping when you were supposed to be asleep?" Erica asks and the children at the table fall silent.

"Why am I not surprised." Erica says with a hint of displeasure in her voice.

"But we have a right to know." Owen, their eldest son says taking a sip of his coffee a spitting image of his father. Stormy grey eyes were hidden behind long light brown lashes the same color as the trimmed curls atop his head and a muscular frame of 6ft7 in height who loves wearing jeans and jerseys with sneaks not a fan of fancy suits.

"I'm not saying that you don't. We would've told you when we found enough information or found them as a surprise." Erica responds and Gabriel says nothing since his children fear their mother more than they do him.

"Sorry, mom." Isabella says keeping her gaze locked on her now empty plate while Owen says nothing.

"Owen." Gabriel says pinning his son with an expectant gaze making him sigh.

"Sorry ma." He says in response and Erica nods satisfied.

"Where are the twins and Leo?" Erica asks taking a sip of her apple juice.

"School for the twins and Leo is at the shelter." Owen responds just as he takes one last sip of his coffee.

"Your siblings are part werewolf." Gabriel says expecting his children to react negatively since they don't have relatively good relationships with the wolves though they signed a treaty.

"So what? They're our siblings no matter what." Isabell says and Owen nods in agreement.

"Then that saves us a great degree of trouble then." Gabriel says smiling.

"When are you leaving?" Erica asks.

"Tonight." He responds.

"Who are you going with?" Erica asks.

"Owen and Dave." Gabriel responds and Owen allows a smile to grace his slightly dark pink lips.

"Are you going to tell your parents?" Erica asks and Gabreial pauses as though pondering the pros and cons of the answer.

"I don't see why not." Gabriel says considering his father is a werewolf who was overdosed with silver when his parents found out he was mated to a vampire. He survived but lost his wolf which according to him is like losing a part of yourself you didn't think you'll miss because you thought it'll always be there but his mother decided to turn him and instead of reacting poorly to the venom his body readily accepted it. The strength and various abilities one develops through the years he acquired in a matter of months.

They didn't expect it but most of the vampires, even the council that have been ruling for years before suggested that they become king and queen of the vampire world. Though hesitant at first and accepted and face many trials, obstacles and tribulations before the time of peace that is still present to this day.

"I'll contact them later." Gabriel says before giving his wife a gentle kiss then leaves the dining room heading to his office.

"Morning ma, Owen, Isa." Leo says as he enters the dining room with his breakfast plate.

"Morning sweetie. You're back early." Erica says.

"Weren't many people at the shelter today." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Didn't feel like doing overtime?" Erica asks shooting a warning look at Isabella and Owen.

"Nah. Not today." He says talking in-between bites.

"Where's pop?" He asks referring to his father.

"He just went into his office." Erica says.

"Dave asked me to give him this." He says holding up a flash drive.

"You know where to find him." Erica says smiling at her son as he places the last piece of pancake in his mouth before leaving the dining room. He makes a quick stop at his father's office relaying the message and handing over the flash drive then heads to his room to catch some more sleep.

So he finally found them well.....their mother anyway but close enough, right?

I wonder what their reactions will be when they're found by their father?

Hope you enjoy it and more in the next chapter!

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