

my name is Natasha my whole life was a night mare but my nightmare ended when my mates found my loved me and cherished

yanah_ivan · Fantasy
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37 Chs

chapter 13

stevens pov

i looked at mymate sleeping in my arms so peacefully she look so tired although im not satisfied for only a single round i cant wake her now

" go get two wet towels and don't forget to put your pants on " i said to Stephen

after few minutes he returned with two towels and i took them and started wiping my mates body clean

" go wash up " i said as i continue wiping Natasha after i finished Stephen was already done washing and returned to bed with his pants

i also went to wash my self with cold water to cool my self down after i finished i returned to the room and found Stephen sitting near the bed

" we need to talk " i told him and left the room and went directly in my out office and Stephen arrived shortly after me

" did Natasha told you anything about her? " i asked

" no i dont think she wanted to talk about it " said Stephen as he sat in a nearby sofa

" i think our mate was abused in her pack i found alot whipping marks on her body when i was cleaning her " o said looking at him

" i also saw them too when you were in the bathroom looks like our mate suffered alot i wish we were able to find her earlier " said Stephen as he stood up and started pacing around the room

" calm down now "

" i cant i feel like killing them all for what they did to her "

" me too but we have to wait for now we cant just kill them for nothing we have to find some evidence about any evil dealings he is into , the more the better so when we kill him will be with many valid reasons cause we are the alpha kings we cant do things so rashly do you hear me? " i said to him

" but. ..."

" there is no but in this for now lets concentrate with our mate she needs us than anything else " i told him

" yeah "

" and remember dont ask her anything related to his pack let just let her be she will tell us when she is ready "

" sure but you have to tell mom and dad not to ask too " said Stephen

" yeah i will "

" im out of here i need my mate to cool my wolf down " said Stephen and left the room and did i

when we arrived into the room our mate was sleeping comfortably on bed

we both slept on each side but now Stephen took her in her arm so i just squeeze my self on her back and put my hand on her stomach and slept