
Kai's Resolve

Kai's pov.......

Since after that night, Sue has been ignoring me, like she was literally acting like I didn't even exist and it was really bugging me out. What went wrong? Why was she getting angry with me now? Why was she realizing my mistakes now? Was it because of the mate mark or even the heat, did it do things like this? I was so confused and frustrated, I needed answers to my questions.

Sue hated me, that was the conclusion I came up with after much thoughts about it, I mean what else could be the explanation for her sudden change in attitude towards me, I didn't even know what to do do or think anymore. I swirled my hands through my hair and groaned, what was happening to me, why was I getting cooked up over such trivial matters, shouldn't I be happy that Sue was no longer acting like a pest, what has Sue done to me. Maybe I was so used to her pestering me that her no longer hovering around me was making me feel weird, yes that must be it.